Diablo Immortal


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The amount of spending required to stay relevant would be 300$ minimum and over 500$ total.

I can't justify that kind of money on a mobile game.

I won't light money on fire just to hang in some PC beta of a cash grab. No matter if I enjoyed my time in h3 or not.
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Molten Core Raider
The amount of spending required to stay relevant would be 300$ minimum and over 500$ total.

I can't justify that kind of money on a mobile game.

I won't light money on fire just to hang in some PC beta of a cash grab. No matter if I enjoyed my time in h3 or not.
Yep, thankful I didn't break my wallet either, but they definitely know what they are doing.

I constantly PF group with people that HAD to have spent 1k+ because their damage and stats are insane. I see them wrecking shit but thankfully I know I can't afford to compete. I bought 2 bundles and ended up with a 2/5 BSJ. ......and that is the extent of my spending.

Honestly it's still very much a mobile game and not worth it. 50 cr till I can work on my set rings and then I'm gone, helps that I'm not in a top tier clan as well.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yep, thankful I didn't break my wallet either, but they definitely know what they are doing.

I constantly PF group with people that HAD to have spent 1k+ because their damage and stats are insane. I see them wrecking shit but thankfully I know I can't afford to compete. I bought 2 bundles and ended up with a 2/5 BSJ. ......and that is the extent of my spending.

Honestly it's still very much a mobile game and not worth it. 50 cr till I can work on my set rings and then I'm gone, helps that I'm not in a top tier clan as well.

I'm looking for reasons to get out of the top Immortal competitor scene asap to try to salvage some h4 fun.

Maybe find a mid-level Shadow clan and fuck around in the Rite.

Right now I see after I was removed from Rite tonight, that I was added back to Team 2 without my knowledge 5 minutes before the Rite began. I'll cite that as junk leadership. You don't drop someone to reserves like garbage then push them to the 2 top teams in our clan without communication. I'm not triggered by it because I really hoped to get benched and use that as a reason to ditch. I'm gonna reality check the officers and let them know there's probably not even a D list Shadow clan that would make a last minute adjustment to the top 5 teams. That's not how you reign.

Par for the course with this. And yeah, 1,000 USD seems to be what most people have spent. 500 dollars will just make you "somewhat legit". It's about 1,000 dollars right now to actually be on a top 3 clan roster and look like you are trying.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
people still play this? lol some people have too much money than sense

Not only are they playing, but they are spending more than ever.

1 guild = 100 people

Guilds have to maintain maximum active ranks to compete. That's a requisite of the PvP system.

That's 300 people in my immediate alliance that have spent close to 1,000 dollars per character.

Overall 5 other guilds in contention. Each has to spend the same money.

A month ago it wasn't a problem.

Its a problem now, and Blizzard will need to address gem power for 1 star gems.


Trakanon Raider
So my clan allied with two others (one a chinese whale clan who carried us in the final battle) and we managed to beat the super whale clan and their 2 sister whale guilds in the rite and the whale alliance absolutely lost their shit for a solid 45 minutes in chat. If nothing else playing the game to experience that epic meltdown was worth every second.

First time Immortal so should be an interesting experience. Day one felt like a shitty college orientation though.

Clan leader posts a roster update every week with everyones PLvl, CR, and Res and out of 97 people on the roster I learned that i’m tied dead last with another person at 375 Res. The vast majority are roughly at or beyond 1k so I can definitely emphasize with Jay. I’ve only maintained my spot on the roster by being the second highest level in the clan (top 10-15 on server at 11 over P) but the Res advantage everyone has is making it harder and harder to compete with the others and i’m tired of grinding in circles at 20% XP.


Molten Core Raider
Not only are they playing, but they are spending more than ever.

1 guild = 100 people

Guilds have to maintain maximum active ranks to compete. That's a requisite of the PvP system.

That's 300 people in my immediate alliance that have spent close to 1,000 dollars per character.

Overall 5 other guilds in contention. Each has to spend the same money.

A month ago it wasn't a problem.

Its a problem now, and Blizzard will need to address gem power for 1 star gems.

You aren't lying, that's exactly what I realized the other day......Blizzard is making bank and ruining their reputation just as fast.

Hope it was worth it!

Farming those little imp bastards in h4 Shissar sea and have yellow ring upgrades lined up for when i hit 150 para. Did CR 95 yesterday solo, figuring once I complete my set im retiring my weak ass barb; At least until they inevitably add less worthless content addons and maybe make legemdary crests more available for ppl that dont want to spend thousands on a mobile game
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Molten Core Raider
Yep I was right, hit 150 the other day and 2 set items plus the 3 items I had stashed jumped me to like 3690 cr.

Still have no real desire to log in and do the same 5 minute dungeons 10000x over to get my desired set items with decent stats.

Until they add actual real content with new dungeons, more legendaries / set items, and more intricate stats I think my time is done. Feel bad for my clan to some extent, but I didn't really do anything in PVP anyway so they'll get over it.


Trakanon Raider
Wrecking Shadow’s Vault runs as an Immortal feels pretty damn good. Didn’t think I’d like it but Immortal feels so much better than being Shadow.

The lack of content is really hitting hard though and new raids every month isn’t going to cut it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Wrecking Shadow’s Vault runs as an Immortal feels pretty damn good. Didn’t think I’d like it but Immortal feels so much better than being Shadow.

The lack of content is really hitting hard though and new raids every month isn’t going to cut it.

I'd hate to be a big whale and the roadmap ends up being "new raid released" every other month. World bosses and events lacking any meaning at all is hurting big time. A separate gem fragment system (the currency for gem power already exists in fragment form), just add it to something to keep people grinding. Even if it's a low rate, a few months or weeks of grind for FTP is better than the current gem power situation where it's maybe 1 full year to rank a level 1 star gem. Gem fragments drops would give ppl a reason to continue current content.

I know they made a bunch of claims about new zones, new classes, and so forth. But we've yet to get a timeline for any of it. I'd like to think NetEase won't allow Blizzard to sit on their hands indefinitely. Even though I think NetEase are pondscum.

Seeing recent spenders around me at 2k-3k res that are brand new to spending within the last 30 days due to pressure, just makes you think.
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Molten Core Raider
I'd hate to be a big whale and the roadmap ends up being "new raid released" every other month. World bosses and events lacking any meaning at all is hurting big time. A separate gem fragment system (the currency for gem power already exists in fragment form), just add it to something to keep people grinding. Even if it's a low rate, a few months or weeks of grind for FTP is better than the current gem power situation where it's maybe 1 full year to rank a level 1 star gem. Gem fragments drops would give ppl a reason to continue current content.

I know they made a bunch of claims about new zones, new classes, and so forth. But we've yet to get a timeline for any of it. I'd like to think NetEase won't allow Blizzard to sit on their hands indefinitely. Even though I think NetEase are pondscum.

Seeing recent spenders around me at 2k-3k res that are brand new to spending within the last 30 days due to pressure, just makes you think.
Yep I'm not spending anymore, well under 200$ and initially I didn't even regret it. But their lack of communication mixed with lack of content makes me wish I stuck to my gut, sounds like even PVP has some sort of Resonance cap.

Really hope things get ironed out but I won't hold my breath.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yep I'm not spending anymore, well under 200$ and initially I didn't even regret it. But their lack of communication mixed with lack of content makes me wish I stuck to my gut, sounds like even PVP has some sort of Resonance cap.

Really hope things get ironed out but I won't hold my breath.

I've just been playing like Skinner mostly-- so I wasn't paying attention to concerns Chris Chris had regarding communication back in July.

I checked the reddit and finally did a full inventory and accounting of the situation. I'm going to continue H4 (3900 CR p156 875 res right now) but only as a social thing to ween off my friends/guild just in case the game gets a major content patch so I don't burn the bridge completely.

More importantly, I recently found out many whales especially in SEA are using credit card fraud. They use the stolen CC to buy Google/Amazon/Apple gift cards, then use that on the BATTLE.NET shop.

This is very widespread and a serious problem right now. Of course it is common sense. The shop costs between 1,000 USD and 5,000 USD to be a "Legit contender". Of course there is going to be felony fraud and people selling orbs black market.

Anyone in this thread would probably quit overnight if I told you how cheap blackmarket orbs are if you are willing to let the seller log into your account to deliver them using the giftcards. It's a blood boiler. The system has no integrity, and the orbs are dirt fucking cheap. Being a 5k resonance whale costs barely a few hundred bucks if you go black market fraud and work with 3rd party sellers. The giftcards they use are pure cash funded by the CC they use, so there is not really a major risk to your account. The CC company tries to charge back the fraudulent purchase of the giftcard, but the card is used up and is simply a cash card, so the investigation stalls out. The giftcard use adds another layer of delays and protection to the CC fraud. It'd be damn near hard to do anything about it. Blizzard has yet to make a public statement.

Combine widespread giftcard fraud (which is impossible to stop) with insane pay2win cash shop monetization-- and you've got a future dead game on your hands quick.


Potato del Grande
I've just been playing like Skinner mostly-- so I wasn't paying attention to concerns Chris Chris had regarding communication back in July.
Yeah this was going to go one of two ways:

1) NetEase is leading development with Blizzard input, so content is added at a pace like other Gatchas get. This is what I hoped for when I played.

2) Blizzard is leading development and NetEase was just some outsourced work so there'll be very little new content because the rats in the maze will spend regardless.

We are firmly into #2 territory right now.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah this was going to go one of two ways:

1) NetEase is leading development with Blizzard input, so content is added at a pace like other Gatchas get. This is what I hoped for when I played.

2) Blizzard is leading development and NetEase was just some outsourced work so there'll be very little new content because the rats in the maze will spend regardless.

We are firmly into #2 territory right now.

I'm in this camp right now also.

#2 also jives with the rumor NetEase was given final say on monetization and designed the shop.

I heard on the official reddit that their relationship is NetEase paid for a license of some kind to co-publish together, with each sharing a part of the development. Blizzard (who has no gacha exp) does indeed seem to be in full control of content development.

NetEase gets access to the Battle.net system and uses Blizzard's existing infrastructure while owning all of the design work on the shop itself.


Potato del Grande
I'm in this camp right now also.

#2 also jives with the rumor NetEase was given final say on monetization and designed the shop.

I heard on the official reddit that their relationship is NetEase paid for a license of some kind to co-publish together, with each sharing a part of the development. Blizzard (who has no gacha exp) does indeed seem to be in full control of content development.

NetEase gets access to the Battle.net system and uses Blizzard's existing infrastructure while owning all of the design work on the shop itself.
It's a confusing mess to figure out.

The base game we know was an existing NetEase property, so NetEase made that.

The art assets are all from D3 and it's expansions, I assume that NetEase skinned them onto their game but Blizzard may well have kept control and done it.

The network code is outstanding and I would guess that's all Battle.net/Blizzard.

Monetistion I would assume is Blizzard design because it's so shitty and follows what they are doing with WoW cosmetics but I'm not familiar with NetEase's prior work.

The update schedule is clearly all Activision "why bother they will play and pay anyway". I just can't figure out why updates are so slow unless Blizzard is in chsrge of updates lol.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Monetistion I would assume is Blizzard design because it's so shitty and follows what they are doing with WoW cosmetics but I'm not familiar with NetEase's prior work.

Conflicting things on this. I've heard the extreme pricing fits NetEase M.O. down to the letter, and the insane costs for anything decent in terms of player power are classic NetEase design.

The update schedule is clearly all Activision "why bother they will play and pay anyway". I just can't figure out why updates are so slow unless Blizzard is in chsrge of updates lol.

To confuse things even more, this is still the Diablo IP. So you know that NetEase involvement was combed over by Activision extensively.

They wouldn't co-publish their second biggest IP without Blizzard retaining a lot of control if not A LOT of control and final say over everything that goes into the game (including the shop).

This then brings us to the final question. You have to ask, why involve NetEase? They needed to reskin an existing game that bad? But all the systems are stolen from D3 as well, not just skins. Gameplay was also taken from existing Blizzard games. It's a watered down D3 system. So where does the need for NetEase even come in to play?

This is why I was leaning hard on the NetEase purchased a license theory after doing some reading on reddit. For use of the BNET infrastructure and they control design on the shop. It's difficult to determine any other arrangement where Blizzard needed to involve NetEase in a co-publishing agreement.

They wanted to do a cash grab and NetEase knows the cash grab game.


Potato del Grande
Conflicting things on this. I've heard the extreme pricing fits NetEase M.O. down to the letter, and the insane costs for anything decent in terms of player power are classic NetEase design.

To confuse things even more, this is still the Diablo IP. So you know that NetEase involvement was combed over by Activision extensively.

They wouldn't co-publish their second biggest IP without Blizzard retaining a lot of control if not A LOT of control and final say over everything that goes into the game (including the shop).

This then brings us to the final question. You have to ask, why involve NetEase? They needed to reskin an existing game that bad? But all the systems are stolen from D3 as well, not just skins. Gameplay was also taken from existing Blizzard games. It's a watered down D3 system. So where does the need for NetEase even come in to play?

This is why I was leaning hard on the NetEase purchased a license theory after doing some reading on reddit. For use of the BNET infrastructure and they control design on the shop. It's difficult to determine any other arrangement where Blizzard needed to involve NetEase in a co-publishing agreement.

They wanted to do a cash grab and NetEase knows the cash grab game.
Well they need to partner with a Chinese company to release in China right? Oops!


Molten Core Raider
Leaked Chinese patch notes say you can now run h2-h5 with 2 players, if the leak is real anyway. Shouldve been that way from the beginning imo......

Wish they were adding more content though, looks pretty barren aside from a new batch of lame legendary essence additions.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Credit to Fruben for posting:
  1. Dear Adventurer: It's an honor to meet you in the world of "Diablo: Immortal". Are you still enjoying your adventure during this time? Thank you for making this world a little better again. In order to make your experience more comfortable, the world of Diablo: Immortal will receive an important update. The update time is 8:00-10:00 on August 17, 2022. The server will be stopped for maintenance and the version will be updated at that time. During the maintenance period, you will not be able to log in to the game. Adventurers, you should pay attention to the time to avoid unnecessary losses to yourself. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this, adventurers. After maintenance, you will experience the latest game version. As for the updated content, I have attached the details to the end of the letter for your convenience. Your old friend: Deckard Kane ·

  2. Content update [Limited-time gameplay: Dispute Echoes] The game between the Shadow Society and the Immortals has gone through countless reincarnations in Sanctuary and never stopped. In the rounds of battles, they use their strength to decide the outcome. Regardless of whether it is a shadow player or an immortal, before the official battle, there will be countless battle simulations. This has become a compulsory course for everyone, and this kind of battle simulation, we call it, the conflict echo. On the date when Echoes of Dispute opens, players who reach level 30 can enter the battlefield at a fixed time every day. Each battle has 16 places, of which 1 random will be a virtual immortal, and the remaining 15 will be virtual shadowers. The two sides will have a fair duel in the competitive mode where the attributes are balanced to a fixed value! As long as you don't quit halfway! After the duel is over, you can get experience, equipment and universal materials as rewards! You can also go to the event interface to claim the exclusive rewards for the event's Dispute Echoes! The side that wins the duel will get an extra victory chest! Participation conditions: Player level ≥ 30 The opening date of Dispute Echoes: August 17, 2022 03:00 to September 14, 2022 02:59 [Limited-time gameplay: Chaos Secret Realm] In his past research, the former genius magician of Horadrim, Jotun Kule, used the Chaos Spar to open a connection with a mysterious place in ancient times, the Chaos Secret Realm. During the opening date of the Chaos Secret Realm, you can enter the mysterious Chaos Secret Realm by passing through the passage through the Chaos Spar. Affected by the power of chaos, the secret realm of chaos has its own operating rules. If you want to enter the secret realm, please read the secret realm rules carefully.

    Code of Secrets: - Chaos Rift does not allow any equipment and props to enter. - All properties in the Chaos Rift will be reset to their original state. - The Rift affix of Chaos Rift will affect all life in the Rift, including monsters and you. - Chaos Rift skills limit the skills you can use. - The Chaos Rift will change the scene and monsters every time you enter. The higher the layers, the stronger the monsters you face. - Chaos Rift has exclusive Chaos equipment, you can strengthen yourself in Rift, but you can't bring it out of Rift. - The Chaos Rift will give you an exclusive lucky level. The higher the level, the easier it is to meet high-star equipment, and the attributes will be better. - The Chaos Rift will give you five chances to revive if you fail. If you run out of revivals, the challenge will fail. - Chaos Rift has a total of 15 floors, and you will be rewarded by passing floors 5, 10, and 15 for the first time every week. - Chaos Rift resets every Wednesday, and refreshes Rift features and rewards. - The Chaos Rift only records the challenge history of the same class. After changing classes, you need to challenge again, but the reward progress will not be affected. Participation conditions: Complete the main storyline of the library or the player level reaches level 37 The opening date of Chaos Rift: August 17, 2022 03:00 to September 14, 2022 02:59 【New Costume: Scourge Monster】 They originated from chaos and have been incompatible with angels for thousands of years. They acted arbitrarily and showed their unscrupulousness incisively and vividly; they never gave up on you, and they wanted to test your heart, will they always be as firm as ever? A brand new costume of scourge monsters is on the shelves! After purchasing, you will get a complete set of fashion appearances including weapons, armor, and clothing! Plus, there's a deluxe collectible that includes portals to choose from!

    【New Equipment: Legendary Equipment】 Everyone has it, never fail! Each class will unlock a new set of legendary gear. This batch of legendary equipment mainly focuses on giving players the ability to control and interrupt. We can't wait to see how these terms affect your genre, or lead to entirely new gameplay. Thirty-six new Class Legendary gear: This batch of legendary equipment mainly focuses on giving players the ability to control and interrupt. We can't wait to see how these terms affect your genre, or lead to entirely new gameplay. mage -Eye Frost (Head): When attacked by Frost Ray 6 times, it will be frozen for 2 seconds. - Escape Girdle (Shoulder): Teleporting also removes the most recently acquired negative stat. - Thundercloud Quietly Arrives (clothes): Lightning Nova turns into a bursting nova forward, and when you click again or reach the end, it explodes into several small novae to deal damage to the enemy. - Stanik (Main Hand): Arcane Cyclone no longer charges, but instead summons an updraft to knock enemies into the air. - Rock Body (Off-Hand): Frost Armor can now resist the next 6 damage, and apply cold to surrounding enemies while resisting damage. -Cracking Force (Pants): Meteorite now instantly drops multiple tiny meteors forward, knocking back enemies and stunning them.

    barbarian -Smiling Figure (Head): Taking damage during the Undying Wrath will trigger a rage counterattack, causing damage to surrounding enemies (up to once within 0.5 seconds). -Landfall (Shoulder): You take 20% less damage during Whirlwind. -Heavy of the Tribe (Clothes): When Furious Rush collides with the terrain, a shock wave is generated, causing damage to the surrounding area and an additional 1 second stun. - Slammer (Main Hand): Grab is changed to sprint forward, grab the first enemy that hits, continue to charge for a while, then jump up and smash to the ground, causing group damage and slowing effect. -Steel hagfish (off-hand): The chain spear applies a drain mark to the enemy for 5 seconds, and when attacking the marked enemy, the self recovers health equal to 5% of the damage. - Arrogant High Strength (Pants): When the jump hits the ground, the enemy will be knocked into the air martial artist -Crown of Fusion (Head): Your spiritual body is dedicated to you and can split 20% of damage. -Shenguangguan (Shoulder): Golden Bell breaks into a wave of energy that will be released in all directions, dealing damage to enemies in the path and igniting it. - Oath of Peace (Clothes): Taking damage during the use of Zen Protection will trigger a shelter counterattack, causing damage to surrounding enemies. -Flying Soul (Main Hand): The spirit body changes into a spirit body that rushes out in the specified direction, taunting and attacking monsters along the way. - Spirit Gatherer (Off-Hand): Exploding Palm now folds both hands together, gathering all enemies in front of it into the center. - Might of the Tower (Pants): Kick can now charge up for a powerful kick, knocking back enemies and adding a stun.

    witcher - Scattering Mask (Head): When casting Hatred, it also releases a terrifying Inner Demon that fears surrounding enemies for 3 seconds and deals damage. - Resolve (Shoulder): Multi-shot will also knock back the enemy, this effect can only be triggered once within 6 seconds for the player. - Shadow Elimination Armor (clothes): The smoke bomb turns into a smoke bomb thrown at the designated location, greatly reducing the vision of the enemies within the range. - Alternative nourishment (main hand): Every 4 times the explosive arrow hits, it will generate a more powerful explosion to knock back the enemy. The knockback effect can only be triggered once for the player within 3 seconds. -Bang Bang Bow (off-hand): Shadow Knife hits enemies with negative status, and damage increases by 15%. - Buckle Belt (Pants): The Fan of Knives Trap becomes a Hatred Trap. When triggered, surrounding enemies are imprisoned for 3 seconds, and the witcher's damage is increased by 30%. Crusader - Shell of Zeratus (Head): The shield is protected by an aegis in the process of charging, which can reflect the enemy's projectiles and cause damage. - Calamity Falls (Shoulders): Increases damage dealt by 10% during Holy Light Protection. -Tianjin (clothes): God's Wrath now summons a thunderbolt to strike at the specified location, dealing continuous damage. - Suffering Kingship (Main Hand): Swipe turns into throwing a chain hammer, forming a storm that slowly envelops enemies along the way. - Slam Heart (Off-Hand): Scourge increases damage by 3% for each enemy hit, up to a maximum of 15%. -Flame Wanhua (pants): Warhorse Drag Now mounts a thunder warhorse to continuously shock random enemies around, and enemies who are shocked three times will enter a stun state. Necromancer -Spiritual Deed Symbiosis (Head): 20% of the damage you take is borne by the Stone Demon. - Rejection (Shoulders): The sharp stab also knocks enemies back. - Invisible Binding (Clothing): When using the Ghost Form, it will remove the imprisoning, slowing and cold state from the body. - Shattered Jaws (Main Hand): Scythe now throws a helical scythe forward, knocking enemies back and dealing multiple damage over time. Scythe now no longer charge. - Wanderer's Foul Eater (Off-Hand): The Wraith now summons an uncontrolled powerful Wraith that roams randomly and deals damage to enemies it passes through. Now charges up to 2 times. -Empty Abyss (Pants): Curse of Darkness will generate Cursed Eyes, which continuously taunts surrounding enemies.

    【Reincarnation of the Path of the Ancestor】 The ancestors have always been by your side, and the new road of ancestors will open at 3:00 server time zone time on August 23rd! Follow the guidance of the ancestors, increase the level of the power of the ancestors, and you will receive rich rewards such as enhanced immortal keystones, legendary equipment, and legendary gems prepared by the ancestors! Unlock Ancestral Blessing, and get the new themed series appearance "Justice Incarnate" and new emotes! 【Limited Time Event: Monthly Journey】 Every night, in the dream of the hermit Zhanyue, a mysterious moon rises. Profits and losses flow, and the brilliance fades away. Complete the task of the hermit of the moon, offer the shimmering light of the moon, from the new moon to the hope, the full moon will also meet your expectations. Participating in the lottery will have the opportunity to get rich game props, and you will have the opportunity to win the Xbox Series X game console, Zippo Diablo custom lighter, China Post Diablo co-branded stamp gift box, Cloud Music monthly card, Himalayan 7-day VIP experience coupon, etc. ! Participation conditions: player level ≥ 20 The month-by-month tour starts from: 03:00 on August 26, 2022 to 02:59 on August 29, 2022 · Experience optimization The team experience between players has been optimized: 1) In Hell 2~5 difficulty, the group size requirement for Wild Dungeons and Hidden Ruins has been reduced from 4 to 2. 2) If more than 4 people participate in the team, an additional treasure chest will be dropped when the dungeon is completed, and the treasure chest needs to be opened by 4 people. (Note: The dungeon of the high-level hell is more difficult, and 2 people will face greater challenges. It is recommended that adventurers try to gather as many people as possible.) 3) Optimized the related experience of matching teams. Adjusted the design of some in-game missions: 1) The Demon God's Silent Gaze Gorgosia has arrived, and the Sanctuary is facing a huge threat. Ancestors' Notes - Growth and Conquest has added a new chapter to challenge Gorgosia's mission objective. 2) Adjusted the Season Journey quest to remove the quest objective of collecting Chapter Treasure Chests. 3) Adjusted the Ancestral Notes quest, and removed the goal of completing the Chapter Camp in the Ancestral Notes - The Departure Chapter. Adjusted some outdoor gameplay:

    1) Increased the chance of Goblins dropping rare equipment and legendary equipment during running and defeating. 2) Adjusted the battle experience of field bosses. Some dungeon gameplay has been adjusted: 1) Optimized the combat experience of the Echo Ice Cave dungeon. 2) Optimized the display of recommended battle levels for Immortal Rifts. Adjusted some PVP and faction gameplay: 1) Optimized the matching logic of War Hymn of the Holy Relics, making it easier for players to match the match. 2) The opening hours of the treasure house are adjusted to 12:00-13:00 and 19:00-20:00. The market-related experience has been optimized: 1) Optimize the benefits of the monthly card. Players who activate the monthly card can directly open the portable market in the market mail. 2) In the event that the goods in the market are successfully sold, or the sale is overdue, it will be combined into one notification email, which will only be sent once a day. 3) Optimized the stuttering phenomenon that occurs when buying a large number of goods in batches in the market. Other optimizations and adjustments: 1) The craftsmen in the Sanctuary have instilled the energy from the World Stone for the [Class Transfer Standby Equipment], and the transfer standby equipment can carry on the essence of inheritance, helping the warriors to exert greater power in the adventure. 2) Optimized some text descriptions: "Calamity" and "Time and Space Reversal" inscription skills for the wizard's teleportation skills, "Corrosive Bomb" and "One Hand Covers the Sky" inscription skills for the witcher's smoke bomb skills, Holy Religion The description of the "Sanctification" inscription skill of the Army Holy Light's body protection skill has been supplemented. 3) Optimized the related experience of adding friends. · Bug fixes 1) Fixed an issue where the elevator stage could be skipped in Fasher Tomb. 2) Fixed the problem that the cooling time of the Heart of the Phoenix was displayed abnormally.