Doctor Who


Golden Knight of the Realm
I feel like you're reading far too much into Capaldi's line.

Do you know how to fly this thing is more of a joke than any sort of foreshadowing. It's a running theme with the doctor regenerating that he goes through a period of confusion, sometimes intense, as he adjusts.

It's the whole fish sticks and pudding thing.

Edit: He also lied through the truth field telling Clara that he wouldn't send her away again... then boom, sent her away.
That's pretty much what I think as well. He'll probably brush that line off with: "Forget it, I remember."

Conversely it's possible he hadn't piloted the Tardis in 1000 years; 300 had passed and he hadn't aged all that much and by the time he regenerated he was ancient. Might take him some time to remember how to do it.


Molten Core Raider
Also as Romana once explained...The Doctor failed basic TARDIS piloting


New Doctor was confused, 11(12) was the same way after regenerated. They both forgot how to pilot when the tardis was crashing


Elisha Dushku
Time of the Doctor was a steaming pile of shit. Perhaps I had super high expectations due to the masterpiece that was day of the doctor.
Finally saw this. Agree, pure crap. Can't think of a single redeeming moment - how did this get approved as the send off for Smith? -_-


I went back and watched The Pandorica Opens episode and thought "wow, what a way to go," then re-watched Time of the Doctor...piss. It's like they blew all their great opportunities to reset shit with Smith earlier in the series that by the time they really DID need to send him off they just ran out of ideas.


Elisha Dushku
I went back and watched The Pandorica Opens episode and thought "wow, what a way to go," then re-watched Time of the Doctor...piss. It's like they blew all their great opportunities to reset shit with Smith earlier in the series that by the time they really DID need to send him off they just ran out of ideas.
It's such a shame that they ended Smith's run as a doctor in such a craptastic way. What the hell was Moffat thinking?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Maybe he did some really awesome things off screen in all that time, things so bad ass it would be the most epic special episode ever but we'll never find out about it until 2 seasons from now.


Millie's Staff Member
smith's first season is so awesome, i still think about those final episodes and its complexities. the second season with the dollhouse monster, rhinoceros monsters and the narnia christmas special makes me ill.


God is dead
Finally saw this. Agree, pure crap. Can't think of a single redeeming moment - how did this get approved as the send off for Smith? -_-
Agreed. My dog fell asleep during it and started snoring... more or less summed it up for me.


Trakanon Raider
I get more enjoyment out of re-watching scenes from Day of the Doctor for the 10th time then I did watching Time of the Doctor the first time.. The only halfway interesting scenes to me are the ones between Tasha Lem and the Doctor, especially when she explains how the whole River Song/Silence plotline happens in the span of this episode. Those few moments are too little though, overall the episode was pretty bland. Shame for Matt Smith, but looking forward to Capaldi.


Trakanon Raider
I started watching again from Series One (9th) and just finished Series Two with Army of Ghosts and Doomsday. Thought it was awesome when the Cult of Skaaro says to Tennant "How did you survive the Time War?" and he replies "By fighting... on the front lines. I was there at the fall of Arcadia. Maybe I'll come to terms with that someday."


Cyber men and daleks might as we'll be storm troopers at this point, they are absolutely no threat. Theft sieged trenzzerlore for what 600 years (300 x 2?) vs a tardis less doctor with no luck? Makes the tme war seem ludicrous, how can the entire darlek race be a threat when they are so easily thwarted with seemingly no effort in this episode.
This x1000. Exactly how I feel. These ultimate enemies that were always regarded as so impressive, mighty, and infallible are nothing more than jokes now.

And did we ever find out how Clara became one? Or is that yet to come?


Golden Knight of the Realm
This x1000. Exactly how I feel. These ultimate enemies that were always regarded as so impressive, mighty, and infallible are nothing more than jokes now.

And did we ever find out how Clara became one? Or is that yet to come?
I don't know how you feel that after Nightmare in Silver where the Doctor destroyed a planet to kill cybermen, or Day of the Doctor when Daleks were literally slaughtering Gallifrey. Hell even in this christmas special (which I will agree to being subpar) one Dalek ship detroyed or took over every other ship around the planet. The Daleks don't need to be in full blitzkrieg mode to be a threat.

As for Clara, that was all explained in the Name of the Doctor. Dalek-Clara is one of the time-dispersed "echoes" of regular Clara.

As an aside, I really dislike how Clara has ended up so important to the plot events of the Doctor's life. She sucks as a companion.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
" As for Clara, that was all explained in the Name of the Doctor. Dalek-Clara is one of the time-dispersed "echoes" of regular Clara.

As an aside, I really dislike how Clara has ended up so important to the plot events of the Doctor's life. She sucks as a companion. "

I agree about the important companion part. It seems every companion is "super special" and "important" to the Doctor...whereas the simple ones tend to be the most interesting.


Millie's Staff Member
so was amy and she didnt just pop up one day, babbling all kinds of nonsense about souffles and instantly becomes the most important companion ever.


Trakanon Raider
Just finished Blink. God damn I remember it being an amazing episode but wow that's good stuff. There was a line by the Doctor at the end about being Rubbish at weddings... especially my own. The Angels in Blink are scarier than all the other Angels combined. I guess the Crash of the Byzantium was good too, but as with the Daleks and Cybermen they feel cheep now.

it goes 'ding' when there's stuff... forgot about that line


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Just finished Blink. God damn I remember it being an amazing episode but wow that's good stuff. There was a line by the Doctor at the end about being Rubbish at weddings... especially my own. The Angels in Blink are scarier than all the other Angels combined. I guess the Crash of the Byzantium was good too, but as with the Daleks and Cybermen they feel cheep now.

it goes 'ding' when there's stuff... forgot about that line
I will concede that "Blink" is one of the best episodes...but they tend to use the weeping angels too many times later down the line. (Diminishing their coolness IMO)


Molten Core Raider
Clara is irritating. She was introduced as the one person in the Universe who was as clever as the Doctor (ala Adric) and hacked the Daleks. She basically single-handedly removed the Doctor from the Universe by deleting him from it's apex race. Then each episode she gets dumber and dumber. It's been very annoying.

I will concede that "Blink" is one of the best episodes...but they tend to use the weeping angels too many times later down the line. (Diminishing their coolness IMO)
No source because I'm lazy, but Moffat says he's done with them. I imagine for the same reasons you wrote.