
<Silver Donator>
Such a stomp. Is it possible to consider Alliance as the best western team at this point? At the very least I'd say it's 1a/1b Na'Vi and them.
They've been the best for a little while already. Na'Vi can definitely beat them, so can a few other teams in good days, but overall they're the best western team.


that 5 man puck coil from behind was some sexy stuff

But yeah, only from that draft you could tell Alliance would dominate... All heroes that work to their strength.


<Silver Donator>
How to acquire Dota2? Reddit and grab a key from someone?
There's a place on reddit with keys but I forgot what's the name, there's also dota2bot(google it, it's basically a bot on steam you add him to friends, send him the right message and he gifts you a key) or you can buy one for like 2cents on the stream trade place thing but since you can get them free... Also you can post your steam ID here or add anyone who is in the beta as everyone has dozens of invites to give away. It's very hard to NOT find a key actually ^^.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Everyone in DOTA2 prob has 20+ invites. Like he said, post or PM your Steam name and someone can easuly hook you up.


<WoW Guild Officer>
So ive been playing a bunch of bot matches and finally played a few live matches w veno lich and chaos knight. I just wanted a few opinions on another fun support to try next ( I like to play a few bot games to get a feel then go live w the hero) ill be honest didn't like maiden. Ive read the recommended starting hero's but wanted an opinion from the board. Also are clockwerk and clinkz good semi carries to start learning for beginners? Saw videos and they look like a lot of fun


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Clinkz needs decent farm and is pretty fragile, but early game his invis helps him get out of trouble and his ult is basically a free midas glove to help with gold generation.


Molten Core Raider
i liked windrunner for when i first picked dota back up, good mobility with windrun has a stun and powershot is good harass and you can use it to farm pretty well also.
You can support or semi-carry depending on your farm wich is another reason why i liked her.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Windrunner seems like one of those heroes that vary drastically in terms of quality play game to game. Like, someone can pick her and be fucking AWFUL and contribute close to nothing (whereas, say someone who picks SB that sucks can still affect the game somewhat) but then on the other hand, when a quality player uses her, she is amazing. Both offensively and support given her super annoying shackle and wind run. (she can actually fuck up a tower pretty bad)

(disclaimer, im not pro, i play low tier. If im wrong this is just my experience playing n low bracket)


<WoW Guild Officer>
Everytime ive run into windrunner shes leading in deaths lol. How does she do without a lot of farm? I like support characters for the live game Bc even if I screw up I still feel like I'm contributing. Lich was fun Bc of his ulti
good to know about clinkz he just seems to be a lot of fun so I think ill practice w him and maybe clockwerk? Until I feel comfortable to take on that type of role live.. until then any other fun supports? Ogre magi fun or is he to random? Sorry if I'm noobing up the thread but genuinely enjoying the game and figured id pick the brains of people who've been playing awhile or are in the same boat as me

Edit: tried sandking tonight and got beat on. Was partnered w a bounty hunter against a doom in laneand we just couldn't seem to time the ganks right.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Sandking takes some getting used to. Ogre Magi isn't that hard to learn and is fun...esp when you get multicasts galore ;p Mirana is probably my favorite overall...she had some excellent abilities that both act as escape abilities and offensive abilities.
Good supports:

Keeper of the Light, Shadow Demon, Leshrac, Lina, Nyx Assassin, Shadow Shaman, Earthshaker

What you're really looking for as a support is good initiiation and/or diables. You don't really need items for these spells to be effective, but some of these guys can turn into beats if you get a bit of farm and able to get some items and levels on them. This is more than likely to happen in a pub if your team isn't feeding (although don't puposefully take your carries farm!).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah. I jus tried Sandking and was kind of bad at first but then figured out you just let ulti channel for 2 secs then blink in. Just stun anyone who tries to escape and you usually end up with a kill or two. His sandstorm is pretty handy as well, it allows you to be more aggressive early in the game.

I love Necro but I just cant seem to get any kills early in the game. Once mid game comes and Im lvl 11 or so I can start to pick people off with ult, but death pulse just isnt getting it done for me. I have been buying a dagon to suppliment his damage output but it falls off pretty bad later in the game. Any Necro tips? I try to at least get a Mek on him every game, but I like scepter so Im not sure what I should be aiming forafter treads/mana boots.


Trakanon Raider
When you're in the very lowest skill bracket, don't be afraid of trying anything, the key is to find a hero you just really enjoy then focus on that. Carries are harder initially because of the last hitting being so relatively difficult skill to master in dota, but you'll be up against people who suck like you. Just dial in on mechanics, and try to learn from every death and game. About how things went wrong, because things will go wrong for a long time. But eventually you'll build up the experience and practice to climb up the matchmaking. Ironically, as you get higher up in the brackets, the support jobs become strategically more complicated than the hard carry ever does.


even in the very highest brackets, i'd say half the people at least who pick carries are horrible at farming :\ Right clicking and pressing s is hard.


<Silver Donator>
even in the very highest brackets, i'd say half the people at least who pick carries are horrible at farming :\ Right clicking and pressing s is hard.
Cause obviously that's all that's needed to last hit. I mean sure there's a lot of terrible carries but farming in a contested lane isn't as easy as just clicking creeps. If you're in a freefarm lane though it's a shame missing last hits, even though you'll still miss a few every now and then unless you're way stacked on dmg.

As for supports, play anything, pretty much every support in this game is actually good at something, especially at a pub level where it's less trilane vs trilane with smoke ganks and dewarding and all the other pro level shit and more dual lane herp derp I steal last hits from carry and miss denies. Dota has a ton of supports so it takes a while to cover all of them. My favorites are Lion, Rubick, Lina and Ogre Magi, I like my supports with disables and high damage ^^.


Trakanon Raider
Well played Disruptor is also a lot of fun, locking down 3-5 people in field+storm, glimpsing back people who just TPed in. Shame he hits like a wet napkin past 20 minutes.


Lich is my go-to recommendation for new players. His combination of minimal farm requirement, easy denies, high impact ulti (at least in low skill games), high move speed and ~infinite mana fits new players well. I see you're already playing him. Veno is a good second choice.

After him I'd probably learn Tidehunter (survivable as shit, amazing and easy team fight ulti) to get some experience as melee support, and then possibly Skeleton King/Sven to get some practice at farming and carrying (Both are survivable, both have useful stuns).

That said, I wouldn't focus on learning single heroes early on. Once you have Lich and possibly 2-3 others down, start playing a ton of different heroes. Knowing what heroes can do what makes all the difference, and the best way to learn that is to just play them all. There are a few ways of doing this:

1. Play All-Random. Upside is everyone else will also be playing a random hero, which means many of them (at your level) are also playing heroes they are unfamiliar with. You also won't be yelled at for picking someone you don't know or that doesn't fit the team. Downside is that you won't have time to read up on your hero before playing. You'll have to read all his abilities and learn them very quickly at the start of the game. The new guide feature helps for this by giving you correct skill orders and item choices, but it may still not be obvious how to play the hero.
2. Play All-Pick, pick a new hero every time. You can do the AtoZ challenge if you want, which is playing every hero alphabetically until you win, then move on to the next. Upside is you can read up on the hero beforehand, maybe watch a Purge Plays video. Downside is you will face people who only play one hero to perfection, and your team may yell at you for picking something that doesn't fit the team. The latter can be fixed by picking ASAP. Also, All Pick players tend to flame more than other modes.

Your choice, really. You can of course jump back and forth between methods at your leisure. The most important part is just playing a lot.

Repick if you get Invoker or Meepo. Both heroes require a very specific skillset that takes a lot of practice to learn, and doesn't translate to other heroes. There are people with 1000+ games who refuse to learn and play these heroes.


Trakanon Raider
Yesterday I ran into Luna that skilled the passives first and then wondered why the fuck doesn't her Eclipse do any damage. you even read what your skills do ?