
Timbersaw is one of my favorite and most played heroes, and there are definitely times where I feel invulnerable. .
Therefore your opinion doesn't matter. Timber is a fucking truck in laning phase. Sort of like OD. Except you can deal with OD by bringing a friend whereby timbersaw doesn't give a shit and actually likes the extra attacks. Don't sit there and argue that laning phase doesn't matter. And he doesn't just fall off oblivion late game because the ult is pure damage and actually slows enemies so it's actually fantastic.


Trakanon Raider
Therefore your opinion doesn't matter. Timber is a fucking truck in laning phase. Sort of like OD. Except you can deal with OD by bringing a friend whereby timbersaw doesn't give a shit and actually likes the extra attacks. Don't sit there and argue that laning phase doesn't matter. And he doesn't just fall off oblivion late game because the ult is pure damage and actually slows enemies so it's actually fantastic.
Why are you harassing him at all ? That's like hitting a masochist. Either you try to murder him or you don't touch him at all. Any kind of mana drain turns him into a useless tincan, Kotl absolutely demolishes him.


Why are you harassing him at all ? That's like hitting a masochist. Either you try to murder him or you don't touch him at all. Any kind of mana drain turns him into a useless tincan, Kotl absolutely demolishes him.
Don't touch him?
How will you last hit?
And which part of kotl destroys him in the laning stage?


Trakanon Raider
Will be opening up a party tonight around 5:30 cst for anyone interested. Probably normal skill level.

Speaking of icex3 I love how he has in depth conversations with the chat while he's just raping face.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Who gives a fuck about normal bracket. Bloodseeker OP!!!! Nerf.

God forbid you alter your skill build based on what heroes you are facing. Thats exactly why retards are stuck in normal.


Trakanon Raider
Not sure about low/normal bracket but in any game where people aren't retarded no one gets mana leak until later. Next idea?
Well, here's something that will probably blow your mind: If there is an ability that completely fucks over a hero and you are against him, why not get it earlier ?


Didn't realize timber couldn't just stand there completely nullifying mana leak. I apologize and will have to try this amazing strategy.

Hint: timber isn't really running away in laning stage anyway.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well sure, you could say, "dude just take mana burn hero and shut him down". That is probably true. Here is the kicker though. 90% of the hero's don't require a specific counter hero, just to keep them in-check. Most hero's are balanced enough to be able to deal with one another with a whole host of different skill sets, not one or two specific abilities.

Personally, I really think his cooldowns and mana cost needs to be upped slightly.

I am not worried about it. Dota 2's balance is incredible and they will adjust if things are truely as out of hand as they appear to be in every game I have seen.


Trakanon Raider
Well he is still a melee hero that needs solo lane for the xp and decent chunk of gold to make an impact, unlike say clockwerk. In mid he risks getting blown up be the strong int heroes and dual lanes just don't really work with him since he needs all the farm and offers nothing in return, also a strong support ala lich to allow him to get close to a lane. Putting at least 2 points into reactive armor makes you zero threat offensively early on, but otherwise you risk getting harassed out of lane. Trilanes - not worth it. 1v1 offlane is the only place where he works, against heroes like magnus, np or weaver. That's pretty limited space and I'd argue there are still heroes that do better with less. He's still shut down by a single silence, wr with orchid will make your life hell since she will just shackle you after you hook to a tree and pop orchid for extra damage and no stacks of armor. When it comes to pubs, just pick spirit breaker and trample all over him, bash is magical damage, so is charge and ulti. If you want to carry with him past 30 minutes you need bkb, because silence shuts you down so badly and he gets probably the least out of bkb, since he isn't even attacking for the bigger part of a fight.

As usual, anything works in pubs.


Trakanon Raider
Not sure I completely agree, but it is close.



He's still shut down by a single silence, wr with orchid will make your life hell since she will just shackle you after you hook to a tree and pop orchid for extra damage and no stacks of armor. When it comes to pubs, just pick spirit breaker and trample all over him, bash is magical damage, so is charge and ulti. If you want to carry with him past 30 minutes you need bkb, because silence shuts you down so badly and he gets probably the least out of bkb, since he isn't even attacking for the bigger part of a fight.

As usual, anything works in pubs.
I really wasn't aware that all those things are available in the first 6-7 levels of the game. Can you start reading and arguing about the actual scenario or do you want to sidetrack this more. And NP will just feed him trees and life regen.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ice3 said that he thinks OD is the most OP hero in dota since he just shits on so many and is very hard to counter. I know its a dream, but I would love to see him on a truly badass team as an offlaner or mid. As far as singular talent goes, I dont know of anyone I would say is better in the game. Maybe equal, but not better. He said in his stream he wasnt even getting paid on Zenith. Considering some of the fucking dopes who were on teams who got paid a good amount, its a travesty. Was also very cool after his last game he sat around for like an hour just answering questions on twitch as kind of an AMA.

Ok fanboy /off.


Now that lobbies appear to be functional and in the client, we have the ability to start corralling RR players together. So with TI3 barely behind us I wanted to gauge the interest in an in house tournament.

We can come up with a snazzy tournament title and maybe some prizes/titles? later, but need to get the basics out there. So:

Interested: Yay / Nay?
Split by: Region or Skill (Low/High)
Mode: CM, RD, AP
Format: Bo3?, Double Elimination?, 1 and Out?

Also, if someone can relink Rethans player list we can update it with an interested block to help team drafting. If we get this going