
You're right, timbersaw is an unstoppable force and has no counter. Just abandon the lane when you see him, or better yet, forfeit.


Yeah, but still annoying that with as many troll games that go on there's no way to put a forfeit up for vote. Had a SkeleK hold 9 players hostage until the team he was continually feeding could push through mid and end game for us.

That and I wish Harkon's Blade, Lightbrand/Searing Light, and Spellshards were in Dota 2. Oh, and more legit announcers/costumes (Where are you Indiana Kunka?). ....and Soul Keeper/Terrorblade (health swapping version).

Continue arguing on about Mr Pub-Snowball Machine. :/


Ice3 said that he thinks OD is the most OP hero in dota since he just shits on so many and is very hard to counter. I know its a dream, but I would love to see him on a truly badass team as an offlaner or mid. As far as singular talent goes, I dont know of anyone I would say is better in the game. Maybe equal, but not better. He said in his stream he wasnt even getting paid on Zenith. Considering some of the fucking dopes who were on teams who got paid a good amount, its a travesty. Was also very cool after his last game he sat around for like an hour just answering questions on twitch as kind of an AMA.

Ok fanboy /off.
Ice3 is a dedicated mid player. OD fucks over every mid hero. That's why ice hates him.

The price you pay for putting OD mid is that you have basically no gank ability, your mid is easily gankable, and you have to prioritize most of your farm on a hero that does nothing when the enemy gets BKB.


Yeah, but still annoying that with as many troll games that go on there's no way to put a forfeit up for vote. Had a SkeleK hold 9 players hostage until the team he was continually feeding could push through mid and end game for us.
Pretty much everyone who comes from HoN (me included) thinks this at first. Then you'll start experiencing the miraculous turnarounds in games you would have forfeited in HoN, and that feels really good. That never happened in HoN, because everyone just gave up and bitched/AFKd until their team forfeited. After a while you'll likely realize that the truly hopeless "troll games" where a forfeit would help you save more than a few minutes are extremely rare, at least once you get out of the lower skill brackets.

Forfeits ruined a lot of potentially good games in HoN ("You guys suck. AFK until FF."). The lack of forfeit makes everyone try a lot harder when the other team is leading. The downside is that we have to accept that once in a while we'll be kept hostage by some dickheads that refuse to finish a game, but I think it's a worthwhile tradeoff.

It's my favourite change from HoN.


Trakanon Raider
I doubt you will get enough players to make regions work, definitely not EU. I don't think there are any stable parties going on right now, so you will probably have to let people form some and random the remaining players among them/into a new team. Format depends on the amount of people, but making Bo3 work across 3 different timezones is pretty big challenge, something like round robin bo1 to begin with if we get 4-8 teams and then top 2 fight in a bo3 final ?


You'll have issues getting enough teams, yeah.

I think to make this work, rather than fixed teams, you would have to track individual player win rate. Get 10 people to sign up for a game at a certain time. The two highest win rate players are made captain of a team, and they alternate picking players for their team. Run it as a season tracked through an open Google doc and announce winners at the end.

The outcome will be somewhat random, though.


I doubt you will get enough players to make regions work, definitely not EU. I don't think there are any stable parties going on right now, so you will probably have to let people form some and random the remaining players among them/into a new team. Format depends on the amount of people, but making Bo3 work across 3 different timezones is pretty big challenge, something like round robin bo1 to begin with if we get 4-8 teams and then top 2 fight in a bo3 final ?
That's what I realized when I started thinking about the W/E divider. I was thinking rolling everyone into simply East and West, but I think That would leave West with 1-2 teams and 4-5 on E.

I'm liking the idea about taking set captains and having them draft teams, but I want to see everyone that is interested first.

I'll be gone for most of September, but I'm thinking of getting the groundwork set and have September work as pre-tournament tryouts then kick the official thing off once we have time to get people comfortable with each other and maybe pool some prizes together.


Based off the wikidoc we have ~50 players, so it shouldn't be that difficult to get 6-10 teams going if we get a healthy interest going.


Agreed. Didn't dxd have a forfeit command back in dota 1? That ended up ruining more games than it helped.

When I suggested just forfeiting against timbersaw i thought my sarcasm was clear enough. Maybe this is better: if you are against timber, just uninstall dota. It's the only true counter to his regen.


It's my favourite change from HoN.
Having the option to requeue and escape trolls increases the number of "good" games. Turn arounds still happened in HoN all the time -- I held my team hostage plenty of times trying to carry (that's why there was a timer). However no one is going to turn a game around from rage feeders or Russians/Brazillians (or the KKK flavor hate of the month) trying to figure out the basics of the game. Real players will realize the game is winnable or unwinnable - shitty players don't and likely won't win anyway because they don't have the right mentality (of risk vs reward) to win regardless of sitting around another 30+ minutes at the mercy of the tool enemy team fountain diving or feeders.

Take out the Player Vote kick or only add it and not the forfeit option, but until they fix their report system and infinite troll accounts there needs to be another option for those of us who don't roll 5 men deep.


Trakanon Raider
There's probably actually more than 50 people in the guild. I know I've invited 3 or 4 friends who aren't on the forums and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Anyways, definitely down for this and have a team of 5 ready.