
Trakanon Raider
Starladder running a NA qualifier league, and a China League - I'm guessing that this expansion is partially because of the in game ticket to prize pool + the finances to get the teams that qualify to the event. I'm pretty excited to see if Starladder can pull this off and if the ticket sales inside dota tv allowing the fans to directly support tournaments in a way that actually gets us some amazing international lan play not called The International. 4 euro 1 na 2cn, and 1 sea/kor perhaps? or a wildcard from one of the regions.


Trakanon Raider
Someone from[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */posted their teamviewer account info on his stream.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Luna + Vengeful Spirit is such a fun combo.

Whenever my friend and I feel like winning a game, we combo it up, stacking damage auras/nukes, and just generally destroy our lane. The only we don't leave the laning phase with a few kills each is when we are up against a beefy hero like Tide Hunter, Centaur, Alch, Brew... but then you can harass the hell out of them and farm/deny like crazy. By level 8 or so, Luna can start to snowball really fast it the game ends up in a win 80% of the time.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Luna + Vengeful Spirit is such a fun combo.

Whenever my friend and I feel like winning a game, we combo it up, stacking damage auras/nukes, and just generally destroy our lane. The only we don't leave the laning phase with a few kills each is when we are up against a beefy hero like Tide Hunter, Centaur, Alch, Brew... but then you can harass the hell out of them and farm/deny like crazy. By level 8 or so, Luna can start to snowball really fast it the game ends up in a win 80% of the time.
I've done this combo a few times with a friend of mine, and once we were lucky enough that a third person picked Drow adding the global damage buff to ranged heroes.


Didn't see it on twitch, but there's a stream on dailymotion:

joinDOTA - NaVi vs Team Liquid - DOTA 2 Champions League - Dailymotion-Video

On a related note for game 2: how are pro teams still ignoring the uber regen of melee raxes? I see teams push, take the melee rax low, then retreat, and by the next push it's fully regened. There's literally zero benefit to getting a rax to 20hp if it's going to be full hp by the next time you can get a push going. Might as well do permanent damage to the ranged raxes and at least get some extra creep power from ranged creeps to facilitate taking the melee.


Trakanon Raider
Champion's league is sponsored by dailymotion, so it's only there, or a day later on youtube

Getting melee rax is big, so sometimes it makes more sense to gamble by going for it.


Trakanon Raider
Is the price for the premium package listed anywhere ? Can't wait to watch it regardless, but Dendi pudge set ? Damn ...


Lord Nagafen Raider
Didn't see it on twitch, but there's a stream on dailymotion:

joinDOTA - NaVi vs Team Liquid - DOTA 2 Champions League - Dailymotion-Video

On a related note for game 2: how are pro teams still ignoring the uber regen of melee raxes? I see teams push, take the melee rax low, then retreat, and by the next push it's fully regened. There's literally zero benefit to getting a rax to 20hp if it's going to be full hp by the next time you can get a push going. Might as well do permanent damage to the ranged raxes and at least get some extra creep power from ranged creeps to facilitate taking the melee.
I doubt they're ignoring it but the super range creeps are only a minor push advantage whereas the super melee creeps push the lane pretty hard. If the barracks are going down to 20hp that means they very nearly had it, I think teams hit the range barracks during a slow siege when they're going in and out or know they can only get a few whacks in.


Does anyone have a good build on Phoenix? I've been watching replays and what not, but not seeing a definitive role/play style with her. Dicking around trolling bots with Radiance and rebirth is fun, but can't seem to find anything that makes her feel fluid.


Trakanon Raider
Does anyone have a good build on Phoenix? I've been watching replays and what not, but not seeing a definitive role/play style with her. Dicking around trolling bots with Radiance and rebirth is fun, but can't seem to find anything that makes her feel fluid.
Urn + Tranquils are core, then whatever your team needs. 1 point in dive seems to be enough, max wisps and the beam depending on what are you facing and Wisps hitting on every enemy hero around + ulti is pretty sick move

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
This is probably redundant and obvious and doesn't really matter anyway since it's AD, but regarding ability draft...I've found if I'm the one to start taking stuns and disables from the getgo (i.e. Tombstone, sven stun, WD stun, etc.) I win the majority of games. Which would be boring if you did it all the time, because then you can't play some retarded OP combo on occasion. But I often find if I start grabbing stuns and shit from the beginning I can get every one of them quite frequently. Rare games other people do the same, but not often the case. A recent game I had 3 stuns + bane ult. Good fun.

Also, I wish they'd add some new heroes, and hope they will in the future. I know there are some abilities that require extra ability slots and they probably haven't coded for that yet...if nothing else it'd be cool if they cycled in some abilities from heroes without the ones that need two slots, or something. Getting kinda boring.

Did they have them all in Dota 1? I never played it.