
Trakanon Raider
Go watch Navi vs Cloud9 g3 - Starring Pudge, Axe and Antimage. Not sure whether drafting was next level or just fucking around, but the plays were awesome

g2 was like 20-12 in 23 minutes IIRC


Lord Nagafen Raider
I hadn't noticed Ember Spirit was added to CM. The Na`Vi vs Liquid game had XBOCT playing it -Na Ayesee - YouTubebut nothing interesting happened as a cheesy BoTs + hero unit strat shtu down farming pretty early.

Its funny how much Timbersaw and Clock have dropped off recently.


Yea Ember has been making the rounds lately in tournaments. Consensus seems to be he's amazingly imbalanced-- i want to say whoever drafts for Team Liquid was saying he should be first picked or first banned.


Trakanon Raider
What makes him so amazingly OP ? I haven't seen all the games with him, but he doesn't seem that amazing


<Silver Donator>
What makes him so amazingly OP ? I haven't seen all the games with him, but he doesn't seem that amazing
Strong farming(can blink around, can heal up at fountain and go back to farming instantly, can TP to a lane, push it hard then go back instantly to another lane without reusing a TP), can come back in teamfights instantly if he dies(like weaver, but easier to use mostly), hard to impossible to gank, good ganker, excelent turtling/counterpush, strong lategame scaling if farmed(which with the rest happens almost all the time). With no items he's pretty fucking worthless though but other than that he's definitely pretty fucking strong at all stages of the game but maybe pre6(and even then he's not bad and hard to prevent from last hitting shit with sleight).


Trakanon Raider
That makes sense, I haven't seen people abuse remnants too much, yet, but since they last only 45 seconds I'm not sure how much splitpushing you can do like that.


<Silver Donator>
That makes sense, I haven't seen people abuse remnants too much, yet, but since they last only 45 seconds I'm not sure how much splitpushing you can do like that.
Well replicate lasts 30/45/60 and it works fine, even before rank3. 45secs is a solid duration, you drop a remnant, TP to another lane, annihilate 2 creepwaves really quick with the huge aoe power he has, then TP back to wherever you were. It's like having BoT pretty much, for free, it's a huge tool for farming. Doing stuff like TPing to base to get full mana and come back instantly is pretty big too. It minimizes the downtime of your farming a lot over time. It's not so much for splitpushing than it is for farming or countering splitpushing. You can TP, fuck up Furion or force him to get the fuck out, then go back to your farming. There isn't too much of a risk either unless you can get hexed/silenced since you can remnant the fuck out instantly.


Not to mention he has skills that are appropriate for every stage of the game: chains can help a lot early game with first blood/early ganks, shield is good early/mid game (but shit late game unless it's for farming) and sleight is probably one of the best skills to scale into the late game, if itemized properly that shit is ridiculous. 3 BFs + a Rapier and he melts from afar.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
Just started playing captains draft and I'm having a blast. Seem to be a lot more social bunch altogether. Last game our captain had a WTF draft and we were all giving him shit lightheartedly. He says if we win we commend, if we lose he gives us items. We end up absolutely stomping the other team and laughing our asses off the entire time. One of my best times playing dota so far. Sometimes you get a shitty game/captain but overall it seems like its worth the risk so far.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
The agony and the exctasy of dota. Rustles my jimmies when carries do nothing but blame supports when shit doesn't go right. Had a AM with brown boots and a 27 min BF bitching at me everytime he would die like it was my fault he had no Stats. And I kept wards bought out the entire game. Fully admit I screwed up some as my first VS game but shit was not all on me.


Trakanon Raider
Had what I believe to be my most dominant game ever Sunday evening. 39-1-20 Weaver. 825ish GPM and I had more kills than their entire team. At one point towards the very end I killed all 5 of them, two bought back, and I killed them as well.



Trakanon Raider
Did you go safelane or solo offlane ? Offlane can be pretty unforgiving on him, but sometimes you can get doublekill out of the blue if they underestimate shukuchi and germinate, due to the way cooldown on it works, running away gives you bigger chance for it to be off CD so you hit really hard. Then the support gets a few levels and they can instantly nuke you down so you just fed 2 deaths and the rest of the team is yelling at you.

Rush to basi ASAP, the damage bonus is simply too good and then whatever you can afford, usually 1 defensive item like linken or bkb, you can even buy ring of health before boots or skip threads until you get the big items, however you should get them at some point. If you are having trouble surviving, naked vit booster is pretty good option. Vanguard/drums feel like wasted money to me. I usually wait with maxing swarm, it's a bit of a 1 point wonder and around that time you should be getting focused in teamfights a lot, so I just pump stats a bit, ever bit of hp counts until you can timelapse.


Trakanon Raider
I laned with my buddy, we queue up together and play right next to each other so it makes it a little bit easier. I want to say he was... invoker? But I'm not positive. Yeah like you said went basi -> aquilas (maybe a waste?) -> linkens -> radiance -> daed -> mkb -> butterfly.

I would say that by the time I got the ring of health for the linkens they were already fucked. I actually started 1-1 which is weird, not too often do you go 38-0 after a 1-1 start. You're right though a lot of the kills come from idiots completely underestimating shuikuchi.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They fix the broken Fiery Soul working with toggle, then add Meepo skills.
