
Lord Nagafen Raider
Ugh, what right click are you worried about rtz?

edit: Called that shit. Just make a fucking Pipe man, look at that team!


Lord Nagafen Raider
If that's anything but Centaur VG is getting their assholes rearranged right now.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
God damn, did I pick the wrong day to play a couple of Dota games. Usually hideously acrimonious games number maybe 1 or 2 out of 20 for me. Today I had two matches where people were fighting from the getgo and both occasions it ended up with people intentionally feeding and then selling items and stopping playing. God damn. Unsurprisingly both times it included fucking Peruvians. Fucking inane.

I'm so sick of these shits saying "DURR, GG" 8 minutes into the game when you're down two kills. Always fucking Peruvians, always. Of course they're still not playing on their own servers even though they now have them.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Peru better hope a Dota player never grows up to be President of the United States. They will get nuked, mark my words.


What I don't understand is, given how many players they have, why do they ALL suck?

I mean, everybody plays Starcraft II in South Korea, and they are damn good at it; but I can maybe think of ONE Peruvian in Professional DOTA.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
I have played with many decent Peruvian players before, but the fact of the matter is, and it is a FACT, even if they DON'T suck, they're generally still obnoxious as fuck and tint the game with anger. They're inalmost every game.

The ping spamming, saying GG over and over again for no reason, the open mics where you can hear their nineteen brothers in the background, and then the occasional intentional feeding / having a pouty fit and stopping play, etc. Ping spamming is a personal favorite, usually after they deep dive, die, and ping the shit out of you, while you have 100 hp and no mana left for anything and escape from feeding yourself. "GG NOOB YOU NO HELP."

The problem is the Peruvian's frequent outbursts cause even the English speaking aspies in the game to freak out and THEY stop playing, and the whole thing just snowballs into shit. I stay calm and mute quickly and just go with the flow, other people can't seem to do that.

They're a fucking menace. We have more than ample, substantial proof of this without claiming it's just a stereotype or that we're racist. I've even seen posts from educated Peruvians on Reddit and playdota before that says they're embarrassed by it.

I know this is tired as fuck and it'll never happen, but for the love of god, force them to play on their own fucking servers now that they have them.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Have locked regions be an optional opt-in choice. If you chose to be locked to your region, you only get matched up with other people that do the same. That way, if you choose to go to a more limited player pool, it's your own choice. Nothing is forced upon anyone. And, you can still play in other regions if you want to.
Maybe its just being a long time FPS/League/Now DOTA2 player, but is it really that hard to ignore the idiots? Someone really has to go off the deep end to get a reactionary mute/ignore out of me at this point.


Molten Core Raider
Maybe its just being a long time FPS/League/Now DOTA2 player, but is it really that hard to ignore the idiots? Someone really has to go off the deep end to get a reactionary mute/ignore out of me at this point.
for most people yeah sadly, everyone is either to emo or insanely quick to go off the deep end, I stopped playing much when I couldent find people to play with solo que was just obnoxious in my low tier shit bracket of 3500 you couldent go 1-2 games without someone tanking in some way, either completely bad in general or just a feeder.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Maybe its just being a long time FPS/League/Now DOTA2 player, but is it really that hard to ignore the idiots? Someone really has to go off the deep end to get a reactionary mute/ignore out of me at this point.
I honestly don't get it either man. I've been gaming online since 1995 playing a shitty ass game called Chain of Command where people were jackasses all the time in basically the least skill inducing game ever and it's just gotten worse going to Quake, Counter-strike, etc. If people aren't used to it by now and can't just ignore people they're pretty much fucking lost.

People being bad or feeding, if not intentional, aren't really examples of what Jackie was talking about. Sure, those things can be annoying and put someone on tilt or let the salt flow. But I'm more talking about how people can't seem to ignore poor play (GG DUUUR at 2 deaths guy) and then in reaction other people can't deal with the DUUUR GG guy being an asshole about it. So then they get involved or go on tilt. For me I just treat my teammates like semi-retarded Bots if I'm not playing with a stack of buddies. It isn't really that hard to do honestly, and if it gets too bad then just slap em on mute.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
My reactions depend on the amount of alcohol I've ingested by that point, if not a lot then it's fine but when I'm a bottle of wine or a six pack in then I find myself trolling just as bad.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My reactions depend on the amount of alcohol I've ingested by that point, if not a lot then it's fine but when I'm a bottle of wine or a six pack in then I find myself trolling just as bad.
There was this one girl that used to stream named uhh Karesee or something. Darph (FoH) was friends with her and invited me to play with them. I probably solo'd half a jugg of Rossi wine and just started porting her into the enemy well over and over again while watching her reaction on her stream. That's probably the most trolling I've ever done in dota, I get what you're saying there though. Most of the time I just don't say anything the entire game aside from the chat wheel stuff.
