
Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
You can generally buy two and give one to the other laner if you want. Or just split them since you purchase them one at a time now. In pub games you can't expect anyone to buy them or actually use them, so if you want vision half the time you buy it for yourself regardless of position. Same goes with the courier / upgrade, hah.


Blackwing Lair Raider
To be honest, playing support on NA doesn't take much, there's a reason why they imported Zai originally. I mean even Bulba tried playing it for a while ... But the level is definitely higher now.
lol eurotrash, NA has the best dota in the world, get on our level.


Trakanon Raider
With wards, does one player usually do the whole map at the start, or is it split based on whichever lane you're going to? Not a single guide I've read mentions this, and so far I've been doing both, but it seems like a waste of running around.
Ward for your own advantage. A planted ward is better than no ward. At your level do not get obsessed with how much vision you provide. Of the 10 people in your games, none of them will effectively use the minimap for large effect. Don't shy away from playing carries and robbing yourself last hit practice. Its boring to rag on, but mechanics are the one thing you can practice non-stop and by merely being better mechanically than you were yesterday you will go up in rating for quite some time. Thing to remember about a pro dota game vs your current dota games - is that the acquisition of items - the speed of the game is relatively much faster. This is why mechanics will carry you to higher skill brackets early on in your dota career more than any other aspect you can work on, if you have your 4th item, 10 minutes before anyone else that can be leveraged into many wins. As was mentioned, always carry a TP. By carrying a TP you will be encouraged to pay attention to the minimap - check if the enemy is diving towers - and counter TP to turn the fight. If you have no TP in your inventory you cannot even think or execute this kind of play.


Lord Nagafen Raider
In one of Purge's guides he talks about playing support and had a simple piece of advice that stuck with me. Try to see if you can cast all of your spells twice in one engagement. (Short cooldown spells of course.)


Mr. Poopybutthole
Played a match with a few of the RR'ers tonight and fuck it was awful. I felt completely lost. May as well have replaced me with an easy mode bot.

Guess I'll probably be going at it solo for a while.
Played a match with a few of the RR'ers tonight and fuck it was awful. I felt completely lost. May as well have replaced me with an easy mode bot.

Guess I'll probably be going at it solo for a while.
As long as they didn't mind it then you should keep playing with them. For one it is nice having helpful people on voice coms to explain things in real time. Secondly you get better when you get your shit pushed in on a regular basis. Playing with other new players may feel better but it takes longer to increase your skills wh everyone in the game blows.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It may have helped had they all known I was 16 games in. Once the game was pretty much out of reach is when they found out, so I think they were likely frustrated for most of the game.

Playing with Intrinsic and Grif was probably ok, as they've got a few hundred games. This game was in 700-2500 win range. It was uh...pretty rough for me.


At this level it seems like the carry is the most disposable position - the one position doesn't do much to win games, but needs to not do things to lose them either (Xboct style). Fear isn't the best carry but I would wager he knows his success is based off of his team/supports. Not sure I can say the same for RTZ. As outsiders we don't really know personalities and team dynamics, but it could be said that RTZ bailed once for (what was thought to be) the best team in the world, then bailed again to the new best team in the world. Teammates that stuck it out with the same team through the highs and lows might harbor some resentment.
It may have helped had they all known I was 16 games in. Once the game was pretty much out of reach is when they found out, so I think they were likely frustrated for most of the game.

Playing with Intrinsic and Grif was probably ok, as they've got a few hundred games. This game was in 700-2500 win range. It was uh...pretty rough for me.
Yup. The roughness just accelerates your learning curve if you can handle th e stomping you will receive. One of the best intro articles to dota is titled "welcome to dota, you suck". It is just that type of game early on. It is going to take hundreds of games for most people just to get down what long time players consider the basics.

The moba genre is like that in general. For instance in league, the more accessible dota competitor, most people say you shouldn't be jumping in to ranked with less the two hundred and fifty or three hundred normal games under your belt. This is with league being the easier game.


Trakanon Raider
Basically what the others said, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, just look at what you can do better. Blaming your teammates is easy but doesn't get you anywhere

This is decent reading:[Guide] How to play support by BurningSeraalternatively, grab a replay of a progame, any from international should do and look at what their supports are doing. There's going to be fair share of stuff you simply can't do solo or don't have experience, but warding, pulling and stacking are relevant at all skill levels and positions.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Bulldog: Yeah, I remember... just didn't know Arteezy's mom used Twitch.


Trakanon Raider
The current shuffle drama is fucking ridiculous, usually you had few weeks break before people started dropping hints and announcements of announcements, but with the deadline it's like everyone is trying to go full retard as soon as possible


Molten Core Raider
Basically what the others said, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, just look at what you can do better. Blaming your teammates is easy but doesn't get you anywhere

This is decent reading:[Guide] How to play support by BurningSeraalternatively, grab a replay of a progame, any from international should do and look at what their supports are doing. There's going to be fair share of stuff you simply can't do solo or don't have experience, but warding, pulling and stacking are relevant at all skill levels and positions.
I don't play DOTA (fuck point to click) but play Smite and one thing that really got me over the hump is watching the pro games on the weekend. I was struggly to make it to gold and after starting to watch them and a lot of practice I made it to plat division at least.For me I learn better playing ranked early on in my career; casual games teach you so many bad habits.

I try and never BM but I may occasionally inform someone I am on my way to burn their fucking house down....


Trakanon Raider
It may have helped had they all known I was 16 games in. Once the game was pretty much out of reach is when they found out, so I think they were likely frustrated for most of the game.

Playing with Intrinsic and Grif was probably ok, as they've got a few hundred games. This game was in 700-2500 win range. It was uh...pretty rough for me.
If you want, feel free to add me on Steam. Same name as here, I haven't played more than a handful in the games in the past year, so I am probably rusty as hell, and I have the patience of a saint and don't mind losing to teach/instruct. Also, does this game have the captain feature where a 6th player or whatever can observe your game and chat to you as it is going, or was that another MOBA?


Lord Nagafen Raider
The current shuffle drama is fucking ridiculous, usually you had few weeks break before people started dropping hints and announcements of announcements, but with the deadline it's like everyone is trying to go full retard as soon as possible
SingSing was saying on stream that 2-3 days before the end of TI he was told that EG was going to drop Aui regardless of results and was told it again at the after party. Yet Aui didn't find out until a couple days after getting back home (seems like texting to break-up).

There are probably enough free players to create ~3 tier-1 teams.


Aui got screwed but the whole system is fucked up. There's only three weeks after TI to submit new rosters and they actually did let him know ASAP that he was being released, which makes it easier to find a new team.

Still, it's bullshit bumping him so Fear can position 4 while bringing in Artour. It might be smart (RTZ really is pretty fucking good at what he does and Fear is capable at support) but it isn't going to help your brand any. Time will tell but they'd better be winning or heads will roll.


Vyemm Raider
At this level it seems like the carry is the most disposable position - the one position doesn't do much to win games, but needs to not do things to lose them either (Xboct style). Fear isn't the best carry but I would wager he knows his success is based off of his team/supports. Not sure I can say the same for RTZ. As outsiders we don't really know personalities and team dynamics, but it could be said that RTZ bailed once for (what was thought to be) the best team in the world, then bailed again to the new best team in the world. Teammates that stuck it out with the same team through the highs and lows might harbor some resentment.
Team Secret was a little underwhelming before Arteezy and Zai left EG to be honest. Arteezy left to join them because he's an immature kid that would rather hop to a new team than to try and work out any problems.