
Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I've never actually played ranked, but I like eat eating people with Pudge and have gotten okay at it. Evil-Homer on Steam.


Trakanon Raider
I like how my unraked games have been all over the map - one game is 20 minute deathball push with everybody working together, the other is 4 cores + me on shaker, same on the other side and fuck all happens for the first 20 minutes until the junglers finished their manadatory talon/midas/shadowblade.

Finally played some ember for the quest, and he is really fun but holy cow is it impossible to have a game below 40 minutes with him. Never forgetting to have a free remnant is pretty tough. you tp somewhere - drop a remnant - oh hello creeps - they are ganking me ? - wait did my remnant vanish a minute ago ? - fuck.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Played a ranked game last night where the other team Rosh'd before horn, then 5-man'd down our offlane and took our rax 5 minutes in.

Our team was like wtf and didn't even respond till our tier 2 was at 25%. Then we started coming in one by one and getting slaughtered. We finally put up a 5 man defense on our high ground and still got fucked up. In 2000+ games of Dota, I have never once experience anything like it.


Trakanon Raider
Cheese strats aren't really new, but once you know them, you either rush to check rosh, or pick up enough wave clear to stall them with -1 hero. Once you see Luna/Ursa/Furion/Leshrac/Ogre and a few others together, you know it's coming. Ranked gives you only solo players if you queu solo, so kudos to the other guys for herding the cats together to pull it off.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Cheese strats aren't really new, but once you know them, you either rush to check rosh, or pick up enough wave clear to stall them with -1 hero. Once you see Luna/Ursa/Furion/Leshrac/Ogre and a few others together, you know it's coming.Ranked gives you only solo players if you queu solo, so kudos to the other guys for herding the cats together to pull it off.
Wish this was true, but it isn't.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
You can get any combination of parties in solo queue except 4/1(example: 2/2/1, 2/1/1/1, etc.).


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
That cat is out of the bag someplace on the furion/luna/vengeful/whatever/whatever 5man rosh cheese strat. Seen it 3 times tonight in normals from enemy 5mans, all losses by like 20 minutes. Is it people just trying to farm compendium wins or what?

Also, is there actually any way to beat that shit if you're not a 5man?


Trakanon Raider
Ping it, pick somebody who can scout it like Clock or WR

People are definitely trying to farm quests, especially the chinese new year ones which go away in a few days.


I'm getting a bit sick of playing against invoker. Every game has one.
Loving the compendium, this is exactly how it should be. Quests are awesome and a good addition to the games. It should also include a small reward (50? points) random quest on the start of each game.


Trakanon Raider
Just finished a game as BH, sadly the invoker was on my team, but you can snipe his chicken and casually walk in and just whack him a few times, sometimes you will get a kill on QE invoker at like lvl 2. Then rotate when they put down the wards, so it another lane etc. Just chill in a free lane at like 10 minutes in to get lvl 6 in a timely fashion. If the other team has a greedy jungler, sometimes you will help him to his grave by a single poke, usually leading to ez win by ragequit

Nyx also works, Silencer is a bit weird since you need either stable early game or run him mid.

Just make sure he doesn't get to lvl 25 and build bkb, no ifs or buts, you need that item to survive the combo, euls is excusable on int carries or supports.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The problem I have with Invoker is they seem to have removed all of his weaknesses with his recent changes. Back in my day (dota the mod lol) he always had the crazy spell spam available, but his early game was complete ass and you had an actual window to punish him in. Now with him getting invoke so early and the huge stat gains he gets from the orbs it feels like his early laning is just as oppressive as his late game.

Don't even get me started on what ghost walk has turned in to these days. Max movespeed through dust with an AE slow to boot? Whatever.


Trakanon Raider
Alliance drafted snowball lineup vs BH in g2 and got rightfully dumpstered. G1 was close, but Slark itemized properly and Rubick failed to be the x-factor against RP, on top of that they had zero push, so taking towers even after early kills was hard.


Silver Squire
Gettin real sick of your shit, Invoker. I get I need to shut you down before lvl 4, but I'm playing a solo support with a jungling LC. Enjoy your +25 mmr man, my carry is last hitting at 65% bro! Salty not salty.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I've been fortunate enough to play against really bad (or at least mediocre) invokers lately. For a couple weeks it felt like every invoker I played against was a 6k smurf.