
<WoW Guild Officer>
You probably have a custom pick interface, either through installing one or through a bug. Google it and I'm sure there's a way to reset to default.
Never installed one and I don't have a layout directory in my cfg directory. This is getting annoying


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
So why does matchmaking keep pairing me with people that have 10 or a hundred times more wins than I do? I'm like a dozen games in to this and it feels like I'm the only actual new player in this game and everyone is just rolling new accounts for whatever reason.


Molten Core Raider
So why does matchmaking keep pairing me with people that have 10 or a hundred times more wins than I do? I'm like a dozen games in to this and it feels like I'm the only actual new player in this game and everyone is just rolling new accounts for whatever reason.
Sometimes you get games where a stack in high bracket or very high is queing with a friend thats in the shit que, im only at like 200 games and im not amazing but yeah its a world of differance the experience you have over someone with 10-20 wins/games is alot, at least in my experience most people dont know about creep stacking or even pulling, just doing small things like this gives your team a big advantage, fuck even warding cause nobody else will.

It happens sometimes when i play with reth, since hes in very high and im in the shithole bracket, sometimes we get really one sided games where everyone but reth is in my shit bracket, and some games we go vs a 3+ stack thats all in V high que, their MM system blows.

Just remember when you're in the low bracket you have to go into each game with the realization that your team is going to suck, support isnt going to support buy wards or even a chicken half the time, and god forbid they know how to creep pull or stack for the carry, this is why when i play RD/SD or whatever i always go for a semi carry, never a hard carry cause you very rarely ever get the support needed, i never bother to play support in pubs, unless its like a ganker or something nobody is worth fucking supporting.


Trakanon Raider
So why does matchmaking keep pairing me with people that have 10 or a hundred times more wins than I do? I'm like a dozen games in to this and it feels like I'm the only actual new player in this game and everyone is just rolling new accounts for whatever reason.
This is the crossroads for new players when picking up dota, the amount of knowledge to absorb about this game is so astronomically high that you're going to have to fight for that knowledge generally with getting your ass kicked for quite a while.

Match making can be streaky, but as teck said, how do you balance completely a game when people can group queue with massively differing skill levels? Higher bracket players can queue with their lower bracket friends but if the ratio of higher vs lower is ever in the favor of higher its just pure pain and sadness for the newer/lower bracket guys. My advice is just try to learn something every game, and just focus on doing one thing better at a time. Like if you play bot lane as the support. Try and pull every time the camp is spawned, try to stack and then pull, something like that. Or just focus on warding, having wards bought out and down in places you think might help. Trying to improve 7 different things at once in your gameplay often leads to just reversion to bad habits or improvement of none. The game plays very different across the skill level of players.


Trakanon Raider
So I just ran a Tiny/Wisp combo with a buddy. Most fun in Dota 2 I've had so far. We still lost 53(us) to 40something(them). We had a lone druid on our team who wasn't pushing and final score was 4-4-3. He didn't get a single tower by himself and yet was part of 7 total of our 53 kills. Also, we were fighting a Gyro, a Sniper and a Troll and I was the only person to buy a ghost scepter. The others were talking about getting BKB by the 40 min mark fuck my life. Reth save me bro
Well this just lets you know that your game knowledge is starting to increase past your skill level. Which means that your skill level will start to increase to match what you know. The 40 minute BKB in low bracket is a game changer!


Molten Core Raider
He makes his own meth
meth fuels this operation i approve, these polls are hilarious.

"what does qpad neeed to do better?"

I do enjoy the random facts like, liquid is 3-0 with visage,wisp,ck.

"tobi dont ddos one day you will have a studio too, but then none will want to work with you anyway"


I'm probably in the minority here, but I think simply removing dopplewalk would be enough of a nerf.

But yeah, push teams are really the only winning combination. Or have Enchantress/Chen?/SD counter illusion pushes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If your problem with PL is that he can go invis, just buy dust or sentries. That might be the reason he rapes pubs but not the reason he's strong in general, and the game isn't balanced around what happens in pubs.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah. Low tier pub games are frustrating most times because of the static hero appearances (Drow, Riki, Sniper etc). But on the other hand playing single draft is kind of fun and there is always the rare good game between two evenly matched teams.

Watching some of the better players play this game makes me sad. Its crazy how fast they control their hero and pretty much know when to and when not to engage and almost NEVER make mistakes. When I try to play a char out of my comfort zone Im bad and should feel bad.


One of the main reasons a lot of newer players do so badly is they are way too passive in their lane early game. Sadly, even some players getting in the better brackets have that mindset. I've seen a hero that would 100% die so many times if my teammate just decided to follow me in and stun/use whatever ability they have, but they're after that precious 1 hit on a mob instead...


Trakanon Raider
That's where I think your statement is massively misleading. Naked aggression in lane is no way to win consistently in dota, you have to absolutely understand the powercurve of your hero, your lane partner, and combination of enemy heroes. A simple example would be Mirana V Queen of Pain mid.

At lvl 1, QoP has the advantage, her base damage is higher, she can come with more consumables to lane. If she takes shadowstrike first, its stronger and more useful in this context than arrow or lvl 1 starfall. Mirana can rarely afford an arrow first build, so leap is probably it.

At lvl 2, Mirana is at a base damage disadvantage but she's a little more dangerous having arrow/leap - Even still her auto attack is so weak that a landed arrow will not result in a kill unless the qop is quite low. QoP has Blink and Scream or Blink and Shadowstrike most likely. This is still - slightly in QoP favor.

At Lvl 3, The matchup is more even - the base damage still being the decider.

At lvl 4, Mirana gains an edge on long arrow initiation because of the double strike of starfall, but it is a heavy commitment most likely and is still no guarantee.

At lvl 5, A good arrow by mirana will kill Qop with double level 3 starfall. Qop still does scarry damage, the arrow must hit with reasonable stun time for mirana. Mirana takes the power lead for 1 level substantially under an good arrow hit.

At lvl 6, QoP jumps ahead with her ulti, Mirana is a reasonably soft hero and without one rounding qop she can die in an instant to scream. The only initiation mirana can make are for sure kills, if it isn't for sure it probably means Mirana dies.

Obviously this little scenario doesn't take into account the variable status of hp/mana in the lane, runes, teammate assistant and just assumes the capacity for both heroes to use their skills with mostly full life, or last hits and items in lane at 6 minutes, but it does speak to the greater point. Being aggressive is fine, but understanding the precise timing of when the advantage is legitimate is not simple. It just gets more complicated when you head into duo lanes etc.

Venomancer Juggernaut duo is one of the strongest level 1 duo lanes in the game assuming the veno can hit gale with reasonable distance away from the enemy tower, but such a lane for example gets incredibly weak say vs a shadow demon leshrac at level 2. Disruption can bait out jugs mana at worst, and at best the player isn't hammering spin and gets taken so low that simple auto attacks combined with soulcatcher and or edict finish the job.

The biggest mistake I see made in lower tier dota, is being aggressive, failing, then following that up with yet more aggression snowballing the lane out of control and potentially the entire game. I think its fair to say if you do not understand your lane advantage or disadvantage always error on the side of caution. Or at minimum once you are aggressive and fail back off and re-evaluate the plan.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah lots of good points, overall though it's all relative and will depend on how the game is going, what the lanes are, what is your skill, what's your lane partner's skill, what are your opponent's skills, what are the risks of random aspects of your attack playing against you, how effective a failed attack would be, how much you need to invest and so on. There's so many factors that even though you have say Sven/Lina, you might still not get a kill/it'll turn to shit and you're better off farming and keeping the agression low until later or whatever.

Sometimes I do get annoyed at my lane partner for being too passive when I'm supporting them, but it's really up to them, if they don't feel they have to be agressive or if they don't feel it'll result in something good, then whatever, I'll just go pull/stack/gank mid and stuff. Unlike LoL, I find there's so much stuff to do as a support if you're hovering in lane for a kill even though your partner doesn't want to be agressive, you're just wasting time. Go do some other shit. If you're the farmer in the lane and your support isn't being agressive though just ping him so he comes, generally works fine, most supports will tend to take a defensive/safe approach to a game when laning with a random they don't know, if you play overagressive on a support there's a good chance you're going to ruin the lane for your carry/feed.