
Trakanon Raider
Melee supports are still to risky in solo q in think unless you know you are playing in a trilane or you have strong early ganks.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What items does a supporting alchemist work towards?
Medallion is probably core and you want to get it every time, as Concoction does more damage based on armor and Chemical Rage's mana regen is increased with regen items.

After that I'd say blink or force, if you're being focused a blade mail is good and really just generic items depending on what your team needs, IE; Vlads, Mek, Pipe etc.


<Silver Donator>
Meka is nice, since you need armor and the burst heal helps. Cool thing about support alchemist is halfway through you can decide "fuck it I'm going carry", like if you see no one efficiently farming the jungle and not TPing to empty lanes to farm them, aka your carry is a fucktard. Can also jungle semi efficiently for xp/gold if there's nothing else to do, just stack shit and acid spray it+ulti. If you don't have ulti yet it takes a while and isn't particularily efficient but still works out. With ulti 1 and like 2-3points in acid spray you can start taking the ancients which most likely your carry wouldn't be getting yet, so that's very nice.

And yeah the hero is a pretty solid support, even though he mostly only have one skill as a support early on, concoction(shouldn't be lvling acid spray right away). Which shows how strong the spell is when the support is considered decent with just that. It just does a ton of damage and stuns for a long time.

Definitely a good support but pretty boring to me, and kinda sucks to babysit if your carry can't go on people. Great for roaming to mid and fucking someone in the ass though.

My favorite support is still Rubick, since he does everything, stays relevant the entire game, can single handedly win the game, strong early game support, strong early game ganks, can babysit. Just great all around, only downside is you need a solid knowledge of the game to know what and when to steal shit. Nothing beats stealing a black hole and getting a 4man hole on a losing fight and turning it into a teamwipe though.


I like to roam with veno throughout the game. the regen makes it so i never have to go back to fountain and the +85 move speed unbroken lets you move around the map quickly. also, i'm constantly trying to keep pressure on their tower with plague wards, so never having to leave the lane is very valuable on him.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Does anyone else have that one friend that when you play with them you've already resigned. It's actually much more fun


Trakanon Raider
Nexon sponship ended tonight, fengyun 3/4th place game going now - finals after. Nexon might be worth a watch, the games were entertaining.


Trakanon Raider
TongFu just picked Huskarr against DK in the grand finals. Realest match.
Like they could beat them without something special

Iceiceice Invoker is so fun to watch, 360 noscope sunstrikes

Ench is one of the greatest huskar counters btw, impetus doesnt give a shit about your magic resist.