
Trakanon Raider
It's cool to win CD, in fact, they might be in the top 3 CD teams in the world. Unfortunately TI4 is entirely CM. They did poorly in Starladder, and the games they won in the Summit group stage looked sloppy. The games they lost were embarrassing. You shouldn't lose to, especially when isn't even playing well if you want to do well at TI4. They look strained and uncoordinated--especially within the last week or two when they played c9 (when both teams looked like garbage).

There's time to shape up, to be sure, but right now they're not looking hot. If there are more CD tournaments, I'd certainly bet on them, but the dominant format is still CM which they are having trouble with right now.

The Asia grand qualifier finals for the summit was telling, and I'm hoping the American ones that are coming up in an hour or two are equally so. VG is just in great shape, we'll see if EG is also ready to put the smack down as decisively as VG did.
CM was, is and always will be the format the game is balanced around and judged by, just because Fnatic managed to win the CD invitational due to Navi throwing doesn't make them any good. Hell, they even lost to random stack at Bucharest (with Dendi and XBOCT, but come on ...). They always get good for a while until people star banning wisp vs them and then lose horribly

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
The mechanics of how different abilities and items work together are so arbitrary and maddening.

Eg. Tusk snowball saves allies from duel but not lasso.


<WoW Guild Officer>
CM was, is and always will be the format the game is balanced around and judged by, just because Fnatic managed to win the CD invitational due to Navi throwing doesn't make them any good. Hell, they even lost to random stack at Bucharest (with Dendi and XBOCT, but come on ...). They always get good for a while until people star banning wisp vs them and then lose horribly
I thought they won a mlg event against some pretty good teams? Im not saying they're a front runner or anything. I just didnt think theyre doing all that badly either. Id love to see fnatic or navi win ti4 but I have a feeling this year its going to be an eastern team like dk that does it


<Silver Donator>
The mechanics of how different abilities and items work together are so arbitrary and maddening.

Eg. Tusk snowball saves allies from duel but not lasso.
Tusk snowball makes people invulnerable, Lasso is just a stun. If you stun LC oviously the duel still goes, if you make the target invulnerable(snowball but also SD disruption, OD banish, enemy eul and such) then well, it won't die.

There's definitely a fuckton of weird mechanics, but not this one unless I misunderstand what you're saying. Tusk snowball is actually pretty fucking good nowadays since you can click someone to get them inside even if they themselves are stunned/disabled.


Trakanon Raider
Tusk snowball is bullshit now I think, it's like Eul's for anyone on your teams who happens to walk by, instant cast invulnerability. Sure it's not that great in pubs, but once top tier teams start playing around with it, we could see some silly dodging. I would love it if you could still attack the snowball ala Phoenix egg if not to outright break it, at least to slow it down or something.


<Silver Donator>
Well there's SD's Disruption, longer range, creates illusions, can be used offensively and doesn't force you to move into a weird direction after using it. I mean for all intents if your goal is to use it defensively, SD is a fuckton better. Offensively though Tusk's snowball has a lot of cool stuff, and the hero himself is pretty good. Especially the sigil, shit's WAY fucking good. Absolutely ruins melee carries days with all the slowing.

But eh, more tusk isn't a bad thing, hero is never played anyway. Think he has some pretty cool skills now even if very specific, but good for early ganks and shit as a 4, snowball with like a low range strong hero like venge, nyx, tree and so on, cool roams.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Only downside to using that strat in pro games is all the heroes are clustered after the snowball ends, which would be very bad if the other team picked heroes that absolutely destroyed grouped heroes.


<Silver Donator>
Only downside to using that strat in pro games is all the heroes are clustered after the snowball ends, which would be very bad if the other team picked heroes that absolutely destroyed grouped heroes.
Well as I said, you're also forced to go forward. If say your carry who's on high ground hitting T3 tower eats an arrow, SD just disrupt then guy runs out. If you have tuskar instead well sure you can snowball, but you're snowballing into the fucking base. And yeah, grouped together, so you probably end up in the middle of nyx impale or some such. So defensively it's pretty awful, it's mostly an initiation/ganking tool that happens to be usable defensively sometimes. The early snowball ganks are strong though, if you start snowballing while smoked with like any stunner, guy's pretty much fucking dead.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hey guys I'm back on the hype train for TI. Can anyone give me a rundown about new heroes I can expect to see and any meta shifts? Is it still running tri lanes?


Trakanon Raider
Meta is more varied than ever, teams can run almost anything, but they need the draft and skills to back it up. China will be the top contender for sure, specifically DK, but there seem to be a few teams hot on their heels. So far neither Navi nor Alliance seem to be in top form and EG, while promising, seems to rely on Arteezy too much. C9 and Fnatic can fall apart at any moment. New heroes ? Centaur and Ember spirit, I doubt we will see Terrorblade or Phoenix in CM before TI since it's pretty obvious that the last balance patch just came out. Overall I'd say besides some very obvious first picks/bans like Mirana or Bat, almost anything is picked on regular basis.

If you want to see how the games can look, go watch the game I posted a page or two back

Valve Disqualifies Beyond the Summit from TI4 After Roster Change | Esports ExpressSo good.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Roshan kill with a mud golem and Aghs lich ult. It'd probably never happen in a game, but funny. It'd be amusing to be teamfighting with the entire two teams visible then see "RADIANT HAS KILLED ROSHAN!"



<Silver Donator>
Hey guys I'm back on the hype train for TI. Can anyone give me a rundown about new heroes I can expect to see and any meta shifts? Is it still running tri lanes?
To add on what Zaphid said, a new patch just hit like last week, so for now a lot of teams are still experimenting changes and shit. It'll stabilize in another month or so.

Current trends aren't too different than they used to be, as trends tend to be fairly cyclical. There's a come back of Dark seer for example, partly due to Sand King gaining a lot of attention due to his mechanics fixes letting him jungle with sand storm. For like 2.5years sand storm would not hit neutrals because they didn't want to code the "run away" mechanics on neutrals, now it's in so he can actually get a 10mins blink dagger off jungle creeps alone, which is obviously insanely fucking good. Invoker is pretty dominant again too, even though most people pick exort while the buffs were for wex, less strong mids against him so he does fine.

Defensive supports have become common again, with Shadow Demon, Treant and Dazzle being very common picks(dazzle was buffed quite a lot). As a result, AA became a common pick since he was buffed and hard counters defensive supports and heals. Skeleton King is actually played nowadays, mostly as a support but also as a carry, his ultimate is really good. Mirana is probably the strongest hero this past couple of versions, she was buffed a lot and she has replaced Windrunner as the "midgame with lategame potential semicarry utility suppport teamfighting do everything" hero. The second big new name is Centaur, who has become the perfect offlane hero, very tanky, can actually kill supports if they're being too cocky, very strong ultimate, only needs blink dagger to start playing, can jungle catch up or push lanes fast, can actually carry lategame if he gets farm.

Rhasta made a pretty strong come back with Lycan too, for push strats, as Necrobooks were made immune to Midas(but at the same time they now feed an insane amount of gold, like 200g each for lvl 3 necro which is a ridiculous amount if you don't micro them properly), but Sandking/Darkseer come back has dampened that quite a bit since both of them can easily wipe a team that's 15k gold ahead when they're pushing the base. Bat Rider still top pick/ban even though he's been nerfed a bit.

CheckdatDota: Heroesand filter for 6.81 to see trends.

Oh and forgot Ember Spirit, fuck him.

an accordion_sl

I just got interested in the scene again fairly recently too... been talking to ohmgee a lot. One of the big changes that helped the resurgence of SK and other popular blink heroes is the fact that it no longer costs mana to use. Arcane boots were almost required to use it before on certain heroes, but now there is a lot more flexibility.


<Silver Donator>
That too yeah, but the Sand King jungling change is the big aspect for him. Being able to farm a blink in early game while not stealing xp/gold from your other cores, with the meta generally being 2-3cores heavy already, that's a pretty big deal. Also gets xp from it obviously, so that's good since SK is very level dependant early game.

And while I wrote a bunch of shit, I still forgot a bunch of other shit. Ember Spirit high ban rate, really annoying hero. Naga Siren is still fairly high on pick/ban even though she was nerfed, she's played as a carry atm mostly(she has a period of time being picked as a support instead). Doom is fairly common pick. Axe picked quite a lot compared to before, lots of buffs on him make him very interesting to play. Both often played as offlaners, hard to kill and can go jungle if the lane is really fucked.

If you haven't watched in a while, a big change they made a while ago was swapping the easy camp with the pull camp, so now the pull camp is the easy camp, making it much harder to control the lane and have the supports farm off double pulls and shit. Also xp is now shared with everyone around neutrals, regardless of who gets the last hit(gold still goes to last hit), so the offlaner can come into xp range from behind the camp and leech the xp. This made supports a lot more reliant on ganks and having the lane for themselves for a few minutes to catch up and jungle-able heroes like dark seer, axe, centaur, doom, sand king, bat rider and so on more prominent.


<Silver Donator>
Haven't seen an ember since the patch, pros tend to overreact to minor balance nerfs.
Yeah he fell off quite a bit, his win rate wasn't that high last patch anyway. Still see Ember+Elder Titan together though, combo is pretty brutal but people have kinda learned how to deal with him better and they counter pick him badly too.