
Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm sure the people running things will read that jamble of jibbericious and be moved to make a change!

Or maybe you sound like the fucking imbecile you are. EE is completely incapable of posting anything close to a legible thought. If it was me, I would like to think I would take the 30 minutes to an hour to compose something worth reading.

Oh, and I'm firmly on Sutekh's side on this. Jesus fucking christ, every professional athlete in the world has to decide how badly they want it. I assure you, they've worked a hell of a lot harder than you ever have. Now, their leagues have gone a long way to removing the clown show EE describes, but jesus christ man, complaining about layovers? What are you, 12?

I understand every US sports league has had to go through these growing pains, and someone along the way had to fight for the rights for players. Hopefully EE isn't the one to speak up in the future. Hopefully someone halfway intelligent will represent the players.


Trakanon Raider
I don't see core Kunkas putting more than 1-2 points in X, 8-seconds is far too long to be recalled automatically if disabled.
The return aspect to the X has no mana cost now - and the duration of X is 4 enemy 8 allies at all levels. There is no choice now as to the max duration of X.


Blackwing Lair Raider
QoP getting buffs is nice. I don't think her ulti needed that change honestly. The blink change is massive, her escape is so much stronger at low levels now. I can't tell you how many times people are camping my blink spot because it's such a short distance early on. I wish instead of the ulti change though she got a turn rate change, I don't think her issue has ever been damage based.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well, it will certainly help her late game, to not fall off so hard.

I can't wait for the Crystal Maiden buff myself. She is already my best support. Level 1 Crystal Nova is going to be amazing. 7 second cooldown on Frostbite and 3 second hero duration is nasty. The Ult is already deadly, but now with the buffs I think you can definitely avoid ever going Ahg's and get Ghost Scepter/BKB faster to be a terror in team fights.


Blackwing Lair Raider
QoP is still trash tier, too many counters to her burst. Puck with a dagon does just as much burst. CM on the other hand has a ridiculous ult now, she can ult from the trees & rosh pit from high round. Force staff on Gyro homing missle + his ult buff make him a possible support now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
QoP is still trash tier, too many counters to her burst. Puck with a dagon does just as much burst. CM on the other hand has a ridiculous ult now, she can ult from the trees & rosh pit from high round. Force staff on Gyro homing missle + his ult buff make him a possible support now.
Ok... So another hero with an expensive item can do as much as hero with no items? I fail to see how that makes the itemless hero trash. Fact of the matter is morons listen to "professional" players far too religiously about things.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ok... So another hero with an expensive item can do as much as hero with no items? I fail to see how that makes the itemless hero trash. Fact of the matter is morons listen to "professional" players far too religiously about things.
Because QoP's only game utility is burst damage until you get to the ultra-late game when she becomes a decent right clicker. A hero like Puck has much more utility while having decent burst & is almost impossible to kill after he gets his blink/euls. She has to snowball for the pick to work, so you can't go offlane with her... you have to mid or safelane and there's better heroes for that. Hero is still trash tier.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Because QoP's only game utility is burst damage until you get to the ultra-late game when she becomes a decent right clicker. A hero like Puck has much more utility while having decent burst & is almost impossible to kill after he gets his blink/euls. She has to snowball for the pick to work, so you can't go offlane with her... you have to mid or safelane and there's better heroes for that. Hero is still trash tier.
You can pretty easily go offlane with her. She doesn't really NEED to snowball to be effective. In-fact when I play her it's almost exclusively offlane. Unless I'm playing against an extremely unfortunate lane combo I can almost always get kills and get decent farm in the offlane. Shadow Strike's insanely strong at low levels and with the blink changes it can take level priority. The 4 second CD is very strong for early game fights, TPing to overextensions, etc. She's just a good hero, people refuse to explore different options with her.


<Silver Donator>
There's multiple layers of issues with the hero. As you said, no utility, it's all damage, so if you don't get ahead, you're dead weight. She's a lane dominator(trix?) but with bottle crowing and double runes nowadays, she can't dominate near as much as she used to a couple years ago when she was considered good.

To be honest, the HoN buff would probably help her quite a bit by rushing agh and giving her some utility(hon buff is with agh, her ult applies dagger to everyone hit, addint a lot of dot damage+ fairly strong slow on a large aoe). Otherwise she'd need something more. Dagger is cool but just isn't powerful enough past laning and in some ganking situations, her burst is decent but not exceptional, scream still has very limited range, sonic wave aoe isn't as big as you'd expect and it's hard to actually hit more than 2-3 targets in most teamfights. She probably needs some love like Zeus got to make him at least more useful at various stuff.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well the double rune change is another reason why I think her in the offlane actually makes sense. You can contest runes very easily with blink and QoP almost always goes bottle regardless. It allows you to dominate the offlane even harder. Not to mention there's almost no chance that the friendly safelane is going to be bottle crowing. There aren't many offlane combos that mess her up, it's going to take a long duration silence or chaining long duration stuns to really hurt her. Supports cannot drive you out of lane and with high levels in shadow strike people absolutely cannot dive you under tower without dying. The main issue I've found with her is that everyone is so quick to write off Shadow Strike as a shit spell and only user her for Scream/Sonic blowing up. I've played games where I've gone 4/1/1/1 and had a massive impact in team fights, much more than if I had leveled scream, she has one of the strongest auto attacks among range heroes so with Null Tali/tread she does exceptional damage in the early/mid stages and the 110 mana cost on shadow strike is really inconsequential with treadswapping /bottle compared to scream/wave.


Trakanon Raider
He seems like an EG hero, pushes really well with ward, but maybe somebody will run him offlane, which is imo completely viable these days.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Began playing a week ago. Really enjoy the game...but dear god do the low rank levels suck. Even with as many game options ticked as I have access to at rank 5, I have to wait between 5-10 mins a match, get disconned a few times from people dropping, and then have about a 66% chance of people dropping from the match 1 minute into it, throwing it either way. Will slog through this crap hoping that in ranked matches people are slightly more likely to stick it out.


Trakanon Raider
Began playing a week ago. Really enjoy the game...but dear god do the low rank levels suck. Even with as many game options ticked as I have access to at rank 5, I have to wait between 5-10 mins a match, get disconned a few times from people dropping, and then have about a 66% chance of people dropping from the match 1 minute into it, throwing it either way. Will slog through this crap hoping that in ranked matches people are slightly more likely to stick it out.
Ranked matches are generally a little more tryhard, but still pubing. Less leaving - but that also goes away purely with time played and skill. You're still in the phase playing with people that will never play dota again. Once you get past that then you just have the trolly children that ragequit and don't care about the punishment. Once they are punished they only go to low priority games which suck worse, and you won't be matched with them either.

Every account in the rerolled dota guild is an officer so anyone can invite you.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I still hang out in the foh channel, and have invited a few folks in the last month. Just drop in there or friend me on steam. Same name/avatar.


Trakanon Raider
If you can handle the ping, EU servers seem to have more mannered people, at least hat's my experience. You get russians but you can communicate 99% of important things through the ingame chat wheel and alt clicking.