Downton Abbey


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Season 3 aired in the UK around the middle of September through the middle of November I think, then 5 or 6 weeks until the Christmas episode which aired on Christmas day.

so expect the Fall of 2013 for Season 4 in the UK again I would imagine. Julian Fellowes is supposedly working on a prequel series dealing with Robert and Cora meeting and getting married, but I don't know when that is going to air.

Cheap Cigar_sl

Thanks for the information. Long wait for those in the US that do not pirate or watch online and yes I was referring to the stupidity of not airing at the same time for all countries, especially since people share information, shows, movies, etc immediately on the internet. It gives the impression that television executives doesn't know the internet exists or refuses to accept it.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
It gives the impression that television executives doesn't know the internet exists or refuses to accept it.
The music industry is still struggling to acknowledge that the internet exists, so I can't see TV being much better


Just finished the first season last night. Absolutely loved it! What a fantastic show. It is a bit sad to hear, and this isn't the only place I've heard it, that Season 1 is the best and it is kind of downhill from there.

I must say the plot and pacing of the first season could have well let it as a stand alone show as it rather wrapped everything up come the finale... albeit in a fairly horrible way, heh. It gave me a sense of "Ok, everything is resolved and I can set this show aside and go on with life happy I watched this." as opposed to say the season enders of Game of Thrones that just leave you wanting more, or the finale of Deadwood that just left you with horrible rage and hate.

Though seeing Yogurt from Game of Thrones all the time was a bit distracting, I kept expecting her to say "Jeeeww neewwwss nuffinnsss, Jon Sneewww!" and then run off into the house stabbing people and tossing off bits of clothes as she went.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I wouldn't say its ALL downhill... Season 2 was definitely not as good, and Season 3 kind of reinforces the annoying stereotypes and tropes of the first two seasons, but it was a lot better than Season 2.

that was a rambling way to say that Season 1 > Season 3 > Season 2.


Registered Hutt
The end of season 3 felt so arbitrary.

If you like the period the show is set in then try Parade's End, a mini-series.


It seems like I've just been watching (and enjoying) a lot of shows set in Edwardian and Interwar Periods of Britain, which seem to be popular fortunately. So been kind of making my way through.


Not sure how much British TV people watch, but anyone else think that Edith, the middle sister, looks like David Mitchell (British comedian)?


Molten Core Raider
Finally got around to watching Season 3, which was a vast improvement on Season 2. S1 still the best though.
Looks like S4 just started up, and interesting to see where they're going with it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Thanks for the reminder on Season 4 starting. My mother in law and her friends love this show so I download it and they come over on Monday nights and bring my wife and I dinner... cause even middle aged women like to brag to their other friends about seeing episodes early.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
The show was good, but I don't think I'll be watching s4. There is such a thing as *too* much drama, and the ending of s3 was the nail in the coffin for me.

I have a question for you all with regards to Bates, since it's been haunting me for the past few seasons, and I'll spoiler it just in case anyone hasn't watched the first 3 series:

Do you think Bates is guilty of murdering his wife, or not? Personally I think he's guilty. It's been insinuated that he's had a dirty past, and he seems to have that psychopathic dual personality, all sweet with some people and thug like to those who cross him. It would also make for added drama to have Anna find out she's married to a psychopathic murderer.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's hard to tell with Bates because other than getting angry at the other guys in prison, the guy is emotion-less and monotone and never changes his expression or anything.


Buzzfeed Editor
I never really considered that Bates could be guilty. That would be masterstroke shit if they pulled it off correctly.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
From what I've heard of the first episode of season 4, I'm glad I decided not to continue watching... :S


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Anna gets raeped!

Edit: as I predicted earlier, I think that Bates is actually a psycho in disguise. So I'll make a further prediction. Bates will now go apeshit and hunt down and kill the raepist.

Seriously though, it's as if the writers all watch Game of Thrones and then try and make ways to top it all.


Buzzfeed Editor
The show was good, but I don't think I'll be watching s4. There is such a thing as *too* much drama, and the ending of s3 was the nail in the coffin for me.
Well, in the shows defense--the writers probably agree with you.

The two deaths that season were not originally part of the script, but were put in when the actors gave notice. The last death, specifically, was a shock and written in at the last minute, even for the writers. Not sure what's up with Brits and abandoning wildly popular shows, but seems to be a trend. Anyway though, it wasn't intentional and I don't think they wanted that much drama in the show.

I was more tweeked with the whole money issue. That felt forced and artificial, the need for Mathew to absolutely do the right thing felt very soap-operaish. So I can understand where you're coming from--at times this show is saved by the sheer weight of it's good acting.

Anyway, I mainly watch because I love juxtaposing this with Boardwalk and seeing the difference in cultures. I know dramatic flair keeps them both from being wholly historically accurate, but even in their fun-house mirror version, it's wild to think these were both in the same time period.


Musty Nester
Honestly I like Boardwalk better. Maybe I should since I'm American.

Talking about how melodramatic it gets makes me raise an eyebrow. Season 1 was too melodramatic for my tastes. Maybe I just don't have an internal feel for the unspoken tensions so scenes, which would be fuller with the internal pull, just lay flat for me.

Excellent production value and acting and all that. I'm not running the show down. It's of a high quality. But it seems to me that there are 10 other British series that are exactly like this -- the difference primarily being the costumes.