Dr. Cliff Huxtable was a mega rapist


Musty Nester
Sure, I can believe that he was a scummy dude. Being scummy is not rape.

When you blur the line this hard what happens is not that it results in greater protections for victims but rather it results in fewer and less.

It's a little bit like when those women were accusing Arnie of rape. His response? "Oh fucking please. I was Mr. Universe in the 70's. These women knew the game they were playing. It took them 30 years to complain, so I guess that's pretty good."


Musty Nester
I honestly don't see why that makes any difference, Nester. I know what you're getting at -- but Bill Cosby is Fansy famouse and rich. It doesn't detract from the allegations, but by the exact same token it does nothing to bolster them.

500 women could accuse him of sexual misconduct. That makes it more likely that 1 in the 500 will be able to prove their accusation just because that's how numbers work, but it does not mean that it is any more or less likely any of them individually can.

The claim here is that he roofied them. That's some hardcore shit, Nes. It takes more than, "Well 5 people said it so it must be true."


Musty Nester
It's not on anyone to prove their innocence. The only time people are expected to is with sexual misconduct and when they're accused of hatecrime.

How could he possibly prove it if "I didn't rape her" isn't good enough. He did say that, he just used a fancier phrase to do it. I really do mean it. What could he possibly say or do if what he's already said isn't good enough. I can't think of a single thing. I'm not trying to be obtuse.


Millie's Staff Member
what i cant get my head around is , bill cosby supposedly raped white girls in the 60s and 70s and none of them reported it and no "racist" cops went after him for it? really? what reality is this from? mike tyson did time for rape in the early 90s. how did cosby get lucky 20+ times?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
what i cant get my head around is , bill cosby supposedly raped white girls in the 60s and 70s and none of them reported it and no "racist" cops went after him for it? really? what reality is this from? mike tyson did time for rape in the early 90s. how did cosby get lucky 20+ times?
60% of rapes go unreported today and there's a lot better support for women now then there was back then. I wouldn't be surprised to see unreported rapes back then to be 90%. Plus add to the fact you didn't have rape kits back then like you do today. It was pretty much the woman's word against Bill Cosby's word. Who is going to win that argument? What Cop is going to go out on a limb and be the one to arrest Bill Cosby and very possible be made a fool of if this women is lying.



Millie's Staff Member
i dunno man, i dont recall cosby being a huge star until the cosby show. yeah he did I-spy in the 60s, but then he did a bunch of low budget films in the 70s and even did them in the eighties and of course he had the fat albert show. i dont think he ever reached the point of being an untouchable hollywood icon. he was still very touchable if a white girl or white girls had accused him of rape. we are talking about the 60s and 70s here. things were a lot more racist in those days. black guys were still being lynched just for looking at white women.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is this going to be the OJ trial all over again? Shit was so huge they stopped my middle school so everyone could watch the verdict on those shitty TVs they would wheel around on those shitty carts.
I had no idea what I was talking about but I remember getting a lot of hate whenI said he is guilty.
Did you say it like Uncle Ruckus did?


A nice asshole.
Did you say it like Uncle Ruckus did?
I didn't really follow the trial, I was more concerned about when I got to play NBA jam again. It was just something that came up pretty regularly and I remember it just being obvious that he was guilty, the bloody glove, running from the cops etc. People that followed the trial got so much shit put in their head it went from reasonable doubt to this man is innocent, so me being the only one in the class that still thought he was guilty I stood out. When they said he was innocent I was all of a sudden this villian.
After school that day was my first real brawl too, this goony mother fucker said hey you think OJ is guilty, as he weakly punched my jaw. It hurt but barely turned my head, was like how you hey buddy punch some ones shoulder, more of a push than a punch. I was pretty stunned that A some one hit me and B they cared enough about my opinion to be upset with me.

Now this dude was a little more than a head taller but I have two shitty older brothers that have done way worse so I got in his face the best I could got mid sentence saying something like what the hell when he spit in my face. You don't spit on me unless you want to bleed, I became a rage monster went for the genitals with my feet as I pulled my head level with his using his fucking ears. He got his hands and arms in my face and thats when I learned I will bite, I bit the fuck out of his arms like a rabid dog as he fell on me. Pretty sure teacher broke it up soon after but fuck that guy.
Second school I was expelled from...


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Is a conviction/lawsuit even possible at this point? There can't possibly be any evidence one way or the other after all these years. It's just he said she said at this point isn't it?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He could confess! I think a lawsuit is a whole different ball game in terms of evidence and proof though.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
60% of rapes go unreported today and there's a lot better support for women now then there was back then. I wouldn't be surprised to see unreported rapes back then to be 90%. Plus add to the fact you didn't have rape kits back then like you do today. It was pretty much the woman's word against Bill Cosby's word. Who is going to win that argument? What Cop is going to go out on a limb and be the one to arrest Bill Cosby and very possible be made a fool of if this women is lying.

I'd be fairly surprised if this infographic isn't total horseshit.


Millie's Staff Member
and even if it wasnt total horseshit, 0% of cosby's accusers reported him to the police after the alleged incident. and no, waiting 40 years to open your trap doesnt count.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, I keep coming back to that. Not a single one went to the cops? We're talking 20 women, just so far. And not one reports it? Did they at least tell a friend or something? Write it on a bathroom stall? Fucking anything?

Man, I just don't want Dr. Huxtable to be a fucking rapist. Some things in the world are supposed to be good.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
We are well past, I wont even dignify the accusations with a response. That may work for 1 accuser, but not 20...

Allred is a Vampire Pit bull. She will latch on to him and then suck him dry.
I disagree on both counts. Allred only has power if he gives a fuck, and I think he's old enough that he might not.

Also, it's a no-win situation for him. Guilty or innocent, if he answers, he just fans the flames. Even if he has proof he didn't rape some or all of them, he'd have to destroy them in the process and be seen a monster. But, ignore it and it will go away.

Is a conviction/lawsuit even possible at this point? There can't possibly be any evidence one way or the other after all these years. It's just he said she said at this point isn't it?
As I said earlier, Gloria allred asked him to voluntarily waive the statue of limitations. I don't know if that applies to civil suits though.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I keep coming back to that. Not a single one went to the cops? We're talking 20 women, just so far. And not one reports it? Did they at least tell a friend or something? Write it on a bathroom stall? Fucking anything?
Like everyone keeps reiterating, he's likely just your typical, scummy Hollywood guy. He promised these women fame and fortune, banged them, and when they realized it was all bullshit, they hated themselves/regretted it. 20+ years later, we're slowly redefining rape, so now is the perfect opportunity to latch onto it as a "me too!".


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I was listening to Christmas songs today. When "Baby it's cold outside" came on, I realized it would make a perfect theme song for Bill's next series.