Dr. Cliff Huxtable was a mega rapist


Bronze Baron of the Realm
More Cosby accusers in the news today. I would really like to know how many of them bragged and told lots of people afterwards that they had sex with Cosby. Would be interesting to know.


what Suineg set it to
So as far as I caught on the radio today, one of them was on the Cosby show (not sure who as didn't really catch) but they seemed to imply she had spoken with the Cosby show producers about getting smacked on the bottom, leered at her and other types of sexual harassment but nothing was ever done. Curious if that ever gets supported.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So as far as I caught on the radio today, one of them was on the Cosby show (not sure who as didn't really catch) but they seemed to imply she had spoken with the Cosby show producers about getting smacked on the bottom, leered at her and other types of sexual harassment but nothing was ever done. Curious if that ever gets supported.
I imagine the only people who could corroborate that (if it's true) would be unwilling to admit they didn't do anything about a claim of sexual harassment, especially in today's "rape culture" atmosphere.


what Suineg set it to
Not necessarily though, as long as they can claim they told someone higher up to do stuff and they refused like the evil rich white men they must have been.


More Cosby accusers in the news today. I would really like to know how many of them bragged and told lots of people afterwards that they had sex with Cosby. Would be interesting to know.
Keep going with that victim blaming, it totally doesn't make you look like you condone rape or anything!


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Keep going with that victim blaming, it totally doesn't make you look like you condone rape or anything!
Not blaming anyone. But if you want people to take you seriously as to if it did/did not happen and how you say it happened don't wait 20-30 fucking years or more.

Now go have a puddin pop and you'll feel better.


Buzzfeed Editor
I really don't want to get all SJW on you bro, but that's pretty easy for you to say. You've probably never been in a situation remotely like that or had to put your life on the line to make a public accusation against one of the most beloved guys in America. It is not surprising at all that a woman would be raped and then not come out and say something. It is pretty surprising that there are all of these women coming out and everyone wants to act like they didn't know, I can't imagine that you can rape dozens of women without anyone ever catching on. But I guess eventually someone did and here we are.

Let's be real, not now because there is too much heat, but in the past Cosby could have had one of these women killed for threatening to talk on him. He's rich as fuck, he could ruin their lives, bury them in lawyers. And society wasn't always this SJW overcorrected pussystate that it is now. Plenty of people might have even believed the woman and not cared. Talking about it to anyone would be incredibly hard, and get harder the more time went by exactly because of reactions like yours. Imagine how much it sucks to get raped, then finally come out and say "Yo this scumbag raped me" and have people attack you and your character and motivations.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Not saying he didn't do it. Just saying if you wait 30 years for any crime people aren't going to take you seriously. End of story, regardless of what was going on in your mind. Original point was I wonder how many of these women at one point said to someone something about it and bragged about it, but now the tide has turned on talking about rape.


Molten Core Raider
Except people do/are taking them seriously. The guy's legacy is ruined, and rightfully so. And you really think these ladies bragged about getting drugged and raped by Cosby? Yeah, ok.


That chick in Vegas bragged about Roethlisberger fucking her and then she cried rape.

Tyson told that chick he was going to bring her up to his room and fuck the shit out of her. She went up, had sex, stayed for hours after and Tyson went to jail.

You can't take any case on face value. There needs to be proof. Not a single one of these ladies has a shred of evidence. With out evidence it's all just slander.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
The more people that come out and accuse him, the less I believe the stories. It sucks because even if there are 5-10 women he did actually rape, those other 40 are just turning it into a ridiculous sideshow.

Also, was slapping someone on the ass even sexual harassment in the 80's? I didn't start working in a real job until the late 90's and at that point the whole sexual harassment expansion thing was pretty new. In the 80's I think you had to literally threaten someone's job if they didn't fuck you for it to be sexual harassment.


Millie's Staff Member
The more people that come out and accuse him, the less I believe the stories. It sucks because even if there are 5-10 women he did actually rape, those other 40 are just turning it into a ridiculous sideshow.

Also, was slapping someone on the ass even sexual harassment in the 80's? I didn't start working in a real job until the late 90's and at that point the whole sexual harassment expansion thing was pretty new. In the 80's I think you had to literally threaten someone's job if they didn't fuck you for it to be sexual harassment.
pretty much this, many women in the workplace got some gooses back then, it doesnt make right, it just means it was commonplace. and yeah, the more women come forward and tell their "me too" story the more i think at least half or all these chicks are talking shit. its sad too, because there might be a few valid cases, but they are being lumped in with these dumb broads who fucked with cosby and regretted it so they are now calling him out on a charge nobody can possibly verify one way or the other.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm just waiting for dudes to start jumping on the bandwagon in case there is some massive settlement. "cosby totally raped me too"!


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Except people do/are taking them seriously. The guy's legacy is ruined, and rightfully so. And you really think these ladies bragged about getting drugged and raped by Cosby? Yeah, ok.
His legacy lol? He's got one foot in the grave you think he gives a shit about his legacy?

Even if all the people that are accusing him magically had "proof" tomorrow they would never see a penny of it before he died and most likely the statute of limitations has/is running out for a lot of the stuff. Other than doing some stand up on occasion what is he missing now?

They would been better off to break this 5 years ago before the current crop of "gray rape" and stories out of colleges that they are now paying for accusing frats of rape that never happened, and whatever else has come out lately.

Apparently now a construction worker whistling at a women is considered rape, they should have come forward before all this. It's not their fault, but it's not helping their case any.


Millie's Staff Member
I guarantee he cares about his legacy. And he's watching it get ruined.
his legacy for decent comedy is still intact at least. he may be a fallible human being in real life, but it doesnt take away from his acting/standup work. his image as a family man may be over, but he was pissing people off about that shit anyway. black people didnt appreciate him telling them how to talk and what words to say. so now he can save his breath.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
This thread turned appalling very fast. Holy shit at some of the quotes on this page.