Draegan sold the site to MMORPG.com


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did you register yet over there?

You're my atheist bro, bro.
Of course, I'll need an account to mock you when a_skeleton_03's Bioshock style promised land turns into the dystopian hellscape of its destiny.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Uh... hang on. Don't put words in my mouth, okay? Is that okay? You know what, fuck this. You don't know me. I'm terser than you are, you long-winded bag.

I never said it was a bad decision.

I appreciate that Tuco and Draegan kept this site running.

I don't give a shit who sells out who. I have no qualms with people making money.

I never asked you to care about my feelings.

Thank you for your invitation. I will join you when it suits me.
Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.


<Gold Donor>
I think Famm hit the nail on the head, this feels forced and very knee-jerk to me.

When we left FoH it was malware infested shithole and we were being mocked by Tyen daily, we HAD to make a move, we had no choice. With 20/20 hindsight I think most would agree we should have vetted the MoreNetz owner a little better, but understandably we were in the heat of the moment and again our hand was forced.

Obviously the move to rerolled was forced too, BUT for the most part this has been a good home for us. Sure you could bitch about the database errors but considering most users did not pay/donate a dime that would be the equivalent of bitching about bad reception on the AM/FM Radio.

I am not sure if I will bother making the move, I still have not decided. I doubt many (if any) will miss me as I am not a huge content provider. After 13+ years of this might be the end of my involvement with this community so I just want to say...

Thanks for the fish!


Potato del Grande
Holy fuck, all that's really left are the drama queens. "Oh nos teh forums split! Our community is done for! Might as well shut everything down! It's all your guys' fault! Plus racism. Rabble rabble. But I'm toooooootally waaaaay too cool to even care at all. It doesn't even bother me. /wipes tear." Maybe we are better leaving their dramatic asses behind.

Post or don't post, whatever. At least Hodj is trying to be a bro and invite everyone regardless of their views or history. So stop bitching that hes inviting people over and being blunt about it. And stop bitching that a_skeleton_03 is running it. "Oh nos a conservative is running the new boards, he's totally going to sell us out." When liberal sjw Draegan did just that, and a_skeleton_03 has put more time and money into the new forums in 1 week than Draegan did in 3 years. "Gimmie $1000 and ill add some image linking features".

Face it, this site is done. Bitching and moaning and bellyaching about it isn't going to change anything. Put your feefees aside, man up, and come follow the family to the new boards and continue business as usual, or stay here and bitch amongst yourselves about the "good ol days" or recognize your white male cisgender privilege and go report to tumblr. Whatever. Just quit being so fucking dramatic about it.


<Gold Donor>
I simply said "thanks" and I get bitched at by a guy bitching about other people bitching.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think Famm hit the nail on the head, this feels forced and very knee-jerk to me.
a_skeleton_03 finally saw an opening to initiate his coup to take over the site and went for it. Hodj is his minister of disinformation, not sure if he's just a stooge or stands to gain from this unholy alliance. The rest of the shitposters were easy to get on board since they are all super butthurt at Draegan for telling them they couldn't spew inflammatory hate speech every post and at Tuco for enforcing those rules.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
All of that you just said is just invented from magic in your mind though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
All of that you just said is just invented from magic in your mind though.


Got something right about marriage
Holy fuck, all that's really left are the drama queens. "Oh nos teh forums split! Our community is done for! Might as well shut everything down! It's all your guys' fault! Plus racism. Rabble rabble. But I'm toooooootally waaaaay too cool to even care at all. It doesn't even bother me. /wipes tear." Maybe we are better leaving their dramatic asses behind.

Post or don't post, whatever. At least Hodj is trying to be a bro and invite everyone regardless of their views or history. So stop bitching that hes inviting people over and being blunt about it. And stop bitching that a_skeleton_03 is running it. "Oh nos a conservative is running the new boards, he's totally going to sell us out." When liberal sjw Draegan did just that, and a_skeleton_03 has put more time and money into the new forums in 1 week than Draegan did in 3 years. "Gimmie $1000 and ill add some image linking features".

Face it, this site is done. Bitching and moaning and bellyaching about it isn't going to change anything. Put your feefees aside, man up, and come follow the family to the new boards and continue business as usual, or stay here and bitch amongst yourselves about the "good ol days" or recognize your white male cisgender privilege and go report to tumblr. Whatever. Just quit being so fucking dramatic about it.
Oh look, another bottom feeder who can't write a post that doesn't have the term "SJW" in it and would probably go into an epileptic fit if he didn't mention "cis" or "privilege" at some point in his rambling.

Enjoy the new forums, I'm sure it will be nothing but GamerGate drivel in every thread in no time at all because of pathetic dumbasses like you who can't do anything but bitch about how white men are being oppressed and call everyone who disagrees with them a "tumblr faggot".


Golden Knight of the Realm
It seems that Craig might be a reasonable person and we could have simply waited, bought this site and let a_skeleton_03 set this one up exactly the same way. I don't know if he's been in contact with a_skeleton_03 yet or not, I'd imagine this isn't an emergency level priority for him like it is for us.

No one is saying the other site isn't great and that having it setup wasn't a good idea. No one thinks Draegan was right to sell it. Just that people over-reacted and jumped the gun a bit. I don't see what the harm would have been in simply getting word out about the backup site and waiting a week before trying to create an exodus.
It's great you guys are having fun at the new site. Hopefully it all works out. However, I don't see that anyone has disputed what enzie said above, and it echos exactly what I feel. It may turn out great, but that doesn't mean it wasn't very kneejerk. Plus, RERErolled is a fucking terrible name. You sound retarded. Because it means retard.


Potato del Grande
a_skeleton_03 finally saw an opening to initiate his coup to take over the site and went for it. Hodj is his minister of disinformation, not sure if he's just a stooge or stands to gain from this unholy alliance. The rest of the shitposters were easy to get on board since they are all super butthurt at Draegan for telling them they couldn't spew inflammatory hate speech every post and at Tuco for enforcing those rules.
Lol yeah, totally a coup. Hes going to spend hundreds of man-hours and thousands of dollars building a new site, just so he can become some nazi rerolled leader and reign supreme? And there is a campaign of disinformation and an unholy alliance? Were all just closet racists who hate Draegan only because he was some shining light that kept our racism at bay. Hahaha. Holy fuck man you look at the world through delusional eyes.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think Famm hit the nail on the head, this feels forced and very knee-jerk to me.

When we left FoH it was malware infested shithole and we were being mocked by Tyen daily, we HAD to make a move, we had no choice. With 20/20 hindsight I think most would agree we should have vetted the MoreNetz owner a little better, but understandably we were in the heat of the moment and again our hand was forced.

Obviously the move to rerolled was forced too, BUT for the most part this has been a good home for us. Sure you could bitch about the database errors but considering most users did not pay/donate a dime that would be the equivalent of bitching about bad reception on the AM/FM Radio.

I am not sure if I will bother making the move, I still have not decided. I doubt many (if any) will miss me as I am not a huge content provider. After 13+ years of this might be the end of my involvement with this community so I just want to say...

Thanks for the fish!
I hope you stay with the community. I've enjoyed your posts.


Potato del Grande
It's great you guys are having fun at the new site. Hopefully it all works out. However, I don't see that anyone has disputed what enzie said above, and it echos exactly what I feel. It may turn out great, but that doesn't mean it wasn't very kneejerk. Plus, RERErolled is a fucking terrible name. You sound retarded. Because it means retard.
So trust some random stranger who is only in it for the money and told us he would change our site if we dont bring enough traffic? Or trust a member of our community that has been around for over a decade and doing it in spite of the time and money? Fuck, all thats changed is your bookmark links and the layout which is actually better. Everyone is over there posting as if nothing changed, yet you guys are acting like its some huge change. I dont see what's such a big deal about it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lol yeah, totally a coup. Hes going to spend hundreds of man-hours and thousands of dollars building a new site, just so he can become some nazi rerolled leader and reign supreme? And there is a campaign of disinformation and an unholy alliance? Were all just closet racists who hate Draegan only because he was some shining light that kept our racism at bay. Hahaha. Holy fuck man you look at the world through delusional eyes.
His endgame could be to monetize the site somehow for personal profit, or it could be simply a lust for power that will result in Millie level distortions of justice in the long run. Hard to tell the motivations right now. Either way he's been far too eager to do this for far too long, its suspicious when someone is that obsessive with such a specific and seemingly meaningless goal.

Maybe if someone had out of the blue offered to do this in a time of perceived crisis I'd understand. a_skeleton_03 has been lobbying, nearly begging at times, to get this opportunity for years. Literally years. I'm sure he's been ready to go at the first sign of an opportunity and the site sale was the break he's been waiting for.