Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
DA:O had a lot of saving and reloading and hoping one of your party members doesn't get randomly instagibbed.

This system is much more in depth than DA2 or DA:I ever will be. Whether you like the previous system or this one, isn't really up for debate. As long as people know that about the only tactical combat one will see in this game is when you assign health pots to a common button one likes to press. Your choices within combat are irrelevant in DA:I. And that's the entire point I am trying to make.

And just because DA:I can move into a tactical view, doesn't mean it will be used. They may as well just took out tactical altogether. As it stands, no one needs to use tactical, and it appears that they just threw it in for a marketing bullet point check off.


Vyemm Raider
I get an invalid cipher when i try it


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is the world state thing working? When i start a new game it says no custom world state found but my origin and DA:I are definitely linked.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Exactly. I'm arguing against Ut's foolishness. Saying this game is just button mashing is retarded. No party-based RPGs actually have difficult reactive combat.
Most of the difficulty in party-based RPGs with a 'button mash' style of gameplay (I'm thinking the lines of Tales of, Star Ocean... Kingdom Hearts?) is managing your stupid damn AI part members!


Vyemm Raider
How does the PC UI differ from the console version? I didnt notice any issues for the XB1 version so wondering about the complaints on the PC version.


Unelected Mod
I don't think you give DA:2 nearly enough credit. The tactics system for DA:2 was pretty indepth also...
Dragon Age 2 Tactics : How do they work? Lesson #12 - 5/19/11 - Classes & Builds - The BioWare Forum
and forum guides for DA:2 playthroughs often had tactics laid out for each companion. In fact, having correct tactics in DA:2 made a huge difference.
Elemental Force/Blood Mage - Nuclear Warfare (Nightmare Guide) Updated for patch 1.02/1.03 + Legacy DLC video added (July 30th) - Classes & Builds - The BioWare Forum


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is the world state thing working? When i start a new game it says no custom world state found but my origin and DA:I are definitely linked.
Restarted the game and I was able to import my custom world state successfully on making a new character.


Molten Core Raider
I know it's minute 1 hour 1 for most folks, but anyone got impressions yet? Would really like to know if this is the second coming of black baby jesus, a good game, just a decent game, or outright shit.


Vyemm Raider
Well i played 6 hours on XBL w/ EA Access and enjoyed every minute, aside from one possibly bugged quest npc, well bugged or he was in an underground cavern id yet to find. During the 6 hours i only managed to do maybe 35% of the first open world area and it was pretty vast.

Im not sure where the button mashing came from but if thats what you want to aim for you will likely be dying alot, if you arent controlling your party at times w/ tactical view. I generally liked how big the Hinterlands was and how the map is full of various things to do ranging from fetch quest to rescue missions and even some special areas you can come across not listed on the map.

However i am also someone who didnt much care for Skyrim and i liked this quite a bit, my early impressions are like 9-9.5 but that was for XB1 and only for 6hours played. I see more complaints on these forums from ppl who havent played it yet more so than those playing on pc and posting. However seems like various video issues going on and mantle is proving to be the stronger way to go for good stable graphics.

Im very surprised are people complaining that KB/M is inferior to a controller in a game like this, id be hard pressed to go the mouse/g13 route.


Molten Core Raider
Thanks. I may go out and get this tomorrow if the board really likes it due to me being burnt out on Borderlands. Otherwise I'll wait for GOTY.


<Silver Donator>
Not sure how you go from saying tactical view is necessary to being surprised people would want to use a mouse, considering tactical view is something that screams mouse controls rather than gamepad controls. Gamepad doesn't change much for the tactical view limitations though, can only select one char, can only give one order, can't zoom out enough to see everything at once and can't move the camera too far from the currently selected character, seems like fairly basic flaws that'd affect gamepad just the same.

Game looks pretty good however, like, much better than DA2. There's a bunch of bugs especially with the PC version, Nvidia drivers aren't up to date it seems, Origin errors resulting in crash to desktop and there's a major issue with male characters not being properly recognized as male by a lot of NPCs resulting in weird dialogues where you're mentionned as "she", will probably be fixed soonish though, and supposedly the story isn't very good, but the game looks pretty fun to play.


Molten Core Raider
Go out? What is this 1994?
I switched my internet provider with my cable to satellite. So I'm fucking stuck on DSL speeds for the next few months. Fucking stupid of me. But yeah, I'll be buying it boxed if at all, due to not wanting to wait 3 days to play it.

Or I'll order it from Amazon.


Vyemm Raider
Not sure how you go from saying tactical view is necessary to being surprised people would want to use a mouse, considering tactical view is something that screams mouse controls rather than gamepad controls. Gamepad doesn't change much for the tactical view limitations though, can only select one char, can only give one order, can't zoom out enough to see everything at once and can't move the camera too far from the currently selected character, seems like fairly basic flaws that'd affect gamepad just the same.

Game looks pretty good however, like, much better than DA2. There's a bunch of bugs especially with the PC version, Nvidia drivers aren't up to date it seems, Origin errors resulting in crash to desktop and there's a major issue with male characters not being properly recognized as male by a lot of NPCs resulting in weird dialogues where you're mentionned as "she", will probably be fixed soonish though, and supposedly the story isn't very good, but the game looks pretty fun to play.
Thing is i didnt play fully in tactical view but im assuming you can, i just rather send out the minions then move my main toon into higher position for the damage bonus(I was an Archer). Overall the game itself felt very solid, so it is a little worrying that the video issues arouse on PC since that was the main platform i purchased it for. Its not something i dont see being resolved so it doesnt impact how i feel about the game overall.

It could very well be button "mashy" for melee but i was not melee and you can hold down attack button to attack and use your abilities at will, so i still dont see the button mashy part w/ the cooldowns on abilities(I only had 4? by the time i stopped though).


Registered Hutt
I hope there is one of those apps to simulate the choices you made in previous games. I haven't kept my saves, and I'm not replaying that shit. I used such an app for ME3, and it worked like a dream.


Registered Hutt
Didn't know that did that. Figured it was just some marketing thing. They often release some scrap promo crap before their releases. Thanks then.