Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yes, I watched the AngryJoe video in its entirety, along with some other of the beta videos. It looks really good even on the console, I love the look of the skills and the gameplay looks fun. Shrug.

I don't expect to convince you, but I've already preordered and while the game may in fact turn out to be bunk, all the objective information on the game so far looks good.
You don't need to convince me. It's your dollars, and your time. Just stating my opinion. I know people are excited for something new, and the press hype gets to a lot of folks. Including myself. SO I am not the judge jury and executioner. I have been the same way sometimes. I hope you find fun in it. At least you can be real about it. I also know you as a poster so I know you are genuine.

Budos: Correct. But he doesn't give a shit. He wants subs and hits and will try to gain street cred by denouncing games we already know suck 2 weeks after it launches and even before. I cannot wait to see how he comes out 3 weeks later and starts bashing it. He did the same shit with Destiny until he saw the public go rogue so he wanted to as well. It's his gimmick, and it makes him cash.

Watch this:Destiny - Angry Interview E3 2014 - YouTube

And then this.

Destiny Angry Review - YouTube

Playing both sides of the fence. People need to understand that.


Golden Knight of the Realm
You don't need to convince me. It's your dollars, and your time. Just stating my opinion. I know people are excited for something new, and the press hype gets to a lot of folks. Including myself. SO I am not the judge jury and executioner. I have been the same way sometimes. I hope you find fun in it. At least you can be real about it. I also know you as a poster so I know you are genuine.

Budos: Correct. But he doesn't give a shit. He wants subs and hits and will try to gain street cred by denouncing games we already know suck 2 weeks after it launches and even before. I cannot wait to see how he comes out 3 weeks later and starts bashing it. He did the same shit with Destiny until he saw the public go rogue so he wanted to as well. It's his gimmick, and it makes him cash.

Watch this:Destiny - Angry Interview E3 2014 - YouTube

And then this.

Destiny Angry Review - YouTube

Playing both sides of the fence. People need to understand that.
Totally. The DA:I video was the first video of his I could actually sit through and that was mostly because I was stunned at how bad he is at playing the game.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You don't need to convince me. It's your dollars, and your time. Just stating my opinion. I know people are excited for something new, and the press hype gets to a lot of folks. Including myself. SO I am not the judge jury and executioner. I have been the same way sometimes. I hope you find fun in it. At least you can be real about it. I also know you as a poster so I know you are genuine.

Budos: Correct. But he doesn't give a shit. He wants subs and hits and will try to gain street cred by denouncing games we already know suck 2 weeks after it launches and even before. I cannot wait to see how he comes out 3 weeks later and starts bashing it. He did the same shit with Destiny until he saw the public go rogue so he wanted to as well. It's his gimmick, and it makes him cash.

Watch this:Destiny - Angry Interview E3 2014 - YouTube

And then this.

Destiny Angry Review - YouTube

Playing both sides of the fence. People need to understand that.
Did you actually listen to his review or did you just skip to the end on Destiny? He says that it's a solid game that could become a 9 or 10/10 (or something like that, I'm not rewatching the whole thing for the quote exactly, but I remember that from watching it ages ago) with more time and content, but that right now there's just not enough to hold it together to be a true 9 or 10/10 title.

Nothing with that precludes his excitement over the limited Beta that was made available earlier - he never got to see all the content in his initial interview, which is where the mars in his final review came from.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Totally. The DA:I video was the first video of his I could actually sit through and that was mostly because I was stunned at how bad he is at playing the game.
It makes me fucking sick. Asking canned questions he already knows the answers to because he is in Activisions back pocket. Until he needs to make more cash by dencouncing a game we already paid for.

Fucking ridiculous.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Did you actually listen to his review or did you just skip to the end on Destiny? He says that it's a solid game that could become a 9 or 10/10 (or something like that, I'm not rewatching the whole thing for the quote exactly, but I remember that from watching it ages ago) with more time and content, but that right now there's just not enough to hold it together to be a true 9 or 10/10 title.

Nothing with that precludes his excitement over the limited Beta that was made available earlier - he never got to see all the content in his initial interview, which is where the mars in his final review came from.
Din't kid yourself. I know he played the full game before hand. Unlike anyone will tell you. These folks had access rights to the game and were under embargo, along with a nice side swipe that if they said bad shit about it before the 2 week launch window was up (Where they make the most profits) they would get their ass kicked with being able to preview upcoming content - including Blizzard titles. I know both for a fact. The funny thing was they all said they didn't get press copies to cover it. It was all a complete fucking sham.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It makes me fucking sick. Asking canned questions he already knows the answers to because he is in Activisions back pocket. Until he needs to make more cash by dencouncing a game we already paid for.

Fucking ridiculous.
Uh - 1 to 2 weeks after the game comes out is his normal review timeframe rather than rushing to get it out for launch and half-assing it - that's part of why his reviews tend to encompass full games better than most.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
No it isn't. Normal reviews come out at game launch or very near. Unless they are spoken with before hand, in which case they wait for the launch window to cease because all publishers think the first 2 weeks of sale is where it matters most. I know this because I was approached to do game reviews a few times, and was told the "game" before hand - specifically. There is no tin foil hat here. This is how it works. Bethesda is notorious for this with games they do not develop in 1st party. Activision and EA are the second worst offenders. About the only worse company for this is Sega, and Randy Pitchford with Gearbox.

What is worse now, are the streamers. They are the new viral marketing tool. They get advanced copies of games, for free, and those streamers make their dishonest wage on it by trying to talk about how awesome the games are. It's the new viral as main stream gaming sites become more obsolete because people are finally seeing the writing on the wall after all the public outcrys and rants about it. Angry gamer, and many others, are worse for marketing than we could ever possibly imagine as gamers who want actual real opinions that aren't paid for on the back end, or subsequently on the web hits after the fact. This idiot does both.

Clever little fuck isn't he?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Shrug - you made a statement to imply he intentionally held off the review for Destiny to "correct it" when reality is he always holds them off for that sort of timeframe. That's all I was correcting. Perhaps you're right and it's intentional - he does tend to play through complete games though, see his ME3 review.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Shrug - you made a statement to imply he intentionally held off the review for Destiny to "correct it" when reality is he always holds them off for that sort of timeframe. That's all I was correcting. Perhaps you're right and it's intentional - he does tend to play through complete games though, see his ME3 review.
Gotcha. I meant sites. Angry gamer just reads public opinion and matches the popular opinion held by the community and dramatizes it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm not buying into any hype. I never purchased DA2 because I followed the game, saw the changes I didn't like, and voted with my money. They still made this. I loved DA:O, it was a good game, it had it's flaws, I still enjoyed it. There are some games I look past the flaws, and forget about all the bullshit, and just sit there and let myself enjoy the fucking game. I go in with a few beers, tongue in cheek, and expect to sit down and just have what fun can be had, just like when I was 12 and still enjoyed games. That being said, this game looks like something I'll pop in, take a hit/drink/whatever, or play side by side with a friend, and just enjoy for what it is. I'll be playing mostly tactical and relish the nicer graphics, and the so far from I've seen, not terrible voice acting. Get what I can out of the story and not have to worry about if it rocks my rectum into going gay for Biowares big fact corporate D, because I won't. I'm buying it because it looks like I'll get my 60 bucks worth. DA2 didn't, didn't buy it. I'm certainly not linking Angry Joe because what he says is the gospel truth, I linked him because it showed game play that intrigued me. The boss fight looked fun, the animations were interesting, and I saw some things I was hoping to see. And I'll do the same thing with the next game.

I get legitimately burned sometimes, because of the hype machine, bad insider practices, and bullshit big business dickery in the video game world, hello to ESO. But, I think like a good number of the users on this slice of internet crust we call a community, I tend to be an informed patron when it comes to games. I keep up on things from multiple sources, and tend to know what I'm getting myself into with a game before I buy it. Or if I'm on the fence, I wait for a sale on steam, and buy it for $10 maybe $15. ESO and Destiny, have been my 2 big let downs in a long time. Anything else I've shown interest in that flopped, I never purchased because I was informed. These boards often help do that informing, even Ut has steered me true before, so I often read what he has to say. I don't think this will be a DA2 flop and am more than willing to eat crow if I feel it is. I also don't expect it to revolutionize gaming. I'm hungry for some rpg beef, and am ok if I get a good butterflied pork chop instead. My measly $60 isn't going to swing them one way or another, it may have helped swing things back from DA2, and so I'm willing to plant my flag at least once more to see whats, what.


I pre-ordered just because of Origin's refund policy. All the shitty pre-order bonus items, none of the risk!


Origin offers a money back guarantee on all EA games. The refund window is 24 hours from when you first launch the game or 7 days from when you bought it (7 days after release for preorders) which ever comes first. I'll just wait it out until a general consensus of the game is reached, boot it up and play for a few hours then decide if I want to keep it. It's also fantastic because my computer is aging and required hardware specs are skyrocketing with the new gen of consoles. Demo's are rare so it gives me a chance to test to see if games run reasonably on my system.

Origin received a lot of hate when it was first released but by this point it does a lot of things better than Steam.


<Silver Donator>
That does sound like a pretty good system, if they don't fuck you when you tell them you don't like it. I hate having to download cracked games to play "demos" to see if I like a game or not, and most devs don't bother doing demos anymore(I don't blame them, shit's quite a waste of time in most cases).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
To be fair, it does seem weird to live there and not have the ability to read it or a translation resource on hand. You probably are a fraction of a fraction of their potential sales there.
It amazes me that some of you are such clueless sheep. I know we are all starved for good games, but paying this company and these people for this horseshit, is not the way to get games to be better. Time and time again all of you (And myself a lot of the times) fall for the hype marketing bullshit and never see the bigger picture of realizing that this industry has become nothing more than spinsters. DA2 should have been the first lesson, yet, here we are again. Just like the MMORPG scene where everyone thinks the next biggest thing is right around the corner, falling to deaf ears of yesterday's bitching. I often wonder if this industry will ever climb out of the rut it put itself in. This game will be the pinnacle of button smash boredom. Sold on a story due to Bioware's name with none of those people even with the company that made the name to begin with, with a publisher that realizes they can pull the wool over all of your eyes because Knights of the Old Republic was very well done, ages ago.

I long for the people of the original Bioware. And I wish they would form a new company, not sell out, and make new games. Because * That * would be something to get excited about.

It's fucking sad.

Trust me when I say this. You will all be disappointed. And then it doesn't mater. It will all continue. With the same tired diatribe of "We learned our lesson. Trust us this time" and the grass roots viral shit and pre-launch marketing hype vanishes all rememberance of the last time you were all had. Until they do with this IP, and the next IP, EA bought, to wiggle out as much profit as they can and kill it like they do everything. And as long as people keep buying it, they have no reason to change. And if we don['t buy it, they will make their same scapegoat excuses they always do and either the IP dies off, or the company dies off, without anyone being held accountable to the mess they put themselves into.

My sole wish - if I could do anything, would be to start a group of people so pronounced that we would hit them where it hurts. By boycotting all of it. A leader of the pack where no one can be bought off, where we all hit them where it hurts to say we have all had enough and won't buy this tired shit any longer. Which will do one of two things. Either force them out because they suck and cannot create, or get them to all sit down and worry more about a new creation rather than how they can play crowd control from the last fuck up and lie their ass off to get the next sale.

Utnayan you are way too upset about a systemic issue. No one person or even small group of people is causing the issue you're pointing out. A company needs to make $... so they publish garbage to fund themselves for their next risk/endeavor


EQOA Refugee
Ut, you really don't have a leg to stand on with the "wasting your money/time" soapbox. You're as guilty as anyone of us you're railing on for buying bullshit and stopping gaming from progressing. I recall TESO and your PS4 stints pretty clearly. Lead by example and stop gaming or stfu. You're like a drug addict railing on other addicts as if you're better than us.