Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)


Golden Knight of the Realm
Got bored with the Archer so after about 20-30 hours (not sure how to check time played?) I re rolled as mage. Why didn't I do this sooner? Life is soooo much more interesting and just better as a mage. Between me and Solas both with upgraded Winter's Chill we have a LOT of CC. I also have Cass with stamina talent in Weapon and Shield and the Challenge stamina upgrade and Warcry. If she doesn't mage to get aggro and it doesn't get stopped with dual free then there is always fade step.

I'm also running Varic with Full Draw -> Stunning Shot upgrade and I also have Barrier for fights where I think it's worth it (like if Cass gets aggro of a bear with a bunch of other stuff)
If multiplayer is any indication, rogues in general are the worst of the 3 classes. Mages are by far the most OP with warriors in a way distant second.


Registered Hutt
So basically just like DA 1 and 2.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Really liking this game so far. The latest nVidia drivers brought a reasonably large performance boost, though. Before I updated, ouch.

That said, this is the first game I haven't realistically been able to play at 5760x1080 on Ultra. Time to convince my wife to let me upgrade to 970s!


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm not really enjoying the plot of this game so far. It seems like a bunch of people having stupid arguments about a religion that's even more stupid and fictitious than real religions.


Unelected Mod
If multiplayer is any indication, rogues in general are the worst of the 3 classes. Mages are by far the most OP with warriors in a way distant second.
What are the good mage spells? Right now I'm almost fully specced fire, but wondering if lightning might be better.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
If multiplayer is any indication, rogues in general are the worst of the 3 classes. Mages are by far the most OP with warriors in a way distant second.
Archers seem pretty strong. Melee rogues are horrible.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Ok you guys have talked me into it. If you're not planning on doing multiplayer much, regular version or digital collectors?


Golden Knight of the Realm
What are the good mage spells? Right now I'm almost fully specced fire, but wondering if lightning might be better.
Fire > lightning. Lightning's best spell is chain lightning with the arc number/range upgrade, the rest are meh. Fire has more of a variety of good spells, especially AE.

Archers seem pretty strong. Melee rogues are horrible
Archers just don't have any good AE damage, which makes them useless except on bosses which is such a small part of each map. I would still take any warrior (unless it's redundant, i.e.: two tanks) or a caster over them. The best archer abilities are the sleeps (powder and bomb) and the Christmas ornament bombs.


Vyemm Raider
24 hours in, 3 of which spent looking for Quillback Alphas for my subclass - Dragon fights are quite enjoyable thus far, ive killed 2 and both gave daggers! If only i used daggers

Finding bows is impossible, but Cassandra is decked in full purples, the bitch.


Vyemm Raider
Fire > lightning. Lightning's best spell is chain lightning with the arc number/range upgrade, the rest are meh. Fire has more of a variety of good spells, especially AE.

Archers just don't have any good AE damage, which makes them useless except on bosses which is such a small part of each map. I would still take any warrior (unless it's redundant, i.e.: two tanks) or a caster over them. The best archer abilities are the sleeps (powder and bomb) and the Christmas ornament bombs.
Not true - Poison + Explosive Arrow + Toxic Cloud is pretty awesome for dmg, and w/ artificer ability you can chain at times w/ no cooldown...


Preordered on PC but if it is a other use a controller game then it might just tip me over on buying a PS4.
Anyone have a strong opinion one way or another?


Tranny Chaser
I played the original on a PC and decided to go PS4 this time around since it seemed rather actiony. The tactical view where you give orders and then advance time is somewhat clunky on the PS4 as I have a devil of a time timing the 'time step' so that I move forward one round and end up missing the next action for one or more characters who run off on auto-pilot.

I'm very early on in the game, but so far the AI on the party members is strong enough that I don't really feel the need to enter tactical view at all and honestly they seem to do a better job of managing themselves than I do when I micromanage. Partly this is due to me not yet understanding the abilities of my Warrior or Rogue and so picking things for them to do seems like a crapshoot compared to my main. The AI mage and the AI ranged rogue both stay pretty close to me and so AE barrier is quite effective when they are acting alone rather than my clumsy attempts at positioning tactics. Having Barrier instead of Heal and having it be a targeted AoE is a pretty challenging shift in gameplay from that point of view.

I've noticed some dropped frames and visual lagginess at times on the PS4 that I am confident would not be present in the PC version, so if such things really bug you then you might want to stick with PC. Its a pretty cinematic game though and so it works well on my home theater vs my desktop.

The game feels massive. I know I've just been bumbling around the Hinterlands 'Skyrim' style and only towards the end of my playing yesterday remembered that I had an actual mission to do beyond helping people out and closing Rifts. With the base missions and all that plus the crafting system it really feels quite a bit more busy than the previous two versions. I think I may still prefer Origins, but I can get into this in a way that I didn't really feel with DA2.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
You can get digital collectors through Hola origin for 45$
Still? Thought that was a pre-order thing.

Any idea if the $10 coupon for pre-ordering can be used with the $45 price tag? That would be sweet.


Just loaded this up played for an hour or so. Fuck so many games I honestly am spending most of my time fighting with myself on which game I should play. Far cry 4 is awesome. WOD is awesome. Destiny is still great imo.

Anyway gotta say absolutely loving the feel so far in this game. Definitely has its own unique vibe somewhere between the witcher and skyrim.


I'm like 25 hours into DA:I, and I just finished up the Hinterlands as far as I can tell. Currently level 10. I really wanted a new environment to play around in, so I figured I could at least try the level 12 stuff (dragon/rifts). Dragon was a no-go, but the rifts weren't so bad, except for some weird shit going on.

I instant traveled to the camp near the mercenary fort, then called my horse. Rode to one of the southern forest rifts, dismounted, and my party was nowhere to be found. I click Sera to switch over to her, and I discover that the party is way up north fighting the high dragon again for some reason. I ran the hell out of there, instant traveled back to the camp near the rifts I wanted to close, rode the horse back to the rift, dismounted and the party was still not there. Switch to Sera; fuckers are fighting the high dragon AGAIN. Escape again. Instant travel back to the camp again. This time I just ran to the rift with the group (getting attacked by a bunch of bears and mabari on the way...) and closed the rift. Talk about wonky!

I really hope they patch this game soon. I'm having a lot of fun, but the annoying bugs are starting to pile up.