Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)

Yeah im curious on the Stormcoast Dragon as well , I feel that i explored the whole area and the one spot where there are Dragonlings is a good sign he is near there but cant seem to find anything in the area on how to get him to appear. Maybe the chance to fight him was when he is fighting the giant.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone have a map with the locs of stone quarries or logging camps yet? I've come across many of the latter but now I need 8 bajillion of the former and I am likely just not looking in crannies enough to grab them.

Also, Blackwall come on strong to my fem Inq and now I have to end the romance and he's making me feel BAD. Fucking pixels man.
The camps are all random i believe. I tend to find logging camps in hinterlands and quarries in western approach. There is a perk you can get that will put them on maps.


The makers of this game deserve every penny they get. This is truly a great game where you can see how much love and effort has been poured into it. I hope sales are really good. When a game like this comes along it reminds of why I first started gaming. That pure "fantasy world" feeling. Awesome game.


Trakanon Raider
So which group is everyone siding with first?

Spoiler it

However, I do have some issues now.

I am 25 hours in, and never really thought about it, but there isn't a "junk" category anymore. It is just "valuables". However, that is also the category that the identify drops from monsters go. I thought it was weird that I never had items to turn in when I knew I had looted some. I've just been treating "valuables" as the junk option from previous games (since that is where you send weapons, armors, etc, that you don't want to use anymore), and autosell it.

Now I realize I've sold tons of those items, with a value of 1. This is a stupid design decision. Why the hell would they default those identify items into the category where everything else is useless sell items? As in the junk category of previous games.

So if you are just starting the game, DO NOT autosell the valuables category without going to Haven first and clicking on the monster identify table which auto removes those items.

Now to my main issue though, I can't get past the quest where I side with a faction.

When the cutscene triggers at the end, sending Dorian and me back in time, the game just stops at me looking down at the kneeling Autonoius or whatever he is called. The game still runs, I can access menus and such, but after the line from Dorian "you have to do better than that", everything just .... stops. Not freezing, you can see the characters breathe and such, but no other dialog happens. Just me staring at the mage. Tried restarting the save at the encounter and killed the boss again, same thing. Stops at the same spot every time. Not sure what to do?


Vyemm Raider
Yeah im curious on the Stormcoast Dragon as well , I feel that i explored the whole area and the one spot where there are Dragonlings is a good sign he is near there but cant seem to find anything in the area on how to get him to appear. Maybe the chance to fight him was when he is fighting the giant.
So i did 4 other Dragons, apparently the Stormcoast Dragon is L19 and you cant face him till later. If you do deep SW you will see him and a giant facing off and then he flies off. However the area he goes to is beyond an inaccessible cave, which is where i am. I am just 16 and the War Table operation to unlock that area hasnt been available.

Alot of things are NOT told/explained at the last as to why certain spots on map are sealed off. When you get to western approach you will have another headache by not being able to scan for items due to the color of the sand making you unable to see most loot.

By 16 you can do Hinterlands, Western Approach, Crestwood, and another dragon who i forget atm.


Trakanon Raider
I just hit 11 last night and attempted the dragon in Hinterlands. Was an epicly fun fight.. probably because I was underleveled and not fully specced right for the fight. Regardless I got him down to the last phase with about 5% of health left.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Enjoying the hell out of this game. DW rogue melts everything it touches in seconds. My one big complaint so far is having to spam item scan all the time, pretty annoying.


Just finished my first run in ~60 hours. That post credits scene was...interesting to say the least. Only ran into one game breaking bug and a single crash to desktop. Biggest issues were with Dorian and his Necromancy tree; sometimes he'd resurrect a guy to fight for you and then the npc wouldn't register as dead or something and no amount of reloading would fix it so your quests couldn't progress. Hopefully they'll fix that as he was one of my favorite companions, but that shit just got way too frustrating to deal with.

Worth the purchase. Kinda fatigued on it so I'll have to wait on playing the multiplayer for later. I think I'll go out and have a nice weekend.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I Would love a good fantasy type rpg to play on my ps4 but I have only played DA:O a few hours back when it launched. Would I be completely lost playing this game with no real prior experience with the franchise? To everyone enjoying this game, would that be diminished without the foundation of setting and lore of the previous titles?


Molten Core Raider
You fuckers are coming close to convincing me to give my money to EA after I swore I would never do so again after the Sim City debacle. Damn DRM not being cracked yet, I might have to buy DAI this weekend...


Do I need to play the other two in order to play this one and know whats going on?
In true Bioware fashion, none of the shit you do in the first two games really matters. But knowing who all the characters are and all the lore involved will be pretty important if you want to understand why and what is going on most of the time.


<Silver Donator>
If you take some time to do conversations and read shit though, you can learn about most of the stuff quickly. Or you can read up a summary of what happened, can find them in various places, though you want to make sure it's spoiler free(wiki had a summary of DA2 with DA:I spoilers apparently). Thing is the story so far seems pretty much unlinked to most of everything else, and the first 2 simply provide knowledge of the characters(which you'll learn from just playing this too during conversations) and understanding of the state of the world(which you'll see from well, playing the game).

I was playing a bit earlier, there's a fucking goddamn quest marker on my map that doesn't actually have an item for it. It's one of these scrolls shit that drop from a mob, and it didn't spawn or whatever I don't know, I've done the thing on my mage so I know where it is but on my rogue the mob is dead and there's not a fucking thing to loot anywhere close, it's so annoying. This kind of shit annoys me so much.

Wondering though, how prevalent is the whole "activating a rift to weaken mobs" thing later on? I'm feeling like I never saw any use for it since you stand there doing shit for so long before it procs, so wondering if being a tank would actually not be miuch of an issue.


Lord Nagafen Raider
In true Bioware fashion, none of the shit you do in the first two games really matters. But knowing who all the characters are and all the lore involved will be pretty important if you want to understand why and what is going on most of the time.
You don't have to play it but your enjoyment of the game will be two fold if you play the first two especially DA2 and the Legacy DLC. The game is like fanfic for DA nerds, good fanfic.

This is my GOTY already even if the ending is a steaming ME3 style bummer. It's the game that all DA fans have really been waiting for. Explorable world with the Bioware narrative experience thrown in.


Best advice I got for this game came to me a bit too late. I was cruising Reddit and came acrossthis thread. I was so used to getting locked out of beginning areas in Bioware games that I figured I should finish up all the quests in the Hinterlands before I moved on, but apparently DA:I doesn't lock you out of any of the big zones.

Best part of that thread is that the dev that made the Hinterlands dropped this:

As the Hinterlands level designer, I approve this PSA.
Finally got my fortress. That place is fucking massive! I must have wandered around there for at least 2 hours exploring. Upgraded my garden, but all the herbs are still locked (WTF?)

44 hours played. Level 12. I think I might be exploring too much, but at least I'm getting my money's worth out of this game.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Just an fyi, in MP the quality of loot from chests increases with the amount of chests you open.