E3 2016


Trakanon Raider
In terms of console gaming... I just really want to know Nintendo's plans. I know what they should be. I know what they'll probably be instead. However, as a child of the 80's and Nintendo really being my first gaming love, I feel like this is really their last chance to be relevant. They'll probably always have their place in the handheld industry but I need a peek into their grand plan.

I'm afraid we're going to get the same Smash and Mario Kart (except NX edition) with a couple of NX exclusive characters. Probably same idea with Twilight Princess will come to light with NX. We'll just get a more graphically advanced version with the NX. Will we get a Metroid? Punch-Out? or... How about Castlevania? Final Fantasy? Will there be just a bunch of niche NX games? al a Wii?

I'm assuming we'll know more this Fall/Winter but will E3 bring us any insight to Nintendo's plans whatsoever?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I remember reading something a month or so ago that said Nintendo wouldn't be showing or talking about NX at E3 at all.

All I want from E3 this year is a release date on Horizon Zero Dawn. Had it preordered since the moment it appeared on Amazon, but the release date is still 12/31/16 placeholder. Western dates for P5 and Nier would be nice too, but I doubt we'll get any info on either.


Trakanon Raider
Well, Fallout came out last year, so based on Bethesda's track record, we're probably 2?4 years out from the next Elder Scrolls. However, I believe Bethesda's said that they've been expanding their dev team, so assuming that that's sped things up, I'll give it the *smallest* chance that we'll see TES VI this year.
Heh. Just realized that when I rattled off those numbers, I was basing it off the gap of time between Oblivion and Skyrim, without taking Fallout 3 into account. So yeah, we actually are about due for the next Elder Scrolls game; I'd still bet on it being next year, but an announcement this year is a lot more likely than I'd thought.


Vyemm Raider
I'll be there! Don't think it will be as exciting as last year, though. Hopefully SE puts up a big display for FFXV.


C'mon Techland, give us something about Hellraid.Oh wait nvm they won't. They shelved it.

God fucking damn it. I was so looking forward to that game. And I guess it will be another 1-2 years before they start talking about that new open world fantasy game. Damn.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I remember reading something a month or so ago that said Nintendo wouldn't be showing or talking about NX at E3 at all.

All I want from E3 this year is a release date on Horizon Zero Dawn. Had it preordered since the moment it appeared on Amazon, but the release date is still 12/31/16 placeholder. Western dates for P5 and Nier would be nice too, but I doubt we'll get any info on either.
I'm sure you probably heard by now, but if not, it was delayed to 2/28/2017, but they released a new trailer.



I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Would be a hell of a thing if MS really made this official next week.

Microsoft could turn every PC into an Xbox

Microsoft is currently working on a secret project internally, codenamed Helix. Kotaku originally reported on the Project Helix name, and the work is designed to more closely combine Xbox and Windows 10. Some of that work has started, but more of it is due later this year and next year with future upgrades to Windows 10. Microsoft wants to enable features like streaming PC games to the Xbox One, but sources familiar with the company's plans also tell us there are greater ambitions to make Xbox One games playable on a PC without needing a console for streaming.

Part of this could involve bringing the full Xbox One UI and system directly into desktop versions of Windows 10. The latest Xbox One dashboards are built on top of Windows 10, so most of the work involved would be customizing the interface towards keyboard and mouse. Bringing the Xbox One UI over to Windows 10 machines would effectively turn every PC into an Xbox One, especially if they're also capable of running the latest console games.

If Xbox One games are truly playable on PCs, then this approach also boosts Microsoft's Universal App platform and the ability to offer a single store purchase that will work across PCs and consoles.


Silver Squire
Not only that but the control disparity. I don't think console peasants will enjoy getting gibbed from players with superior controls. Then the ESP, wall hacks and the plethora other shit that plagues PC gaming on competitive titles.

If anything, this would solidify me staying with Sony for my console needs. I already have a PC. I'd have even less of a reason to buy an Xbox. Not sure that is a good idea on their part.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There's a few things that aren't in that article that would have to be addressed for Xbone games to work on PC. Xbone games clearly are not directly Windows 10 compatible, otherwise way way more games would be ported over because that's just easy money. No matter how well written, there's no way a modern PC could emulate Xbone well enough for most of the games to run at all. So either they're close enough where some artificial architecture can be added to PC Win10 to enable the games to run, or they're just going to make it way easier to port them somehow (Helix and PC dashboard could be a framework of some kind to help convert things instead of needing to go fully from console to PC)

Either way, none of that addresses online play or cross play. I would actually expect this move from Microsoft IF they wanted to back off from Xbox as a front-of-the-line brand and device going forward, and perhaps just rebrand it as essentially a gaming-pc-console-thing. Basically a Steam machine but with established users and such. Considering their stubbornness on letting keyboards and mice work on the Xbox though that would be a big shift.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Wonder if they will do 360 BC support with it as well. Scalebound is the only Xbone exclusive game I'm at all interested in but I still want to play Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia someday, and I'd like to replay Nier again too. (Assuming they ever make it onto the BC list, that is)

I really don't see what the upside here is for MS though, which makes me skeptical of the whole idea until they make an official announcement. I mean, we had rumors of MS doing cloud based streaming of xbox games to PC in previous years, and nothing ever came of that.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I'd think there's a lot they could do there, just depends on what they could actually get momentum behind. We're already going to see things like 'meStevo - playing Stellaris on Steam' on Xbox Live friends lists shortly. If I bought a game digitally from MS and that entitled me to play that game on every relevant platform (future iterations of the console, all compatible PCs, mobile devices) then they'd have my money. The huge win there would be any third party support they could muster.

I've got 550 titles in Steam, something like 80 titles installed on my One, I'd love to be able to play those wherever with relative ease. Steaming works great, open to more options like bringing the full Xbox experience to my PC if that's their vision. Their upside is brand loyalty the same way many of us are loyal to Steam by virtue of a large library, console sales and licensing revenue.


Trakanon Raider
So if Xbox One games can be played on a PC, why would people buy Xbox One platforms from then on?

If a game is shared between PC, Xbox and PS4, the obvious choice for anyone with a somewhat new computer would be the PC version.

If a game is console exclusive for Xbox, you'd still buy the PC version. Odd part would also be that a console exclusive for the Xbox would turn into the definition of consolitis. Made for the vastly lower common denominator of two platforms.

Point being, if Xbox games are automatically windows games, why ever make xbox games? If you do not have a Xbox or PC now (or a bad one), one of those little box PCs now would probably outmatch the xbox in power wouldn't it? Again, making a PC purchase and gaming on the PC preferable over the Xbox.

Always the argument of playing from the couch, but could still do that by connecting the new box machine to the TV instead of a monitor. Still have all Xbox games with it also working as a PC, get access to all PC things and probably the same apps as the xbox too.

If this happens, I don't really see any other end than Microsoft pulling out of the console race from the next generation onwards. Instead of Xbox exclusive, you get Windows 10 / windows store, exclusives. And instead of being the one with the lowest graphics with the xbox one, they'd be the default winner of any FPS / graphics settings because it'd be Microsoft (PC) vs Sony (PS4).

EDIT: Scenario. Microsoft continues this cycle of Xboxes, but with no new versions of the console being made. They use the rest of this generations life cycle to shifting their focus to game development on their PC. They start making Steam like little PCs, which are pre-installed to work at different settings based on the version of the machine you get. Developers could then just adjust graphic settings easily to get the max out of every version. Boxes could also include office subscriptions for student versions, which would probably corner the student market.

Doing that they'd only have to get PC exclusivity from third party developers, and that way I can actually see a MS store fast surpassing anything else than Steam. If Microsoft also managed to get some sort of deal with developers that verified Steam purchases could be made valid for the MS store as well...

That combined with new games more often than not (and probably every AAA title) being a MS store exclusive on PC could challenge Steam too.


So if Xbox One games can be played on a PC, why would people buy Xbox One platforms from then on?
Pretty obvious, the Xbox is like 300 bucks max. Good luck buying a PC for that.

This is a really good move by MS imo, something that Sony can't even match


FoH nuclear response team


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Pretty obvious, the Xbox is like 300 bucks max. Good luck buying a PC for that.

This is a really good move by MS imo, something that Sony can't even match
Now if they can actually implement it correctly, which would be a whole different story altogether. They were just touting how revolutionary their 360 cloud audio would be, and it is a steaming pile of garbage. I severely doubt Microsoft cannot just do anything more than half ass everything from here on out.