Eating fish contaminated by Fukushima is probably ok


Elisha Dushku
its not, thats why i dont do it.

i suspect tad isnt living a 100% organic non-gmo no vice life either.

but he makes a whole thread for tuna and acts like this is the greatest crisis man has faced since obama was elected
You suspect wrong. And what do you have against Tuna? Though, to be sure, I would have put it in the "Things that are going to kill you if you eat/use/smoke too much" thread but there wasn't one. I blame Obama, or Tuco.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Tad, why did the Nephilim ride on comet ISON to attack the Fukushima reactor?


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Lol, looking at his 'sources', this crisis and the Obama election crisis are undoubtedly one and the same. I heard that Obummer recently had brain surgery by his alien overlords, the Fukushima meltdown was obviously just the opening salvo and the lizard people are readying their forces for the final deathblow.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
This is the guy whom you're backing up, Beagle. I understand that even a broken clock might be right twice a day, but cmon man. He's using a lizard site as his primary source.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
yes tad, i had no idea that fish swam. i'm sure they all visit japan for funsies and then come back to west coast to be caught, passing on that sweet sweet radiation back to me. just like all the wild animals visit pripyat and then carry the radiation all over europe.
i love you


Elisha Dushku
This is the guy whom you're backing up, Beagle. I understand that even a broken clock might be right twice a day, but cmon man. He's using a lizard site as his primary source.
So you'll have no problem eating some fish fresh from Fukushima Bay then?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
By the way, Tad. What would happen if I threw a banana into the Pacific Ocean and it swam to Japan and back? Would it be sage to eat after it returned?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
So you'll have no problem eating some fish fresh from Fukushima Bay then?
Such a place does not exist. The Fukushima reactors sit on the shore of the Pacific Ocean.


Elisha Dushku
Such a place does not exist. The Fukushima reactors sit on the shore of the Pacific Ocean.
You are right. Okay, I take it you'll have no problem eating fresh fish from the Pacific Ocean within a few miles of the reactors?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
You are right. Okay, I take it you'll have no problem eating fresh fish from the Pacific Ocean within a few miles of the reactors?
Are the fish dangerously contaminated?


Ssraeszha Raider
By the way, Tad. What would happen if I threw a banana into the Pacific Ocean and it swam to Japan and back? Would it be sage to eat after it returned?
Question: has the banana been peeled before it starts its journey?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I don't know. I'll ask the lizard people tomorrow. I've got a 9:30 meeting with them - though they're always fucking late.
Ask them about their NYE message. Its from your favorite site.

Chilling Illuminati/NWO New Years Eve Message! ISIS, Lucifer, Crystals, Numerology, Triangles, and More! (Must See VIDEOS) | Prophecy

Tonight at midnight, as always, the ball will drop to represent the new year. Except tonight, it's an Illuminati ball drop! There is too much symbolism to deny it!

Not only does "the largest crystal ball in the world" contain 2,688 Waterford crystal triangles, but one of the triangles has the design of a rose, which is symbolic of the Illuminati Goddess, Isis! Furthermore, the triangles also create hexagons, which are the symbols of Lucifer, Saturn and 666-the Two Seals of Our Doom!

My video below explains it all, and it is as clear as can be. They are yet sending us another message.but what is it? What are they warning of us now?

Will this 'new' year be significant to Lucifer? Will the Antichrist be made manifest in 2014? What do you think they are telling us? If that is the case, it's a pretty chilling message!


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>


Elisha Dushku
Ask them about their NYE message. Its from your favorite site.
It wasn't, but does seem to put you in a such a tizzy that you can't even tell when I'm joke posting about lizard people. Eh, Whatever. Must crash, I'll say hello to the lizard people for you in the morning.


I'm Amod too!
Is it too late to slip Tad into the 2013 Rerolled Awards thread? I'm thinking either the Board Retard or Board Lunatic categories.