EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content


Lord Nagafen Raider
On test I've got a 75 Necro 775AA, 75 Mage 750AA, and 74 Druid 600AA (mainly a transport/heal/buff bot) that I haven't played in many months. They are pretty poorly equipped (mostly just defiant gear in the 50-70 range).

I know I can level up to 80 and try to find House of Thule groups or work on my J5 merc (only have J1 right now), but I also think I remember hearing that once you hit 80 the AA's come slower and the mobs are a lot harder, especially when in generic defiant gear.

Any suggestions on what I should go do?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Haven't rumors like that for test been around forever? I remember stuff like that when I was playing still.
All I can say is that it's a rumor. Important thing is to keep in mind that nobody's character would be wiped if they go through with it.

Also, as mentioned at SOE Live this year content delivery for EQ might change to larger patches instead of expansions. Content would be released freely but they will charge for new features.


TLP Idealist
Just a heads up, rumor is Test will be consolidated into live servers sometime this year. They will allow transfers off to live realms.
I heard they're also doing a new progression server soon; make sure everyone signs up for Tyen's batphone to get in on fishbait when it launches.
I just remade about a week and a half ago as a Rogue / Shaman box on Veeshan (Luclin now). I haven't played since PoP, so it took me quite awhile to figure out what the fuck was going on, but leveling and gearing is so simple. I made it to lv 42 on the first day(3-4 hours actually), and now with about 16 hours of account played time, I am 76 on both characters with right at 100 AA and very nice gear. If you haven't played in a long time like myself, different gear drops every 10 levels or so that is better than the raid gear we used to get long ago. This makes leveling up until 60ish really really fast....I assume so that you may join the rest of the playerbase ? I dunno, but I am having fun, can't wait to get 80+. If that part has already been mentioned...I will admit to hitting last page and posting prior to reading every page.


Trakanon Raider
I copied my 90 Necro over last night, if anyone needs helps let me know,

I'm waiting for TFO to catch up to HoT, as I've already done, PoP thru UF

Character name is, Marlb


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Might've been answered before, but what's a good way to pick up gear going into this. I played with TFO up to velious and still had empty slots, just from not being super active.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Try to join as many off raid targets. Like atm doing time, mpg trials, M'sha's and other non raid targets to fill out slots.


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Might give it a shot again, what about just leveling gear. I'm not big on begging for cash or anything (not that test has much of an economy to begin with), and test copy gear isn't cutting it.


TLP Idealist
Might give it a shot again, what about just leveling gear. I'm not big on begging for cash or anything (not that test has much of an economy to begin with), and test copy gear isn't cutting it.
Send me a tell in game, if people need help with gear the biggest thing you can do is ask for some help. We'll get you set up with Time/Qvic/Tacvi stuff really quickly. Like if you logged on right now we'd get you a nice setup tonight probably.

when is everyone's normal play time? I'm in SC so my play time is usually 10pm-1am
8pm - 12/1am est or so.


Talenvor I don't think AA gain has anything to do with character level. I have read that under 4k AA there is a big xp bonus and it tapers off the more AA you gain. I don't know the exact numbers though. I suggest leveling though once you feel comfortable with your current AAs. I feel on Test the majority of players are in HoT VoA and RoF. I noticed getting groups in the upper eighties became a lot easier. And in the nineties it's very easy to find groupage.

I have been on a mad dash to 93 and I hit it a few days ago, along with 3185 AA. I'm much more willing to help out now that I hit my most recent goal so send me a tell ingame. I generally play nights pacific time. I've got a bunch of random gear lying around and I enjoy hunting named so if you have a target picked out for specific loot I will definitely lend a hand.

For shits n giggles me and a buddy ran through PoFire and spawned Fennin Ro. I guess he's flagged as humanoid cause I popped trueshot and landed a 460k headshot. Two ifrit daggers dropped and rotted. We're hittin old targets cause we didn't see a lot of it back in the day, and I only belonged to a 2nd, sometimes 3rd tier guild on TZ.



Lord Nagafen Raider
Talenvor I don't think AA gain has anything to do with character level. I have read that under 4k AA there is a big xp bonus and it tapers off the more AA you gain. I don't know the exact numbers though. I suggest leveling though once you feel comfortable with your current AAs. I feel on Test the majority of players are in HoT VoA and RoF. I noticed getting groups in the upper eighties became a lot easier. And in the nineties it's very easy to find groupage.

I have been on a mad dash to 93 and I hit it a few days ago, along with 3185 AA. I'm much more willing to help out now that I hit my most recent goal so send me a tell ingame. I generally play nights pacific time. I've got a bunch of random gear lying around and I enjoy hunting named so if you have a target picked out for specific loot I will definitely lend a hand.

For shits n giggles me and a buddy ran through PoFire and spawned Fennin Ro. I guess he's flagged as humanoid cause I popped trueshot and landed a 460k headshot. Two ifrit daggers dropped and rotted. We're hittin old targets cause we didn't see a lot of it back in the day, and I only belonged to a 2nd, sometimes 3rd tier guild on TZ.

Thanks for the info Hinadurus! To clarify my AA comment, I didn't mean the actual AA exp needed increased at 80, I meant the mobs that now are lt blue/blue are much harder and/or have a lot more HP than the lt blue/blue mobs at 75, therefore the AA exp gained per hour is potentially slower.


So I've been thinking about giving EQ another shot lately. Tonight I tried copying my 85 ENC to the test server and about 30 seconds after I did /testcopy I received an error that said Test Copy: Move Error. I made sure that I don't have any parcels that I still need to take and I have plenty of character slots available on Test. Has anyone else had this problem or have any suggestions on how to get my characters copied over?

Lost Ranger_sl

So I've been thinking about giving EQ another shot lately. Tonight I tried copying my 85 ENC to the test server and about 30 seconds after I did /testcopy I received an error that said Test Copy: Move Error. I made sure that I don't have any parcels that I still need to take and I have plenty of character slots available on Test. Has anyone else had this problem or have any suggestions on how to get my characters copied over?
You can't until they patch the live servers. Will be this week. Just spend the time on live for now and /copy when test is available.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think SK? They can solo so much and so easy to get around. W/ cleric merc

I think mages are close since pets can tank group mobs and such. W/ cleric merc.

At least this is what I hear, this is for solo named mobs that normally require a group, up to tier1 or tier2 of the latest expac.