EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

I pop on every now and then to run around to get my dosage of nostalgia. Created the heroic character to take a serious stab at playing but the game has changed so damn much fundamentally, I just feel lost.


Trakanon Raider
I pop on every now and then to run around to get my dosage of nostalgia. Created the heroic character to take a serious stab at playing but the game has changed so damn much fundamentally, I just feel lost.
I would recommend starting a brand new character and running through the tutorial. Play the low level until you get used to the changes, then try the 85 again. The 85 Heroic has so many AAs and spells that you'll need to spend an hour reading descriptions.


<Bronze Donator>
with my level 85, i was able to simplify the learning curve by right clicking on the spell gems to mem spells.... it brings up a nest of drop down menus like "Healing Spells" "Damage Spells" "Buffs" "Utility Beneficial" "Utility Detrimental" etc, and sorts them by level.

it was simpler with my paladin then it would have been with a pure caster, but for me it was just "okay, mem a few heals, some stuns, root, good to go"

setting up my buffs spellset took a bit longer, but it definitely was easier than flipping through my spellbook.

now, figuring out all these triggerable AAs is going to be a bit harder...


with my level 85, i was able to simplify the learning curve by right clicking on the spell gems to mem spells.... it brings up a nest of drop down menus like "Healing Spells" "Damage Spells" "Buffs" "Utility Beneficial" "Utility Detrimental" etc, and sorts them by level.

it was simpler with my paladin then it would have been with a pure caster, but for me it was just "okay, mem a few heals, some stuns, root, good to go"

setting up my buffs spellset took a bit longer, but it definitely was easier than flipping through my spellbook.

now, figuring out all these triggerable AAs is going to be a bit harder...
That's a great tip. I've been hesitant to mess with heroic chars with classes I'm less familiar with.
I would recommend starting a brand new character and running through the tutorial. Play the low level until you get used to the changes, then try the 85 again. The 85 Heroic has so many AAs and spells that you'll need to spend an hour reading descriptions.
Yeah, this is really the biggest issue. I chose Shaman as it's a class I always wanted to play, but I can't seem to find a decent guide anywhere on what spells/AA's to use for group healing or soloing.


Ssraeszha Raider
Yeah, this is really the biggest issue. I chose Shaman as it's a class I always wanted to play, but I can't seem to find a decent guide anywhere on what spells/AA's to use for group healing or soloing.
Yeah it's a pain to find guides for level 85s.

As a Shaman for healing you'll have a spell called Frost gift. You cast it on whoever's tanking and it does damage to their target and makes your next heal spell on that player twincast (casts the heal twice). You'll also have a hot you want to keep up (Halcyon whisper), your generic heal spell (Dannal's Mending), and a spell that heals more the less hp your target has (Antecendent intervention).

Basically try to keep halcyon whisper up at all times and try to use antecendent's intervention when the tank goes below 50% hp. Use Dannal's mending if intervention is on cd. Try and use frost gift before your heals obviously. There's also a slow called counterhealing bias which slows the mob and puts another hot on whoever has aggro. Aside from that you have a buff called listlessness that you want to keep on the tank.

For AAs you definitely want to use the Turgur's storm and Malo all the time for slow/resist debuff.
Second spire increases your dot damage while third spire improves your healing. First spire is garbage.
Inconspicuous totem is essentially a longer cd Feign death. There's a lot more cds on long timers, I just split them into offensive and defensive/heal. There's a ton of them so don't be shy about using them.

Soloing as a Shaman isn't great as their dps is pretty low. Once you get the hang of healing and have the j5 merc you can get a dps one and heal them easily enough. Obviously keep talisman of celerity up and lynx/Champion buffs up on merc/pet. The poison dots should all stack so you want to load a couple of them as well as your top magic one, then keep those up and weave in frost gift and your poison nuke as often as you can. Again feel free to make liberal use of your AA cds as you have a ton of them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, this is really the biggest issue. I chose Shaman as it's a class I always wanted to play, but I can't seem to find a decent guide anywhere on what spells/AA's to use for group healing or soloing.
You should totally roll on test and app to TFO, we're at lvl 85 content right now, perfect for heroic characters.


ports are basically useless these days, fyi
You really couldn't be more wrong, particularly when boxing. The convenience of teleports and teleport to bind are awesome. Need to switch up mercs, no problem. Need to get to an out of the way zone? No problem.

The guild hall ports do make it less desirable than old school EQ, but binding right at the HA or in Dead Hills or wherever is awesome.


I've noticed not a lot of people are creating Heroic melee characters. Are rogues, zerkers, monks, etc. going out of style? Was thinking of making a heroic rogue. Guess everyone is playing Wizards/Mages these days.


Registered Hutt
with the massive reduction in melee push, melee aren't near as bad to box anymore, but they are far more active than they used to be so the argument for auto attack laziness is moot. Boxing a zerker for heroic adventures is nice though. Lot of dark blues to decap, and with raid gear you decap constantly.
Thanks for the write up Ambiturner, appreciate it. Drade, I would love to if I had time
. If you guys do casual invites, I wouldn't be against copying Khava over and shooting the shit from time to time as I level.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So after getting to grips with all my new spells (didn't even bother looking at aa's), thought I'd take the new 85 sk out for a spin and visit an old favourite, ToV.

The place was fully cleared of all named ..wtf?

People still clear this place ...wow


Trakanon Raider
So after getting to grips with all my new spells (didn't even bother looking at aa's), thought I'd take the new 85 sk out for a spin and visit an old favourite, ToV.

The place was fully cleared of all named ..wtf?

People still clear this place ...wow
ToV was on near-lockdown statusBEFOREHeroic characters. Now there are plenty of people like you with that idea.

Fact is people like destroying the zone for nostalgia. Some people are interested in loots (see: trader bots decked out in ToV, Bow of the Destroyer, Vulak), but it's mostly nostalgia and e-peen fapping.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Stumbled on this. it's from a couple years ago,2012 Hall of Fame - MMO Hall of FameMMO Hall of Fame

How the hell does anyone not vote for EQ? UO came before EQ, yet EQ basically invented the "modern mmo" with raiding, zone based world, focus on shiny gear/levels, ect..... For 15 years every mmo of moderate popularity + has essentially been a spin-off EQ.

How does a game dev not think it's worthy of being in an MMO hall of fame?