EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content


<Prior Amod>
I know how he is elsewhere but since it was this series of posts that was reported then yes, I am going by this thread.

I'd suggest moving on and if you ( a general you) have issure with his posts, make sure you aren't the one who started the trolling.

Also, Screw you guys for making me defend Qwerty.



TLP Idealist
Guys Qwerty made a decent post (#142)
You're being a bit generous here.

1. He claims the entire game is empty because one zone (13 year old zone mind you) is empty.
2. Complains that people are a higher level than him after having not played for years.
3. Purportedly speaks with a small number of jaded players. Provides analysis on content he has not experienced in any way.
4. After spending the previous half of the post complaining about how EQ has changed, he spends this line complaining about how it is the same...
5. Complains that he doesn't know anyone when he has played for the first time in years. Appears surprised his old friends have moved on or were not immediately online and available the one time in the past several years he has logged in.
6. Talks about how much is new, after having already bashed it for being the same (see point #4) and for being different (see points #1-3) then claims he has no one to talk to about it after previously stating he spoke to people about it (see point #3).
7. Attacks the OP of the thread.


<Prior Amod>
Those are things he didn't like, big deal, it didn't warrent half a page of flaming him. Put him on ignore but dont slap him around and then get upset and report him when he slaps back.


TLP Idealist
Those are things he didn't like, big deal, it didn't warrent half a page of flaming him. Put him on ignore but dont slap him around and then get upset and report him when he slaps back.
It's not "things he didn't like" it's nonsense. There is an obvious lack of reason and logic in his post which I illustrated above. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike EQ, some of which are captured in his posts but his manner of presentation robs him of legitimacy. He contradicts his own points on nearly every line.

Also your response seems to insinuate that I contributed in any way to that shit. I'm just commenting now on how his post is not in fact "decent".


<Prior Amod>
Who cares why he doesn't like it? If you do and don't like his reasons then ignore him.

Problem solved.

ANYWAYS, derail over. Back on Topic.

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
Those are things he didn't like, big deal, it didn't warrent half a page of flaming him. Put him on ignore but dont slap him around and then get upset and report him when he slaps back.
What forum are we on? If not constantly flaming each other, are we to hold hands and sing Kumbaya?


<Prior Amod>
I agree, flame away. I'm not saying dont. I'm saying dont be a girl and report people when they flame you back.

Anyway, its done, I just came here to say pretty much that sentence.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Who cares why he doesn't like it? If you do and don't like his reasons then ignore him.

Problem solved.

ANYWAYS, derail over. Back on Topic.
Or we could respond to his posts and make a rebuttal. In my opinion flaming him for half a page is more in the grand tradition of FoH than you posting for half a page telling us how and what to post.
There you go again, making up your own reality and story. It is pretty creepy as fuck how you try and fabricate some vision of people in real life
But I'm so right.
when they call you out on your shit.
What exactly have you called me out on? You don't even have a brain all you managed to do was whine like a little bitch and call me names.
You are usually pretty vivid with these made up descriptions too. Do you sit in front of a mirror, for inspiration, as you type this shit out?
I am just intelligent.

Because you are incapable of dealing in reality, I will set the record straight for you. I hadn't played EQ since 2003. After House of Thule launched (2010), I've played EQ the same amount that I have played WoW, the same amount that I played Guild Wars 2, the same amount that I have played any game for that matter... maybe 2 months per expansion, maybe... that is probably being generous.
Gotcha, WoW noob, GW2 noob, and now an EQ noob. All round noob with no skill and the mind of a child.

I do know people that have stuck with EQ though over the years. Without fail, they are some of the nicest, most genuine, and helpful people I have ever met in the online space.
That's because they have no life so they act nice to drag in some fresh blood.

So, who the fuck cares what people play or how they spend their time? Nobody.
You seem to care an awful lot, I passed my opinion on the game and you cried like a little bitch.

How is this listed as a con? New content is bad? "nobody to talk to about it" is a different point altogether, but new content is not bad.

You wanted the game froze at Velious, but with all the power to solo 10 year old dragons and obtain loot you never had the chance to get before, and for that loot to still be BiS? I'm confused...
More like frozen at PoP. To me EQMac sounds far better than the actual EQ itself. And if you don't think that's a point worth making... then you guys are bigger fucking retards than I thought.

Guys Qwerty made a decent post (#142) and you all jumped on him because he didn't like a game you want to treat like The One Ring. Then when you trolled him and he flipped out on you, you went off more and started reporting him.

That's not how it works.

Everyone just chill the hell out.
Don't bother defending me because that IS how it works here. This forum is dead to me.

You're being a bit generous here.

1. He claims the entire game is empty because one zone (13 year old zone mind you) is empty.
1) I didn't claim any such thing
2) If you were capable of actually talking instead of being whiny little retard bitches, you would get to the bottom of this stuff.
3) I saw more than that one zone, and it was empty beyond that too. In fact, all of Faydwer was empty.
4) It may be a 13 year old zone but it's also where the entire elven race starts. If that whole region has ZERO players, it's an obvious problem. Unless you are a retard fanboy.

2. Complains that people are a higher level than him after having not played for years.
Not so much a complaint, just an observation.

3. Purportedly speaks with a small number of jaded players. Provides analysis on content he has not experienced in any way.
I spoke to three max level people, all seemed miserable as fuck.

4. After spending the previous half of the post complaining about how EQ has changed, he spends this line complaining about how it is the same...
Some stuff should have changed, some stuff shouldn't, it's not rocket science.

5. Complains that he doesn't know anyone when he has played for the first time in years. Appears surprised his old friends have moved on or were not immediately online and available the one time in the past several years he has logged in.
Again not a complaint an observation. You just perceive it all so negatively because you're a stupid little bitch.

6. Talks about how much is new, after having already bashed it for being the same (see point #4) and for being different (see points #1-3) then claims he has no one to talk to about it after previously stating he spoke to people about it (see point #3).
Wow sherlock retard holmes.

7. Attacks the OP of the thread.
He attacked me first, read the thread. He is a stupid cunt, so are you.

Those are things he didn't like, big deal, it didn't warrent half a page of flaming him. Put him on ignore but dont slap him around and then get upset and report him when he slaps back.
Wow someone here actually has a brain, wtf?
Cool. You don't like the game or us. Now GTFO of this thread.
It's amazing how dumb you guys are, you STILL don't get it do you? If nobody actually replied to my post and just thought, "Well he doesn't like it that's his prerogative" I probably never would have even returned to this thread. But because you act like little twats, I feel compelled to insult you while also defending myself, and I have a lot of stamina for this kind of thing.

Although I'll admit it, eventually I do begin to pity you hopeless little bastards.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well i guess i was wrong, you do have a fan. Congratulations.

Anyone the phone number of the CIA? I'm afraid for the childrens.

Come at me bro.
Who Tarrant? I don't think he is a fan... he is just being reasonable. And no I really don't want to touch you. It would require a LOT of antibacterial wipes.


I tried it tonight. Didn't really like it. My issues were:

1) The world is empty. Zero players in Greater Faydark for example, so not only does it feel dead, but you have no chance of making a group. And that is on one of the busiest servers. As I've said before, if you are going to solo your way through an MMO then you may as well just play one of the newer ones which are designed specifically for that.

2) I had no motivation to 'work' on my character because everyone is already level 90+ and it just feels all wrong. I liked being able to play hard and stay ahead of the crowd. Now it's like busting your balls so get fit and run the 6 minute mile. Nobody gives a shit. And everyone else is already doing everything with an army of mercs.

3) The couple of higher level players I spoke to sounded totally depressed, and talked about how all the content is super easy now, including the new expansion which is like a cross between WoW and a golf game. If you want a challenge, best to find P99 they said. Uarghh.

4) The technology is ancient. They tidied a few things up but it's still so soooo old compared to what you get used to in modern games. I can't turn my head independently of my body, there is no customization with talent trees and stat points and stuff, everything is fugly and 2d objects all over the place that vanish when you view them side on, barely any sound effects etc. If I'm going to play a butchered dumbed down version of EQ, why not just play Vanguard instead?

5) Everyone I knew is long gone. The cool and talented people I knew who created the top guilds on the server, have since quit and those guilds still remain as top guilds but with recently newbie morons playing who don't even know the name of the person that created the guild and never played the original EQ.

6) There is so much new stuff to learn about, it's almost like a whole new game. There are mercs, missions, charms, all kinds of new shit everywhere you look, and there is nobody to talk to about it. If I was going to 'learn' a new game, I'd rather it really was a new game.

7) People like Fight play it.
Ok, given that I seem to be the only EQ hardcore player left on this board, let me respond properly.

1. Gfay is a worthless shitpile of a zone 10 years ago, and you expect it to be anything today? You're the idiot who returned to the home city just to go LFG after a raid, arent you? Here's a hint: Players are in the zones worth playing. First, there are hotzones. Is Gfay a hotzone? No, then shut the fuck up it's not worth being there. Second, it's basically a 2 day experience from level 1 until level 70 if you get just a little help from a friendly person. The game where you spend any time at all in any zone nowdays is called the ENDGAME, not the bullshit you were doing. Therefore, your bullshit rationalizion of 1 out of 1500 zones was empty is pathetic, idiotic, and I'm ashamed I have to point it out for others to see the light.
2. Just because you have to work at being good at the game does not invalidate the quality of the game. If you want to suck but still feel uber, theres a game called World of Warcraft waiting for you. You have to bust your ass to level 100, grind out about 7,000 AA, and THEN, possibly, you might consider yourself a good casual gamer. A modern raider has done all that, and farmed clickies, augs, and other tools that are still required to be good at your class. If you want shit handed to you for no effort so you can remain a fucktard, see above for suggestions.
3. You talked to a couple retards who think the game is easy. GG. The game is easier in some respects. The death penalty is basically non existant now. Mercs make finding groups optional, especially if you can box an account (or 4). That is how the game has evolved. It's easier to get access to the content, but the modern expansion has plenty of difficulty built into it if you had half a brain and the willingless to try it. But since you have no emotional investment in building a character, I doubt you have any authority to broach even the concept of what i'm talking about.
4. The graphics engine is definately older than modern games. But guess what.....nobody who loves the game and continues to love the game gives a shit about your expectations. The game is great to play, especially on older systems, and people love how you can box 4 characters and not have to upgrade your system to uber status. And if I have to educate you on the differences between Vanguard and EQ, you really do need to stfu.
5. If you don't care about making an effort to make new friends, nobody will care to make friends with you. did you honestly expect to find 6 people you used to know and go "omg it's Qwerty, lets level him up so he can play with us!" Most likely anyone who knew you then will still hate you now for your obvious incompetant rambling.
6. Yes, theres more to learn. Nothing that a few weeks of actual learning will gain you. And you'll make mistakes and find out how truly great the game has become. But wait, no you're not willing to do that. Darn it!

In short, the game is still as good as it used to be. If anything changes, it's you. If you and your lifestyle can't handle the EQ way, go to WoW or some other game that satisfies. But don't pretend to put 5 minutes into it and expect to spoil this thread with bullshit.


<Prior Amod>
Well i guess i was wrong, you do have a fan. Congratulations.

Anyone the phone number of the CIA? I'm afraid for the childrens.

Come at me bro.
I'm far from a Qwerty fan, like I said I came here to tell you ( a general "you") to not report him for counter trolling your flames. I could give a shit about this thread otherwise.


Silver Squire
Killing shit in The Hole has been fun for me. In the process of killing shit in The Hole, I learned you can jump all the fuck way down into The Hole, and not 32k dmg or get DT'd! While killing down towards temple, I listened to Hole (felt appropriate). In the process of listening to Hole while in The Hole and longing for a Hobbit Hole, I could completely see why Kurt put a hole in his head. Courtney's batshit nuts kinda like Qwerty EQ posts.
Ok so I was curious as to what other moronic shit you came up with and wow there are some real pearls in there.

You're the idiot who returned to the home city just to go LFG after a raid, arent you?
Um not I played a level 1 character, alone, in a starter zone.

Here's a hint: Players are in the zones worth playing. First, there are hotzones. Is Gfay a hotzone? No, then shut the fuck up it's not worth being there.
Here's a hint, it's a starting zone for like half the races in the game, it also has the best feel and the best music of pretty much any zone in EQ ever, and it's empty, that's not good.

Second, it's basically a 2 day experience from level 1 until level 70 if you get just a little help from a friendly person.
Here's a hint, that's not EQ, that's some piece of shit noob game, no wonder you love it.

The game where you spend any time at all in any zone nowdays is called the ENDGAME,
Here's a hint, that's how you kill a game. You make the earlier levels shit for new people, you get no new people, here's a hint, the old people eventually quit one by one and you end up with a dead game.

Therefore, your bullshit rationalizion of 1 out of 1500 zones was empty is pathetic, idiotic, and I'm ashamed I have to point it out for others to see the light.
I already said, it wasn't one zone, it was the whole continent. And I didn't say the whole game is empty either. That's your 'bullshit' interpretation of it. Here's a hint, stop being a crying little fanboy bitch.

2. Just because you have to work at being good at the game does not invalidate the quality of the game.
Here's a hint, if you can get 70 levels in a day or whatever, it's hardly working for something.

If you want to suck but still feel uber, theres a game called World of Warcraft waiting for you.
WoW/EQ what's the difference?

You have to bust your ass to level 100, grind out about 7,000 AA, and THEN, possibly, you might consider yourself a good casual gamer.

A modern raider has done all that, and farmed clickies, augs, and other tools that are still required to be good at your class. If you want shit handed to you for no effort so you can remain a fucktard, see above for suggestions.
Who said I wanted shit handed to me? Is that just your go-to defence of anything? I played EQ when stuff really WAS hard to achieve, you know... back when the game was new and challenging and interesting, before you were born.

3. You talked to a couple retards who think the game is easy. GG.
Far from retards, they are the top guild and they were really nice people, experienced with MMO's, and about a 1000 times better a specimen of a human than you will ever be in your piece of shit lifetime.

The game is easier in some respects.

The death penalty is basically non existant now.

Mercs make finding groups optional,

especially if you can box an account (or 4). That is how the game has evolved.
Here's a hint, that's called devolution not evolution.

4. The graphics engine is definately older than modern games.

But guess what.....nobody who loves the game and continues to love the game gives a shit about your expectations.

The game is great to play, especially on older systems,
Duh. You only play it because you are poor don't you? I lol at you and your 1ghz celeron.

and people love how you can box 4 characters and not have to upgrade your system to uber status.
My iphone is laughing at your PC too.

And if I have to educate you on the differences between Vanguard and EQ, you really do need to stfu.
I know both games perfectly well.

5. If you don't care about making an effort to make new friends, nobody will care to make friends with you. did you honestly expect to find 6 people you used to know and go "omg it's Qwerty, lets level him up so he can play with us!"
Like I said, I expected nothing, I just poked my head in to the game for about half an hour to see what it's like these days. I didn't like it, and the 100 or so people I used to play with, not a single one of them were online. I'm sure I could make plenty of new friends, join a new guild, get to level 70 in a day and become an uber raid loser like the rest of you, I just don't want to, and seeing the replies in this thread just makes me even more convinced.

Most likely anyone who knew you then will still hate you now for your obvious incompetant rambling.
No u, you can't even spell incompetent you pathetic little shit stain.

6. Yes, theres more to learn. Nothing that a few weeks of actual learning will gain you. And you'll make mistakes and find out how truly great the game has become.
Maybe, maybe not. I doubt it.

But wait, no you're not willing to do that. Darn it!

In short, the game is still as good as it used to be.
That's just like, your opinion, man. And it's a pretty fucking mindblowingly retarded one.

If anything changes, it's you.

If you and your lifestyle can't handle the EQ way, go to WoW or some other game that satisfies.
I hadn't thought of that. Thanks, I miss this kind of advice, I used to get it a lot in WoW from other 8 year olds.

But don't pretend to put 5 minutes into it and expect to spoil this thread with bullshit.
Ehh my one post while admittedly showing a lack of any real effort to 'get back in to the game' was far more easily avoidable than all your retarded replies.