EQ Never


I'll go out on a limb and say that they will almost certainly have your character model hidden while building. The reason it looks so ridiculous in the time lapse videos is because they're using a separate world camera, not the player's perspective. Nobody wants to have to click through their character to do fine movements with terrain and placement. That shit will be in first person and a different UI than when you're frolicking about the countryside.

sure as hell doesn't look third person


Trump's Staff
I love that people are still on this 'omg they are releasing Landmark for people to do 90% of the work for them' garbage.

Like world asset building is even CLOSE to the amount of time it takes to populate the world with Content. Get a grip. Having players design some assets might chop a couple months off development at best.
I love that people are still on this 'omg they are releasing Landmark for people to do 90% of the work for them' garbage..
true. Landmark to me just seems like a great easy way to deliver a never-ending game and make the devs money. I'm looking forward to it, as someone who can't get past minecraft's art style enough to play it.


I love that people are still on this 'omg they are releasing Landmark for people to do 90% of the work for them' garbage.

Like world asset building is even CLOSE to the amount of time it takes to populate the world with Content. Get a grip. Having players design some assets might chop a couple months off development at best.
I get the general idea because it is a brilliant way to have expedited (and amazing) content done by other's hands, but creating the world, its inhabitants, and the tools to create this content in the fashion we're going to be able to create it isn't just stealing Minecraft code and giving it to us to use. Tons of time and effort went into making this (hopefully) intuitive and user friendly, but complex enough for people to go wild.

It benefits both sides in the end. SOE can leverage it for fresh content and users can create and upvote the shit out of amazing designs, many of which will play into the nostalgia a lot of us crave.


Trump's Staff
I get that, but to imply that they are going to benefit some huge amount in development time is just foolishness. World building is nothing in comparisson to content generation, scripting, programming yadda yadda


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Not only that, but compare the amount ofcreativity and imaginationthe Art and Design team has versus the tens of thousands that will invest probably a huge amount of time just to perfect one area of their design. I think its brilliant. Someone that never even paid attention to Landmark will walk into EQ and be amazed with the areas that these people create. I feel like Im going to at least want to buy the game and explore the world just so I can see how it all came together.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I am against having your character just floating along side where you are currently working in the build mode in Landmark. As is, I see no animation during the building process in the last video I posted. It is immersion breaking because the character is totally static. The character needs to be animating while the building is taking place.
One thing to note these videos are time lapse movies. They are snapshots taken at I think 1 minute intervals which is why you don't see any animations and the character seems to blink around.


I get that, but to imply that they are going to benefit some huge amount in development time is just foolishness. World building is nothing in comparisson to content generation, scripting, programming yadda yadda
Definitely. My post was more or less just agreeing with you.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Demanding immersion in Landmark is definitely a waste of time. Landmark isn't an RPG, it's a toolset.
Pretty much. For an actual MMORPG I rate immersion pretty highly but Landmark doesnt need it and aEQN as a "game" wont achieve it. I doubt they are trying to build EQN as a "world" so I'm not expecting immersion to be relevant for the dev team (they might claim it to reel you in though).



Don't really care about any of this stuff. Skidmark, tomb raider movement, broken emerson, cartoony toons, expressive cybering...fuck all this noise. Honestly, it all looks just fine to me. So very little has actually been shown that I'm not sure I can have much of an opinion on any of this marginal bullshit anyways.

I want to know more about the brick story, the emergency AI, the mechanics of combat and how switching classes will work. My biggest concern is that constantly switching class build-outs is going to become the most effective strategy. Sounds awful. Quit stalling ponytail, let's fuckin talk about this shit.

Until then I guess I'll just hope for the next square table poll and/or video reply to get the crowd fired up so I can get a laugh.


While I don't give a shit about immersion in EQL , and some of the other things , if I'm the only one to admit this so be it , but I do give a fuck what my character looks like.

Gameplay mechanics are more important , but if I truly hate even looking at my own character because it looks moronic it gets old and not that fun of an mmo for me. I can't make that statement of "I dont care at all what my character model or equip looks like" for mmo play.


While I don't give a shit about immersion in EQL , and some of the other things , if I'm the only one to admit this so be it , but I do give a fuck what my character looks like.

Gameplay mechanics are more important , but if I truly hate even looking at my own character because it looks moronic it gets old and not that fun of an mmo for me. I can't make that statement of "I dont care at all what my character model or equip looks like" for mmo play.
I feel basically the same way. If I feel like my character and or gameworld look like complete shit then I don't care how amazing the gameplay is I'm not interested. Guess i'm superficial.


Pretty much. For an actual MMORPG I rate immersion pretty highly but Landmark doesnt need it and aEQN as a "game" wont achieve it. I doubt they are trying to build EQN as a "world" so I'm not expecting immersion to be relevant for the dev team (they might claim it to reel you in though).
Pretty clear that this team has no intention of emphasizing the classic notions of "RPG" in MMORPG. Creating an immersive "world" doesn't appear to be the goal. Rather, this is going to be a more instantly-gratifying game where players can log in for 5 minutes and have instant fun playing their colorful action superhero toon in a fantasy setting or load up EQNL and work on your latest art project. It's going to get them alotof interest on the front end, but I don't see it attracting players prone to longevity. Players looking to really settle into a world tend to be looking for a little more realism and nuance. The demographics at play here are borderline mutually exclusive. In any event, I could see Landmark as their trump card to get players with short attention spans to keep coming back: "let me log in and play this month's top 10 UMDs."

By the time this game comes out, most of the heartburn from players who were looking for the next EQ mmoRPG (i.e., EQ3) will have dissipated. In fact, I suspect that the timing of SOE's releases of information may be specifically designed to burn off and get rid of that jilted audience as quickly as possible so that by the time they really get down to brass tacks in terms of showing the game, the public reaction is no longer tainted by the demographic that was expecting a different game altogether. It's difficult to give SOE's marketing team that much credit, but if that's what they're doing then it is working. At this point, I personally have little interest in the game itself but I find the politics pretty darned intriguing (hence my continued presence in this thread).


I think one thing they will have working for their advantage is the estimated launch window for EQN. Let's say it's Xmas 2014 ish give or take. Is there anything else remotely AAA level mmo even in the ballpark that upcoming year ? For myself I'm enjoying FFXIV , and the only things on my horizon (other than EQN) are ArcheAge and Black Desert online (I'm a PVP fan and like Asian themed games so both of those are good possibilities for me).

But compared to the past several years where you've had WAR to SWTOR to TSW and GW2 in the pipeline , after Wildstar and ESO blow their wads likely summer 2014 ish , there's zero big mmo titles even mentioned (I might be forgetting one but can't think of one).

We know whatever Titan turns into is years and years out with Blizzards past timelines.

So around Xmas 2014 or bit after , EQN is it , period , for "AAA" fantasy mmo for a long time to come.


Trump's Staff
WoW expansion is probably the main competitor in EQN's launch window... Other than that, aside from the Asian MMOs you mentioned, there's nothing I'm aware of.

Camelot Unchained? Destiny? *shrug*


WoW expansion is probably the main competitor in EQN's launch window... Other than that, aside from the Asian MMOs you mentioned, there's nothing I'm aware of.

Camelot Unchained? Destiny? *shrug*
Completely forgot about CU , the DAOC lineage might get some with that one forgot about it , but if I'm not mistaken it's PVP focus'd only so the PVE only crowd will duck it ?

And on a side note ,with SOE doing in the past "classic'ish" progression servers , you think Blizzard would/will ever consider new "Vanilla'ish progession" style WoW servers ? Maybe around the EQN/L time. Just seems to me like an easy way to try and get some old subs back for a while if they did.

Christmas 2014 (or a bit after) is a very optimistic guess.
Very true , was just leaning towards that being earliest to early summer 2015 ? Just looking down the pipe of launch dates and even proposed games it seems they won't have to compete with another massive PVE fantasy mmo anyone points to saying "I'll wait for X instead".


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Demanding immersion in Landmark is definitely a waste of time. Landmark isn't an RPG, it's a toolset.
You forgot to add "in personal opinion".

Now, some actual data on Minecraft. 12 million copies as of yesterday, regularly in the top 10 games on any platform it has been ported on. It is the top selling console game in several geographies, outselling FPSs, racing games and RPGs. A cultural phenomenon. And according to your definition of EQL, "definitively" a waste, and just a toolset.

You don't like the concept of a game that nobody has played, fine. But add something meaningful to the discussion or go back to reddit.