EQ Never


I don't understand why they have to reinvent the proverbial wheel again for every part of the game either. To me, the mix of classes and abilities in the original EverQuest was still the best. EQ2 had too many of both. WoW's were okay, but there was zero variety in anything once they gutted talents and turned them into generic role templates.

I don't know why they have to tear down what made EverQuest what it was and start from the ground up again, which will turn into a worse design than the original. Use new technology, use StoryBricks to make awesome AI - all for that. But don't destroy the parts that worked 'just because'.

I don't want pocket classes. I don't want to switch classes, abilities, weapons, armor, every half hour. I want an experience like the original EQ provided with the added benefits of newer tech. We're getting less than that from what I've seen so far.
You and the other couple of dozen posters here of a similar mindset does not a viable playerbase make. Go play on Al'Kabor.


Elisha Dushku
You and the other couple of dozen posters here of a similar mindset does not a viable playerbase make. Go play on Al'Kabor.
Good to see some things never change. You can always count on Itzena for an unhelpful post


well, to be fair, we were promised something totally new and exciting. instead, they gave us disney/pixar's mineguildwarscraft2.
This is total crap. What they are promising us is exactly "something new and exciting". A more central question/concern we should all have is: can they deliver on the sum of the many promises.
I say stop being a fucking graphics whore. What they have shown so far looks awesome. They are taking the whole MMO genre in a different direction with EQN. By mixing in Minecraft qualities, the VoxelFarm engine, parkour movement, and yes, the "Pixar" look, this game could go to the next level; reestablish the Everquest name.


Elisha Dushku
I don't understand why they have to reinvent the proverbial wheel again for every part of the game either. To me, the mix of classes and abilities in the original EverQuest was still the best. EQ2 had too many of both. WoW's were okay, but there was zero variety in anything once they gutted talents and turned them into generic role templates.
VG classses were often (but not always) better than the EQ equivalent though VG did suffer from hotbar-itis. They should have used just used a mix of VG/EQ classes with a limited hotbar, and not altered the combat AI as much as they are. If Butler & co were dazzeled by multi-classing they should have copied FFXI and allowed for sub-jobs.

Unfortunately Butler & Co. decided that everything had to be new -_-


Log Wizard
This thread would be so much more constructive if people didn't see EQ through nostalgia goggles. I loved the game too, but Jesus is it outdated. You think we should go back to 2D action games because a Link to the Past ruled too?

I hope you guys get the game without auto-meditate. Just the way you want it.


Elisha Dushku
YAGI. Yet another Georgeson Interview. Hints of how crafting works - mentions adventuring class will have tools (pickaxe) that will have abilities like class weapons in EQN. No new specifics.



Elisha Dushku
This thread would be so much more constructive if people didn't see EQ through nostalgia goggles. I loved the game too, but Jesus is it outdated. You think we should go back to 2D action games because a Link to the Past ruled too?

I hope you guys get the game without auto-meditate. Just the way you want it.
Way to write a strawman argument. You don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. If you make an FPS you don't remove the ability for people to be snipers. Classes and class roles have been popular with players since the birth of the RPG with D&D because people like knowing their place in the world. Multi-classing might make some things in a game easier for players, but that doesn't make the game better. In an RPG when you diminish roles, you diminish role-playing.


Log Wizard
Way to write a strawman argument. You don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. If you make an FPS you don't remove the ability for people to be snipers. Classes and class roles have been popular with players since the birth of the RPG with D&D because people like knowing their place in the world. Multi-classing might make some things in a game easier for players, but that doesn't make the game better. In an RPG when you diminish roles, you diminish role-playing.
I wasn't arguing about multi-classing. I can see both sides of that argument. I'm talking about people who say the graphics are bad or the character models or the fact that people won't necessarily wander aimlessly through unknown zones to get killed by a Hill Giant and lose their corpse. They want a game based upon what it felt like to them at the time, not what it felt like to play at ANY time.

They're trying to capture that 1999-2001 feeling, but they think making EQN like that will satisfy it. It won't. This is more about human psychology than it is about game design.


Way to write a strawman argument. You don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. If you make an FPS you don't remove the ability for people to be snipers. Classes and class roles have been popular with players since the birth of the RPG with D&D because people like knowing their place in the world. Multi-classing might make some things in a game easier for players, but that doesn't make the game better. In an RPG when you diminish roles, you diminish role-playing.
The roles continue to exist, just in looser fashion. According to the devs, this is supposed to allow for a greater variety of team compositions. Tbh, I'm either way on this. I would have enjoyed the hard-coded classes as well. It's all about execution.



Video I hadnt seen of of a hillside bing crafted into a slick "dungeon-esq entrance-looking" area. Check the path being made.
That is nice, but I'm sure the process won't go nearly that smooth since I'm fairly certain they will not allow actual players to float around like that dev is able to do.

Actually that brings up a strange topic. How do they handle that aspect? In minecraft, if you don't use the developer floaty command, you have to create scaffolding out of bricks if you want to build things high up. How will Landmark handle this?


Trakanon Raider
I can't imagine them not giving players the ability to float. There's no incentive to make it difficult for players to build things. SOE needs the customers to build things.


I can't imagine them not giving players the ability to float. There's no incentive to make it difficult for players to build things. SOE needs the customers to build things.
Right, but giving them the ability to float would completely kill any sort of immersion they're trying to build with the model of finding your own resources out in the world, having mounts and all that. At least to me. It seems like they could possibly find a more creative method of doing it than just giving your character the godlike power of unlimited flotation.


Trakanon Raider
I figured they wouldn't give you the ability to float unless you were in a plot where you could go into build mode. Not just stay in build mode throughout the game.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Umm, that is exactly how it will work in EQNL. It is a tool to design parts of the game world, why wouldn't they let you float? How else are you going see what the hell you're doing if you can't go where you need to get a view?


Umm, that is exactly how it will work in EQNL. It is a tool to design parts of the game world, why wouldn't they let you float? How else are you going see what the hell you're doing if you can't go where you need to get a view?
Scaffolding. Just like people do in minecraft if they don't have dev float.