EQ Never

You guys should totes check it out.
I totes will!


will too. Looking forward to it.

EDIT: On a side-note, after reading all of the debate/confusion/bitching/misinformation about the approach to EQ-flavored lore, it bugs me to no end that the team felt it necessary to change aspects of the core lore (deities, etc.) and do the "alternate universe" shtick again. The same lore could have been implemented with the deities taking a back seat in the storylines, at least in the beginning (focus on humanoid involvement in the Combine Era, etc.). If the devs are so set on changing or evolving EQ but keeping the "EQ franchise", they need to keep *something* of it truly intact. At this point, nothing but a flavor of it really remains. Lore/cosmology was the worst thing to change, in my opinion, at least without a much better explanation/approach to it.


On a side-note, after reading all of the debate/confusion/bitching/misinformation about the approach to EQ-flavored lore, it bugs me to no end that the team felt it necessary to change aspects of the core lore (deities, etc.) and do the "alternate universe" shtick again. The same lore could have been implemented with the deities taking a back seat in the storylines, at least in the beginning (focus on humanoid involvement in the Combine Era, etc.). If the devs are so set on changing or evolving EQ but keeping the "EQ franchise", they need to keep *something* of it truly intact. At this point, nothing but a flavor of it really remains. Lore/cosmology was the worst thing to change, in my opinion, at least without a much better explanation/approach to it.
Yeah, and then they'd piss off the old fans who loved the old lore. They're not abandoning the old lore, they're just making different lore for EQN.

The approach they're taking now is 10x better than trying to pass off this game with the same lore. It'd be an even bigger slap in the face to a lot of people. They can't win here so they took the path of least resistance by distancing the game from EQ 1 and 2 by as many ways as possible, including the lore.


Elisha Dushku
EDIT: On a side-note, after reading all of the debate/confusion/bitching/misinformation about the approach to EQ-flavored lore, it bugs me to no end that the team felt it necessary to change aspects of the core lore (deities, etc.) and do the "alternate universe" shtick again. The same lore could have been implemented with the deities taking a back seat in the storylines, at least in the beginning (focus on humanoid involvement in the Combine Era, etc.). If the devs are so set on changing or evolving EQ but keeping the "EQ franchise", they need to keep *something* of it truly intact. At this point, nothing but a flavor of it really remains. Lore/cosmology was the worst thing to change, in my opinion, at least without a much better explanation/approach to it.
Lore changes bug me as well but at this point I'm so meh about the class/combat system I can't imagine playing all that long unless StoryBricks is beyond amazing.


Trakanon Raider
Lore changes bug me as well but at this point I'm so meh about the class/combat system I can't imagine playing all that long unless StoryBricks is beyond amazing.
is this the same tad that was verbally assaulting me every other post just a month or so ago about this game??? welcome back to the dark side, brotha!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Lore changes bug me as well but at this point I'm so meh about the class/combat system I can't imagine playing all that long unless StoryBricks is beyond amazing.
At first the lore changes bothered me, and then I looked at the lore that I'd missed from expansion 5 through 20 and decided a reboot was well suited for the abomination that is the back and forth threat between the Void and the Discordians.

Also, I liked the explanation of changing the lore from god-centric to mortal-centric. Hopefully this means that they'll be focusing on the players and player actions as the major influencing factors in the world and not some god's whim.

Edit: Some supporting evidence for this argument is the removal of stuff like the Green Mist to get rid of the Shissar. It was an alliance of mortals that drove back the snakes, not Cazic Thule. Don't get me wrong, I thought the Green Mist was interesting and made even more interesting when we got to Luclin and the Shissar had holed themselves up in a vacuum so that the Green Mist couldn't get there. That's awesome shit, but I can respect their desire to want to make US the focus of the awesome shit.


Trakanon Raider
Did sub rates really drop or even out is the question? They didn't drop. Sure, some dropped but more picked up the slack. That's really the only question. Also, did the highest sub rate occur before SoL or way after? Easy answers here.

Etchazz, glad you are back. That's the point. People that started with WoW went back to WoW for whatever reason. Some that started with EQ went to WoW and then back to WoW. Not many ever went back to EQ. Why? There were far more people that played that game than the 500k or so in their highest level like you say.
the reason why no one goes back to EQ now is because it's old as fuck. you might as well ask gamers today why they don't play pong or space invaders. the issue isn't the game; EQ ran its course over a decade ago. the issue is that if you made a NEW GAME with all the core mechanics that made EQ fun (death penalty, contested content, dungeon crawls, defined classes, class interdependency, rare loot, rare mobs, raid zones, social interaction, etc...) you would have a successful game. that is what i and many other people were hoping for with EQN. instead, they just listened to all the ADD talking heads of this generation (who don't know what they want to begin with) and we get this mish mash crap fest. but at least with voxels everyone will be able to make their penis shaped guild halls so all is right in the world...


Elisha Dushku
is this the same tad that was verbally assaulting me every other post just a month or so ago about this game??? welcome back to the dark side, brotha!
I still think you should play the game - as I said maybe SB is beyond amazing.


I'm actually kind of glad they've rebooted the gods in EQNext. There were a fuckton in EQ and EQII:

Elemental Gods
  • Fennin Ro
  • The Rathe Council
  • The Triuvirate of Water
    • E'Ci
    • Povar
    • Tarew Marr
  • Xegony

Gods of Nature
  • Bertoxxulous
  • Brell Serilis
  • Karana
  • Prexus
  • The Tribunal
  • Tunare
  • Veeshan

Gods of Influence
  • Anashti Sul
  • Cazic Thule
  • Erollisi Marr
  • Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane
  • Innoruuk
  • Mithaniel Marr
  • Quellious
  • Rallos Zek
  • Rodcet Nife
  • Solusek Ro

  • Alliz Onu
  • Ayonae Ro
  • Drinal
  • Druzzil Ro
  • Kyr'Tok
  • Lanys T'Vyl
  • Luclin
  • Master Wu
  • Mayong Mistmoore
  • Morell Thule
  • Saryrn
  • Sullon Zek
  • Tallon Zek
  • Ullkorruuk
  • Vallon Zek
  • Varig Ro
  • Vazaelle
  • Zebuxoruk

I count 40+. That's too fucking many. EQNext took that big ass list and trimmed it down to the following:

The Seraphs
  • Anashti
  • Brell
  • Erollisi
  • Karana
  • Luclin & Drinal
  • Mithaniel
  • Solusek
  • Taylon

The Four
  • Amaril
  • Prexus
  • Ignestus
  • Onsha

  • Nor'I
  • Veeshan

Down from 40+ to 15. People might be able to remember a list like that.


I'm actually kind of glad they've rebooted the gods in EQNext. There were a fuckton in EQ and EQII:

<redacted because fuck, that's a long list>

Down from 40+ to 15. People might be able to remember a list like that.
Take note as well of the name differences. Simpler, easier to remember. They stand out from each other. I can't say the same about Rallos Zek, Sullon Zek, Tallon Zek, Vallon Zek (come on, one letter difference), and all the "Ro"s to a lesser degree.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
OK now that you have gotten rid of Demi God's explain why these raid bosses have 3000 times as much hp and regular players?
They're not abandoning the old lore, they're just making different lore for EQN.
So, they're not abandoning EQ lore, they just changing many aspects of it so much they'reall butabandoning it?

Tell me more.

Didn't Blizzard leave much of the lore the same when they transitioned from Warcraft to WoW? They did pretty damned well in that instance, although the tweakage over time ended up warping certain aspects of it.

To be honest, the best bone they could throw early EQ players is by leaving more of the lore intact since the combat/play systems will be nothing alike.

More specifics available - more of a world; less specifics - simpler video game.


OK now that you have gotten rid of Demi God's explain why these raid bosses have 3000 times as much hp and regular players?
Hopefully with better AI raid/group encounters won't be like chopping down a tree, but like actually combating a semi-intelligent foe.


OK now that you have gotten rid of Demi God's explain why these raid bosses have 3000 times as much hp and regular players?
Really? You can't think of any incredibly strong/intelligent creatures other than demigods? I know creativity is a talent butcome on.


So, they're not abandoning EQ lore, they just changing many aspects of it so much they'reall butabandoning it?
In what way are they abandoning it at all, might I inquire? They stated themselves that they're effectively going to milk EQ1 until it's dry. That means continuing releasing expansion packs and content, which they specifically said they would continue doing.

I don't see how you're getting your specific impression from them not wanting to make their already convoluted lore evenmoreconvoluted.
In what way are they abandoning it at all, might I inquire?
Different deities, fewer deities, completely throwing out any real alignment, different races and racial origins... should I go on? I'm not referring to lore moving forward in the two primary MMOs, but the devs going back and re-writing earlier lore. It ends up making things less recognizable, less cohesive, and messy all around.

Regardless of whether the devs add to the current EQ1/2 content, the original earlier lore and races in the EQ timeline will change considerably in EQN/L. No real continuity (or continuity at the whim of the devs) makes the IP less recognizable and shaky. They're hurting their own property, IMO.


I'm Amod too!
Am I the only one who doesn't really give a flying fuck about the lore in EQ? I'm much more worried about SoE's ability to deliver compelling game play/mechanics.
Am I the only one who doesn't really give a flying fuck about the lore in EQ? I'm much more worried about SoE's ability to deliver compelling game play/mechanics.
Lore gives you the context and setting in which to put your gameplay. Compelling gameplay makes you want to play through about 60-80 hours of content (maybe); good lore/setting/characters/storylines give you hundreds of hours of reasons as to WHY to continue the compelling gameplay through related quests, objectives, etc. Without content that has any real meaning or continuity, users begin logging in less often, unsubscribe, and you have a dying MMO in a matter of a few months.

The "long" list of EQ characters give you villains to fight, heroes/causes to fight alongside, objectives to complete, and create story and continuity. If the EQ:N/L devs accomplish this, great, but why rebuild what you already had? Flesh it out instead.

Both are cause for concern though. I personally doubt the dev team really have a clear sense of class and ability design at this point, as if most of it is still being taken off of napkins from conference meetings.


Am I the only one who doesn't really give a flying fuck about the lore in EQ? I'm much more worried about SoE's ability to deliver compelling game play/mechanics.
Well, the loredoescome after the gameplay mechanics, you're correct in that. People will at least play a game with shitty lore (which matters even less in a sandbox MMO) for a while, but no amount of amazing lore will turn a game with shitty mechanics into an amazing game.

The problem is that the mechanics are really a "we'll see it when we see it" sort of thing whereas we can bicker all day long about how they're "destroying" everything that was magical about the EQ lore.