EQ Never


Trump's Staff
Aside from Smedley taking a flight to your house, shaking you and screaming "the motherfucking debut ain't happening until SOE Live," I'm not sure how much clearer you can get.
'First' is fucking underlined for christ's sake lol


The underline isn't actually part of the image but the point still stands. People are overestimating what this E3 means for EQ Next. The game will debut at SOE Live, it'll be given a proper title and a launch window that will probably land at the end of next year. It'll still have an E3 to show up to next year, which would be more than enough because nothing says "oh shit our project is in trouble" like multiple trips to E3 (ask SWTOR or The Last Guardian). Anyone who believes this thing is going to launch on PS4 this year is batshit insane when SOE will be lucky to get PlanetSide 2 out on the console by launch. Between new content for PS2 on PC and PS2/DCUO on PS4 at E3, their hands will be tied.


French Madman
Plus, if Sony suddenly told them "Hey, want a slot in our E3 conference for EQN?", I'm pretty sure Smedley would be all "Screw what I said about SOELive!"

Oh, and people trusting the word of SOE is pretty damn funny.


It's not about trust, it's about logic. "Mr. SOE, please show off your snazzy busted as shit EQN for PS4 instead of highlighting a port well in development," Kaz said, delusional as fuck.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
The next generation of consoles (if not the current one) is a standardized PC with proprietary browsers and OSes. So in other words, there will be no need to get a console.

Either a game will be good or it will be shit, doesn't matter what platform.
Game being crap and playing like crap are different. I dont like console "FEEL" on my PC, if I did I would get a console. I like the idea of console and pc playing together but thats the thing....they generally don't. Seems the console users are on console server and PC are on PC servers. I hear there are studies as to why, thats for another discussion.

I seem to be the only that notices this, but games that companies make that are cross-platform and meaning console/PC never play right on the PC. The PC side of it seems to get the shaft! Its like the game is created for the console and shoe-horned to play on PC. With that the UI is messy, sometimes graphics and general game play seems to be geared toward console play and general sluggishness or other random problems. I am sure its getting better but the general design and focus on the creation tend to be for console and PC is an afterthought.

Not knocking those that it doesn't bother but it bugs the shit out of me. If you don't notice it then your lucky! I havent been a console game since Nintendo/Sega Genesis era. Nintendo meaning the first one, Not the 64 and later stuff. I have tried over the years to get into the console thing a few times but the consoles are clunky and the camera auto-follow consoles are ass.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I've never done any marketing, but it makes sense to me to reach out to your familiar audience first, the people who you know are willing and able to pay for your product - especially if you know you're still pretty far out from your projected launch date.


Sorry for the double attachment, actively trying to unstupid that.

Edit: OK, done. Also, I need to see it in a color that isn't grey and more grey but I like it. It's not the three polygon WoW characters but isn't going for hyper realism. Hopefully they don't get too extreme with the armor sets.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I really hope they get "feel" down as well as wow/gw2. Those games are such joys to play mechanically versus rift/swtor.


Trakanon Raider
Hard to tell with the plain grey model, but it does look like the art style is fairly consistent with the concept art they had shown us before they scrapped the previous incarnation of the game, with that exaggerated-but-not-full-WoW look, so I'd guess that stuff is still reasonably valid for trying to picture what the game will look like.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
When I see detailed models like that I get really nervous about performance and how many people they're going to allow on screen at one time.


It depends on scalability. It uses the same engine as PS2, which I don't find very well optimized. I can blaze it, but I just built my PC.

They need to move that armor on the second screen and give us a glance at that map. Hopefully Kunark will be there day one, but I'm betting against it.


Trakanon Raider
EQs art direction fell off a cliff after velious, from luclin to EQ2 it was attrocious in all games for about 4 years, but I think they recovered alot in like 06 onward. Models even in EQ1 from like DoDH onward were pretty good.