EQ Never


Lord Nagafen Raider
Nobody wants to see an EQ1 remake. The only reason to play EQ1 would be for nostalgia. EQ1 was a great game, but it was very archaic. Load up P1999, sit and wait for the boat for 20 mins, then think about how great the game is.

WoW was a good step forward for MMORPGs, but it went way too far easy mode.

I'd like to see a MMORPG with all the cool new features, good graphics, and responsive controls. Make it about 10x harder then WoW, put in some real risk vs rewards. Like maybe exp death penality? Corpse rot chance? Something to make it interesting. Also, some good fucking loot to make noobs drool over.

MMORPGs today keep trying to find new gimmicks, they need to polish and refine whats out there, then add some cool features.


Elisha Dushku
I did not imply that there needs to be a complete recreation of EQ1. Or were you stating that you don't think players need to have a connection to their character and the world to make an MMO long lasting?
I think your post absolutely implies re-creating EQ1. Your reject the idea of new technology and emphasize the coolness of EQ1. Don't get me wrong - I was playing FFXIV the other day and after a 15 minute intro scene + stupid quest I was like "WTF? Why am I not killing mobs 2 minutes into this game?". I just wanted to load up EQMac appear in Freeport on my char and start killing mobs outside the gate, not deal with a retarded 15 minute intro scene. But I recognize that that is boring in its own way too and that you were referring to social dungeons and social interaction. The coolest thinig mentioned about SB (which again may suck ballz in practice) is that it is supposed to act like LFG + eHarmony - put you and like-minded people together. yes, again, it may suck ballz in practice, but I'm willing to give SOE a chance to see if it works something I wasn't willing to do as late as last December. Anyway, enough StoryBrick fanboism for now - in thirty-six days we'll see what's what.


Rejecting new technology? Yeah, you are right, I am going to reject all new technology that puts more shitty story into a game. I will not reject new technology that attempts to create a gaming experience that creates an atmosphere where you will bond with your character, the world, and the people around you. MMO's have none of this atm, and havent had it since EQ. So to clarify, they do not need to recreate EQ1 (Although, since this is the Everquest franchise, there is nothing wrong with expecting some of the things that made EQ1 great to be included into an EQ game). They need to recreate what made EQ what it was, however they do that is fine. Storyblocks is not the answer. Lol story blocks....lol....story.....


Ssraeszha Raider
Here comes the "it was the only pve option" argument again. Inbred puppies chase their tails less than we do.
So you've heard the correct answer from so many people that now it doesn't count? If the whole world tells you they quit EQ as soon as a viable alternative cane along, then that's probably the reason.


Trakanon Raider
Nobody wants to see an EQ1 remake. The only reason to play EQ1 would be for nostalgia. EQ1 was a great game, but it was very archaic. Load up P1999, sit and wait for the boat for 20 mins, then think about how great the game is.

WoW was a good step forward for MMORPGs, but it went way too far easy mode.

I'd like to see a MMORPG with all the cool new features, good graphics, and responsive controls. Make it about 10x harder then WoW, put in some real risk vs rewards. Like maybe exp death penality? Corpse rot chance? Something to make it interesting. Also, some good fucking loot to make noobs drool over.

MMORPGs today keep trying to find new gimmicks, they need to polish and refine whats out there, then add some cool features.
So you want EQ1.
I'm withholding judgement and masturbation until I see EQnext's wood elf titties.
I'm on board with this. Need sliders to control titty size and perkiness. Without this there can be no next gen title. I'm pretty sure Conan had it.

In all seriousness though, The Storybricks stuff sounds intriguing. I am cautiously optimistic about EQN considering what I've read so far, but I guess we'll see on August 2. God knows SOE has let us down many times before.


Molten Core Raider
You can pretty much bank on any new technology Sony Online Entertainment introducing to the market is going to be half assed, broken, and/or abandoned after 6 months.


2 Minutes Hate
GW2 Dev Talk: Imagine a world where you fight off the bandit king and if your party decides to kill the Bandit King, X happens. If you lose Y happens. If you win and talk to the mayor of town, you get reward A. But if you kill the mayor, you don't get reward A but trigger event Z. All this happens in real time across multiple zones.

GW2 Reality: Multi level scripted events that trigger each other. Player behavior often sparks off these events in a cycle without much variable outcomes. In the end, these dynamic events were just scripted events happening on top of the open world layer. Almost always linear. Player reaction was just different events to grind for xp and kharma. World did not change from typical static combat.

Rift Dev Talk: With our engine, we will be able to create new dynamic events that can change the layout and textures of the over all world. Imagine Rifts fighting each other and/or slowly taking over zones. We will be able to change the face of Telara to offer you a truly dynamic experience.

Rift Realty: Very small and local spawned events with several levels of events players can win. Each event was mostly kill X in 2 minutes or some other objectives. Invasions were random groups of mobs that would take over different positions if left alone. Mostly were ignored unless a character was leveling.


The cynical side of me stick story bricks right in the middle of these two things. What I foresee is a world that is crafted using a finite sum of bricks. You will have your bandit/invader brick. Your rescue the princess brick. Your slay the dragon brick. In the end, you'll have your scripted GW2 events but placed randomly generating across the map like Rift's rifts. Players will be able to recognize the same pattern across the world with different skins. Just like in Rift where you say, "Oh here's another Fire rift, I know what is going to happen", in StoryBrick World you'll just see familiar patterns and the rest is arbitrary.


Who the fuck cares about this complex story/quest shit. It does not improve games at all. Kill shit, get loot. That's it. It's not fucking complicated. Players do not need assistance making the world immerse, they do it themselves by being there.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So you've heard the correct answer from so many people that now it doesn't count? If the whole world tells you they quit EQ as soon as a viable alternative cane along, then that's probably the reason.
I think I agree with you and was lamenting that we were about to rehash it because not everyone believes it. Plus, fuck its been days since I said that.
Unless Storybrick can allow you to change a whole zone via faction wars etc its going be useless

What was that shit in Luclin with owlbears? That kind of shit but requires a guild going all storybricks to change it


Trakanon Raider
That's what Smed's been saying (without mentioning SB) - I'll look for the quote, but basically I think we can count on player made content filtered through SOE's Cash Shop with players using an SB dev kit.
Yeah, when he first started bringing up the whole 'emergent gameplay' thing, he said one of the big problems with the current MMO model is that developers can't create content as fast as players consume it, and that's part of the reason SOE wants to change. However, I had been reading that more as wanting to create games where "the players are the content," in the vien of EVE, rather than "let's give the players development tools," although that could just be because I want to read it that way.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Storybricks is a stupid name. It's one step up from a goddamn PBS show hosted by LeVar Burton. Besides, at best it will end up as what draegan just spelled out.

I still think a game built on guilds and guild alliances with the major resource being land and mob control with open ganking, in combat alliance switching, and kill stealing with neutral cities would be the way to make us all happy. PVPVE A Song of Ice and Fire. Kings landing is maybe one of two neutral cities with maybe Pentos. I'm using GoT cities for references. Guilds are houses. Certain mobs and crafting materials are localized to certain areas that guilds and alliances control. No full loot kills. Just "griefing" and minimal GM involvement besides negating legitimate cheaters.

I have more ideas such as zone buffs/debuffs so you could try to sneak in an alliances' territory and "steal" a static spawn under their noses. Also random spawns with better loot that give OP items to encourage exploring. Decent crafting including being the source of all but the best loot. Minimal pvp balance outside of the most ridiculous shit. Siege weapons and so on. Alliance and individual trading and intra and extra alliance economies. And we have the right to totally fuck up the server. Maybe resources have a "growth" time that slows the development or rebuilding.