EQ Never


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Personally, I'd prefer for the wow fans to stay right where they are... all we need is EQN going live one day and nothing but general chat about how it's not WoW... i'll pass on that. Let them play, realize that it's fuckin hard and quit, thus leaving a solid fan base in EQN.
Well to be honest, when I left EQ2 a lot of the talk in generalWASabout how EQ2 wasn't WOW...you already have ingrained WOW hatred that is waist deep (often from people that haven't even played WOW), and all that a bunch of WOW exiles showing up would do is give those homers someone to take their vitriol out on instead of repeating anti-WOW talking points ad nauseum.

I can't wait to watch a bunch of EQ1 diehards trying to giving ex-WOW players a fuckton of shit, when many of those WOW players have been searching for a decent game for years now. How many MMOs have we seen in the last handful of years hit release, an inrush of WOW players comes in, then they get run out of town on a rail by the diehard fanbois? I've seen it in EQ2 where people would bitch about having lower pop than WOW but then attack anyone who even mentions that they had played WOW...I saw it in AOC as well. There is nothing quite like hearing a game's population whine and cry about needing more players, the studio institutes a limited time free-play event to draw new players in (similar to AO "Froobs"), then immediately the same asshats that whined about their server being low pop go out of their way to shit all over the influx of ex-WOW players (many of whom then leave and those fanbois then go back to bitching about having a low pop again).

Altering EQ code was hard. Remember the whole rigamarole on HP where mobs above 32767 HP had in fact "100 HP", so that the % health was correctly reported, because no dev wanted to touch the netcode with a 10-foot pole?
I don't remember that from EQ1 myself, but it is funny how I see "32767" and choke on my coffee. I'm not a programmer and I've only ran into this in my PLC coursework (for example integer files ranging from ?32,768 to +32,767 from 16 bit I'm assuming) but I wonder why it defaulted to 100hp (wouldn't it have been hilarious to see HP overflow and wrap around to -32,768?)

That's what I've been hoping for a long time. I want to see a game where there's no such thing as respawns even, at least not like we know them. Something radically different, part of a large, huge world. McHuge Large even.

I'd also love moving away from typical number-based progression that go up with every expansion (items, levels, etc), and the game be more about adventuring, exploring, building, etc, but that may be asking a bit too much for the genre.
That shouldn't be asking too much; many of us have talked about similar games for a long time now but I'm not going to get my hopes up about seeing anything like that in the near future. I'd love to see a game without raiding as we know it, more negative reinforcement instead of"push button, receive bacon"design, fully player crafted economy and less predication on dropped loot (though dropped clicky or unique items would be fun, along with crafting mats), player created society on a level past EVE, removal of character levels, etc etc etc.

The fact I didn't get penalized is my reward.
This is why I mention operant conditioning and negative reinforcement. The way I think traditional raid mobs/bosses should work (dragons, giants, deities, etc) is that instead of killing them repeatedly every week for loot, they should be nigh unstoppable and rare, and used specifically to destroy the things that players create. So [Mistwalkers] puts in the time to build a keep, it's all snazzy looking...but eventually some "raid boss" spawns and heads off to attack items of interest that are relevant to a creature of it's scale. Such as heading towards towns, cities, redoubts, keeps, etc and smashing players and NPCs on their way there kind of like a Fansy train of sand giants running over people (choo-choo motherfuckers!). Picture Smaug waking up and rapetraining Dale for example, only let's imagine something like Lord Vyemm leaving his lair and deciding it wants to attack the keep that Mistwalkers built and pretty much be an asshole until it's ran off (or, if possible, killed). Sure it might actually drop loot if killed, but youREALLYwant to run it off or kill it so that you don't have months and months of hard work ruined in an afternoon (like a Minecraft creeper on steroids). Especially if you have enemies in the game (let's imagine some group of Euro faggots) that when/if they find out that your keep is getting assailed by a dragon decide that it would be a good time to make a push at your defenses...


Rasterizing . . .

this is bullshit right?

saw it on reddit, said it was a beta key giveaway.
Looks like bullshit to me.

Administrative Contact , Technical Contact :
[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */
Bazenlaan 100
Utka, Utka 3985ch
Phone: 0648526278

Record expires on 01-Aug-2014
Record created on 01-Aug-2013
Database last updated on 01-Aug-2013

Domain servers in listed order: Manage DNS

Email belongs to some 20 year old from the Netherlands nicknamed hellrazor113/Ridell En3my0fTheState who recently applied toKonvict Gaming.


Do they plan to have AA's again ? I would definitely play EQN, assuming their aren't world spawn timers. No one enjoyed waiting 48 hours for a fucking Fungi tunic or Cloak of Flames... or getting Avatar of War almost down, just to have a rival guild swoop in and take it out. Looking bad those were good times, but I just don't have the time in my life to dedicate to camping/ etc.


<Gold Donor>
LOL, here is what I got when I checked my email after applying...

We would like to thank you for registering for the EverQuest? Rain of Fear?, Shadow of Fear Game Update.



Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm liking this from the beta application page: We are passionate about building a gameplay experience that surpasses your expectations.Beta testing is an integral part of makingEverQuest Next a thrilling, hardcore MMORPG experience.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, first link said Everquest Next Landmark and the second link was simply Everquest Next. Returns a blank email anyway.

It will be funny when this ends up excluding us from the actual beta!


Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah, first link said Everquest Next Landmark and the second link was simply Everquest Next. Returns a blank email anyway.

It will be funny when this ends up excluding us from the actual beta!
Yeah, I almost didn't sign up for this reason. lol But, whatever. I don't see them doing that to us.
Do they plan to have AA's again ? I would definitely play EQN, assuming their aren't world spawn timers. No one enjoyed waiting 48 hours for a fucking Fungi tunic or Cloak of Flames... or getting Avatar of War almost down, just to have a rival guild swoop in and take it out. Looking bad those were good times, but I just don't have the time in my life to dedicate to camping/ etc.
I would say, Yes to this Everquest as well as everquest 2 basically invented the AA system that many other MMO's now have and either call it the same thing or something else.

Its easier to design and code if they have it in for launch.

Vanguard had a AA system semi coded years ago to add it to Vanguard but the issue was since it wasn't done from the start of Vanguard that it would fuck up end game balance for raids,bosses etc as well as the entire POTA chain, so if they used it and broke all that shit they would either have to redo almost all raids and bosses or add new raids,bosses with there small team its just not feasible.

This is why it is not in Vanguard now.



I went to the second link, and I got the blank one.

"Welcome to the Beta"

Glad to be of service. Now, if you would be so kind as to hand over the client download link, and a copy of the NDA...

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Anyone else nearly didnt play EQ because of your first 5 or 10 minutes?
First time i heard about Eq, dudes at my highschool were like, dont play this, you wont have a life after.
So of course first thing i did was buy it then created a monk in freeport. Went out in the lill desert, a rat fucked me up. A game couldnt feel less intuitive and i thought fuck this, didnt play for a week.

Tried again for some reason and ... rest is history. Still, nearly missed the awsome ride it was cause of a freakin rat.
My birthday fell on launch day, so my uncle picked me up a copy as a gift. Make a DE SK, immediately fell in the water, drowned, respawned outside with nothing and said fuck this and went to bed.


<Gold Donor>
My wife bought this for me for xmas 1999. Right after we got a new PC. I ot my ass handed to me several times by gnolls, but I stuck with it. I think it took me like 2 months to get to lv 20 or some shit.