EQ Never


you can't use the genre's infancy to support your "anti niche" position while ignoring the advantages today's mmos have. eq didn't have a huge overseas marketing campaign, there were no regional servers, and i'm sure half the population didn't even own computers. if a game can have a largely domestic playerbase of 400,000 under those circumstances then what makes you think a similar game would have fewer numbers today?

people are right in saying the gaming market evolves. that's why it's downright retarded to suggest developers stick to wow redux. the gaming market isn't about conforming to trends. if it were, we'd be playing nothing but frogger.


2 Minutes Hate
Lol, true. But given the humoungous size of the internet population now, you still have young neckbeards willing to play EQ1 with modern graphics in huge numbers. But it is still too niche a market to ever convince the money guys to go for it.

There is only 2 ways I see EQ1 being redone:

1.Kickstarter. I'm sure a sure a well done project that claims to be the spititual successor of EQ1 but without infringing on Sony's copyrights would get tons of money. Whether or not it ever actually saw the light of day is another issue. I'm still not convinced Kickstarter is much more than a scam for most projects.

2.Wait for the tech to be more widely available.Eventually, the database / server tech / animation tech, etc. etc will be much more modular and easy to implement with fewer people. Therefore mmo's will be cheaper to produce and a wider variety of niche games will become possible. That isn't true now or for the foreseeable future, but it will be.
When you say huge numbers? What do you mean and how are you substantiating that? You're just assuming the popularity of EQ from about 20 different posters and extrapolating across the internets. Here you have the history of FOH and the EQ community which is why there are like 5 threads about EQ emus, EQ Next etc. Go on MMORPG.com or IGN or anywhere else and tell me how popular EQ threads are.

On your first point: What is tons of money? 2 million? 20 grand? I bet you could get 20 grand for it. Second point, that won't happen. No one is going to give out free assets for people to use unless you create a computer than can do anything you want like on a Star Trek holodeck. Any free or cheap tool set is going to be generations old.

Then again maybe in 50 years you'll be able to create a 3D world with the same graphics of (insert your favorite modern game here) with simple tools that anyone can do like Minecraft servers but by then you're going to be plugged into the matrix so who gives a fuck about a 3D game played on a computer screen.


2 Minutes Hate
Why not just post a poll on some gamer forums? See how many would be interested? Hell Draegan has all kinds of forums already he could post it on=P

Also, Why can't a company make 2 games using one world? Sort of like DF.. Build your huge sandbox world with all the content for PvE>release>then use all that work and tweak it and release a pvp version. You could keep probably 95% of what you already built and just redesign the classes for PvP. Move the world around, make parts of the map strategic, etc. Who's going to complain if the PvP version of a PvE game out a year or so after, specially if the PvE game was a huge hit.
All that requires is a lot of money. You now have the development costs and support of two games. That's even more expensive. Plus internet polls suck and would never work. The only true poll is when people vote with their wallet.
You can't go back nearly 15 years, to a world without any real staple MMO, and say "hey, but it did really well" without taking that into account.
But there are pros and cons now. In other words, yes going back 15 years the game had no competition so that's a big deal. But it was also a very primitive time in terms of technology and for the genre. It was a low budget game, half the gamers didn't have internet at all and the other half only had modems, it had no previous experience to learn from besides UO and one or two other primitive things.

So fast forward to today, there is more competition but the market has grown massively, and we are all on broadband now too, and the server technology and gaming technology has moved on massively too. Also SOE have far more experience. As I said before, Vanguard is an example of a more recent MMO that aims at a more hardcore crowd, and that game did well at release. It only flopped because everyone bailed in a month because the game sucked, but the good numbers who tried it are the important thing. That's why I think even if EQN was made for a niche audience, it would still be a 500,000 size niche, minimum. That's just a guess but it's an educated guess.

Ok I'll bite on this because at least you put some thought into your response.

First: When you list a game like Minecraft and Angry birds, it's obvious you missed my point. Angry Birds is a free game that you can also spend a few bucks to buy more of.
No both Angry Birds and Minecraft have to be bought. And they sold millions, even though their graphics are weak.

It's also a simple 2D game that is single player. You also don't have to be online to use it. Minecraft was a major success because it was cheap and easy to make (edit: It was also the first of it's kind and pretty genius on a design level which overcame it's lack of graphics which in turn create a whole new "graphic style"). It's one of those once in a life time type of things. It also didn't have to support servers. People had to do that on their own. Less costs, less elements to design. Less money. But we're talking about graphics though.
Yes, we are talking about graphics and your original point is that nobody would buy a game that doesn't have cutting edge graphics, Minecraft wipes that point out.

Your second point, it still expensive. You still need the same kind of artists creating custom animations and a whole slew of shit. No one is going to put cash into a major project just to shoot for 200-300 thousand box sales (if that many). Devs can't just wip up an MMOG and launch it.
It will be but SOE can afford it. My only point is that the emphasis could be on gameplay which delivers the kind of game which people will want to play for 10 more years, not the SWTOR/TSW style of very high quality content but only lasts a month.

Your third point on sales, both AOC and WAR both sold over a million boxes. Rift sold close to a million. I don't really care about subs afterwards though for my point.
But that's the whole point, a million sales is less money than 500,000 people playing year after year.

What I was saying that you want that initial surge in box sales to help recuperate cash.
It doesn't matter how surging it is, what matters is the total you make back, and a million sales sounds nice but is no use to anyone if all million have bailed in one month. It's a simple sum, 1 million sales + a hundred thousand ongoing is < 500,000 sales, but 500,000 addicted fans for 10+ years.

Selling a super niche game without the quality of life features that are given in current day games will not sell a lot of boxes out of the gate.
But we've been through this. First off, 500,000 people is a lot of boxes. It's only WoW which changed peoples perspective on that. Secondly, everyone who tries to be the next WoW, failed.

Stop talking about EQ's numbers from 10 years ago. The market is a different place these days.
yes it's better...

There's not some magic cache of players sitting on the internet in pockets of 100,000s of people just waiting to play and buy the original EQ again.
Vanguard suggests you are wrong, 4 times wrong.

If you're launching an MMO, especially if you're Sony, you want it to make a splash in the marketplace. Neckbeard EQ isn't going to do that for you.
Why can't you understand this very basic point? The big splash you are talking about has only really been achieved by WoW. For the past 10 years everyone has tried to copy that, but most of them have failed miserably. What the industry was too dumb to realize is that although aiming at 10 million subscribers sounds like a good financial plan, the downside is that it's very high risk because you have to make a really expensive game to live up to that kind of competition, and if people then don't buy in to it, you are fucked. These neckbeards you like to talk down about constantly, are the type who don't even care about flashy production values. Just like Minecraft, they will buy a game because it's really fun and all their friends are becoming hooked on it.


2 Minutes Hate
you can't use the genre's infancy to support your "anti niche" position while ignoring the advantages today's mmos have. eq didn't have a huge overseas marketing campaign, there were no regional servers, and i'm sure half the population didn't even own computers. if a game can have a largely domestic playerbase of 400,000 under those circumstances then what makes you think a similar game would have fewer numbers today?

people are right in saying the gaming market evolves. that's why it's downright retarded to suggest developers stick to wow redux. the gaming market isn't about conforming to trends. if it were, we'd be playing nothing but frogger.
Lineage crushed EQ is subscriptions/users, but that's because Asian. Now when you say "if a game can have a largely domestic playerbase of 400,000 under those circumstances then what makes you think a similar game would have fewer numbers today?" do you not consider the fact that because they were the only (first) 3D online RPG on the market, that the monopoly they had had nothing to do with their success?


2 Minutes Hate
Qwerty I'm not going to respond to you when you quote my post 500 different ways and respond with a single sentence each time. Either learn how to communicate or don't bother posting.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I find it interesting that some of you guys don't think a true EQ sequel would sell at least 500k boxes.. The way these games sell I would expect closer to 1 million

Let's also point out that a lot of us have talked about different ways of building on the original EQ design to make it better/ more reasonable without going full WoW...I think people hear EQ sequel and they just assume we mean the orignal with updated graphics(although that would be ok with us) we have also suggested a shit load of ideas to build on the game and make it better without raping it of the features we miss.


2 Minutes Hate
Virtually everyone has said they wanted EQ but with better graphics and you have an instant hit. Now if Sony did that, they would probably get a ton of boxes sold, just because Sony sold something called EQ. They have the money to market the game on the convention circuit. Neckbeard Inc. won't hit 500k units sold if they made EQ but better graphics because they will barely have enough money to pay someone to answer the phones to help with billing issues.

Edit to add:
I haven't heard any ideas to make the Neckbeard EQ game better other than bashing other games for making things "too easy".


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
When you say huge numbers? What do you mean and how are you substantiating that? You're just assuming the popularity of EQ from about 20 different posters and extrapolating across the internets. Here you have the history of FOH and the EQ community which is why there are like 5 threads about EQ emus, EQ Next etc. Go on MMORPG.com or IGN or anywhere else and tell me how popular EQ threads are.

On your first point: What is tons of money? 2 million? 20 grand? I bet you could get 20 grand for it. Second point, that won't happen. No one is going to give out free assets for people to use unless you create a computer than can do anything you want like on a Star Trek holodeck. Any free or cheap tool set is going to be generations old.

Then again maybe in 50 years you'll be able to create a 3D world with the same graphics of (insert your favorite modern game here) with simple tools that anyone can do like Minecraft servers but by then you're going to be plugged into the matrix so who gives a fuck about a 3D game played on a computer screen.
First off, the point of my original post was that I don't see EQ1 being redone anytime soon, if ever. The two possibities I listed are it's only hope imo. And they are very dim hopes.

But if someone wanted to hang their hat on those hopes then by just looking at the graph Mughal linked you can reasonably extrapolate out that there is a much larger number of "neckbeards" willing to play a EQ1 type game. With over 2.2 billion internet users there is a lot of room in there for subsets of many different types. Hell, much of the stuff that is missing from modern western mmos that EQ1 had, is still in the asian grinders, and some of them have millions of players.

As for the kickstarter thing. Just look at the past history of oldschool 2d game reboots getting massively funded that nobody ever foresaw. A EQ1 clone would be a huge hit in funding, much more than 20 grand. You really have no clue what people care about in that regard. But the tens of millions needed to actually make the mmo? As I said before, doubtful. And as I said before, I think Kickstarter itself hasn't shown they are more than a site for scam artists.

But to continue in that line of thought, just look at the Pathfinder mmo kickstarter as a case for the possibilty of it happening. They have 2 successful kickstarter fundings of way more than the pathetic 20 grand you mentioned. However they are a long, long ways from having the money necessary to make the mmo they are advertising. I have a hard time believing the Pathfinder mmo will ever see the light of day. But if they succeed then a EQ1 clone would be a slam dunk.

As for the tech issue, you can already buy tech now to make games that required large teams just a decade ago. You should know as an engineer that that is what engineers do. The tech continues to evolve and the need for redundant key clicks gets eliminated. That is going to continue to happen and it wont take 50 years or a star trek holodeck. It's not going to happen tomorrow either though.
It's catch 22 sadly, nobody believes it's possible until someone does it, and nobody will do it because they have no evidence to suggest it will survive. That's why kickstarter exists, because companies with brains can go ahead without having to convince dumbass publishers. (And closed minded dumb fucks like Draegan).


Silver Squire
I'm just addressing different points rather than all in one big block of text, you only don't want to reply because you know I destroy your dumb fuck points.
Qwerty, how many hours of xp would you lose in your version of EQnext upon death?


Lineage crushed EQ is subscriptions/users, but that's because Asian. Now when you say "if a game can have a largely domestic playerbase of 400,000 under those circumstances then what makes you think a similar game would have fewer numbers today?" do you not consider the fact that because they were the only (first) 3D online RPG on the market, that the monopoly they had had nothing to do with their success?
how successful would any current mmo have been under similar circumstances? there's no point in pondering that question. word-of-mouth promotion and marketing generate so much hype these days that bullshit like tera and aion have no trouble selling millions of copies.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
I really fail to see how a MMO that doesn't focus on a ton of voice over work, uses an established in house engine, have experienced staff already on the pay roll would cost over 75mil to make.

So If eq next would sell between 1 - 2 million boxes, and have at least 500k sub retention Its making a profit. Is it 10 million subs? No, it doesn't have to be. Its profitable, bottom line right?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Virtually everyone has said they wanted EQ but with better graphics and you have an instant hit. Now if Sony did that, they would probably get a ton of boxes sold, just because Sony sold something called EQ. They have the money to market the game on the convention circuit. Neckbeard Inc. won't hit 500k units sold if they made EQ but better graphics because they will barely have enough money to pay someone to answer the phones to help with billing issues.

Edit to add:
I haven't heard any ideas to make the Neckbeard EQ game better other than bashing other games for making things "too easy".
There are plenty ideas. Which ones are you concerned about specifically? I know a lot of the camping talk has been exhausted on here. Personally I'm ok with guild crest being keyed for encounters. A lot of the other camps were optional gear that made your class better but was not required. I don't see why that should change in anyway. I loved my Jboots but I would of been fine without them and played with plenty of Wizards that either did not have them or paid for them. There were options for a lot of EQ. People just don't want to work at all for anything.


2 Minutes Hate
Well, by just looking at the graph Mughal linked you can reasonably extrapolate out that there is a much larger number of "neckbeards" willing to play a EQ1 type game. With over 2.2 billion internet users there is a lot of room in there for subsets of many different types. Hell, much of the stuff that is missing from modern western mmos that EQ1 had, is still in the asian grinders, and some of them have millions of players.

As for the kickstarter thing. Just look at the past history of oldschool games getting massively funded that nobody ever foresaw. A EQ1 clone would be a huge hit in funding, much more than 20 grand. You really have no clue what people care about in that regard. But the tens of millions needed to actually make the mmo? As I said before, doubtful. And as I said before, I think Kickstarter itself hasn't shown they are more than a site for scam artists.

But to continue in that line of thought, just look at Pathfinder as a case for the possibilty of it happening. They have 2 successful kickstarter fundings of way more than the pathetic 20 grand you mentioned. However they are a long, long ways from having the money necessary to make the mmo they are advertising. I have a hard time believing the Pathfinder mmo will ever see the light of day. But if they succeed then a EQ1 clone would be a slam dunk.

As for the tech issue, you can already buy tech now to make games that required large teams just a decade ago. You should know as an engineer that that is what engineers to. The tech continues to evolve and the need for redundant key clicks gets eliminated. That is going to continue to happen and it wont take 50 years or a star trek holodeck. It's not going to happen tomorrow either though.

And the point of my original post was that I don't see EQ1 being redone. The two possibities I listed are it's only hope imo. And they are very dim hopes.
Lets play with numbers. Let's take out the "whole world" from the internet and focus on markets, namely EU and NA. According to that source there are 175M For Europe and Central Asia and 275M for North America. That's assuming those are all English speaking people. (unless you want to inflate your product with cost to develop a French, German and Russian version of the game) As a western company, you're not going to make a game that is directly marketed for Korea. You have to build up to that unless you know what the Korean market wants.

Now you can't just assume that since there are 450M perspective people that it's same to assume that you can sell your game to 500k to 1M people will buy it. You have to market to that many people. Do you have cash to market in three continents? Can you afford to send a crew of people and a show booth to Boston, Seattle, Austin and Germany? Maybe NYC and San Diego for Comic Con? Hell TSW had to buy a booth from SWTOR to use because they couldn't afford their own. GW2 wasn't even at the major show passed PAX'11.

The whole kickstarter thing is a farse, unless you have real backing behind you to do something meaningful and make decent money so you can stay open. But who knows, it's not impossible, because nothing really is. As far as tech, I still don't see the tools being there to create a game you really want. You will still need to customize the shit out of everything so you make the game you want to make.

It will get to be where you want it, but it'll be like MUDs were in the 90s where you have 10000 of them but each had a starting area of Midgaard.


2 Minutes Hate
how successful would any current mmo have been under similar circumstances? there's no point in pondering that question. word-of-mouth promotion and marketing generate so much hype these days that bullshit like tera and aion have no trouble selling millions of copies.
Any 3D MMORPG in 1998 would of been successful regardless of design decisions.


2 Minutes Hate
I really fail to see how a MMO that doesn't focus on a ton of voice over work, uses an established in house engine, have experienced staff already on the pay roll would cost over 75mil to make.

So If eq next would sell between 1 - 2 million boxes, and have at least 500k sub retention Its making a profit. Is it 10 million subs? No, it doesn't have to be. Its profitable, bottom line right?
If you could make a game that guarantees 1-2M boxes and 500k subs, you will be game developer of the year hands down.