EQ Never


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fully destructible environments, everyone gets all skills, sandbox style game play...

Uhh.. Is this Minecraft?


Sparkletot Monger
It's like switching a spec in WOW, they already said you can't change specs in combat. Why should you have to wait a significant time if you come across a situational mob and you need to change up your spec?
Yeah I understand that. Maybe more of a limit on core type is what Im looking at. I hate the idea of everyone being able to do everything. I think the right limitations/boundries create good games. I dont mind some switching, but people should also have some need for reliance on others.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Omeedd said you'll see much more at SOE Live 2014, because they'll have their shit together and can discuss the game at "greater depth".

This goes along with other interview snipets with devs who all say something along the lines of "We can't tell you everything right now, because it'd blow your fucking mind, so here, you can see a widdle bit of the basic overall concept here, that is as much awesome as you can handle right now."

When in reality I don't think they have anything else that isn't on a dry erase board.


2 Minutes Hate
I think there is a hope or maybe even assumption that with all the money they're going to make with EQN they could make a true successor to EQ/EQII. It's just a dream that began floating around a few pages back.
What I find hilarious is that there was no comments on how hardcore this game will be. Because they see a silly looking tiger race and less than realistic graphics they assume it's going to be casual world. We have had zero comment on difficulty other than they want the game to be accessible to as many people as possible. That doesn't mean the difficulty curve is easy at the beginning but ramps up like a motherfucker in the later tiers.

Tad had a really good observation: They are making LOL the MMO. In LOL the game is very casual friendly but as you move up in elo/mmr the game gets much more nuanced and difficult because of your competition.

That doesn't mean that these Rallying Calls will require only noobish easy things to complete like in GW2 where you just zerg shit down. I mean these Calls can have things like "We need to build a wall!" so crafters can do that while others go out and kill orcs that are guarding a quarry. Meanwhile in order to protect the whole city of Halas from invasion hardcore players need to go raid a super hard encounter that rewards not only those players will cool loot, but also completes the Rallying Call.

I duno, we just don't have enough information. EQ1 was easy as fuck to play as long as you had patience. The hardcore part of that game was that it took a long time to grind xp, if you played stupid you lost exp from dying, and if you didn't pay attention you could get trained by mobs. The execution of the game was pretty simple.

This game could be very difficult to play at the higher tiers, you just can't say yes or no yet. So people wishing for a more traditional game... still might get it.


2 Minutes Hate
Yeah I understand that. Maybe more of a limit on core type is what Im looking at. I hate the idea of everyone being able to do everything. I think the right limitations/boundries create good games. I dont mind some switching, but people should also have some need for reliance on others.
It depends on how you make the game. Switching between classes is going to be easy. However, they have said that they want you to collect classes, so that might be the difficult part. They also want you to level up those classes to get more advanced skills (something that GW2 really needed to do). You also need gear to make those classes shine.

So in the end, what you may end up with, is everyone has the cleric class or whatever, but without the combination of class X, Y with gear item A, B they could only heal noob dungeons anyway so who cares?


Molten Core Raider
Whelp, I think I'm going to place all of my hopes and dreams into Wildstar until we know more about this game. It definitely doesn't seem far along enough to know anything really concrete.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
What I find hilarious is that there was no comments on how hardcore this game will be. Because they see a silly looking tiger race and less than realistic graphics they assume it's going to be casual world. We have had zero comment on difficulty other than they want the game to be accessible to as many people as possible.
What kind of difficulty can we be expecting here? There's a lot of commentary about how MMOs feel a little too easy. Where does Everquest Next sit on the scale?

Terry Micheals - "Well, risk and reward is what MMOs are all about.I would not call this game a hardcore MMO. We want something that is accessible to a larger number of people but we want to make sure it's balanced with good gameplay and interesting things that will keep people interested."



Molten Core Raider
Not having a pvp server with a destroyable world is dildos. Imagine the fun you could have making someone fall down in pits, or if things are really advanced, dropping a statue or house on a group of people and making them splat.


After watching the panel discussions this weekend, it seems clear to me that the release date of this game is a long way off. This has me wondering about SOE's patience to fund its development for another 2+ years without any revenue (unless EQN: Landmark is part of the equation). I have a feeling of dejavu right now (38 studios comes to mind).


Got something right about marriage
Good god, I go away for the weekend with no internet access, come back expecting to see some solid information and all I get are these small tidbits? So the graphics are stylized and it has a homegrown minecraft engine. That's what they waited for SOE Live to show? What a joke.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This has me wondering about SOE's patience to fund its development for another 2+ years without any revenue (unless EQN: Landmark is part of the equation). I have a feeling of dejavu right now (38 studios comes to mind).
It's not even remotely comparable since SOE is already making revenue with several other products that are live.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have some additional info that changes some things this is mostly but not all from Dev Brunch (Friends telling me what was said, I wasn't there so possibly some phone game data corruption ;-) ):

-Latest is there is no PvP (or maybe just super limited PvP like an Arena) on Norrath (the main continent). There is PvP associated with EQN and exactly how it is being implemented will be announced next year, I'm not going to speculate heavily. Maybe on an entirely separate unannounced continent? Maybe totally instanced? I don't know. Mea culpa for misunderstanding what was going on. By way of clarification, there were lots of unintentionally dropped hints of stuff at SOE Live (especially at the pool party ;-)), so I guess I went too far based on one of those without getting clarification.

Edit: I'm going to standby my LOLMMO comment. You will be fighting each other LOLstyle somehow in this game. I just don't know how that's going to happen. We find out next year.

That said, there will still be some KOS factions, but those would be EQLike (i.e. guards kill you if you walk into Neriak and you're a high elf - not that neriak is in eqn, it's an example).

-There will be a lot more static PvE content (Rallying Calls, Authored Content, Static Dungeons & Raids) than has been talked about or I had thought was the case. They may talk sandbox but SOE is making a bunch of stuff to do. Bottomline EQN is PvE focused (see my PvP comment above).

Combat Example
-The example I gave of combat is reasonably accurate as of today (things can change). But what I was told seems to differ from McPherson's tweet. I was told that they are getting rid of needing to form a group by finding 1 cleric, 1 tank and 1 DPS/CC because everyone will, in time, have access to those classes (support/healing class, heavy armor class, dps/cc class) and can fill those roles if necessary.

So I think Talisker is being disingenuous with the quote because not only was what I was told just confirmed again, but the various SB combat AI slides/PP around on the Internet support my example. So yes, you don't need the Trinity, because everyone will have access to multiple classes and group formation becomes: "I'll tank/dps this time around, you dps/off-tank and you stay behind us and heal/support and/or range dps" and everyone then selects an appropriate class from their owned classes and an appropriate loadout. What's gone is taunting (obviously this is the big one), pure healers (the other big one) and the need for a specific class, so we'll see how that works out with the AI.

I can see issues like etchazz pointed out. You and your buddy start out as dps classes without defense (healing) abilities, seems like you'll have to buy a ton of healing pots unless you meet up with a healing class early on ;-)

-The two scrapped versions of the game were not WoWlike as has been reported. At least one was the hardcore EQ3 some of us were looking for (this is not speculation, confirmed at the Dev Brunch). Sorry etchazz.

-EQN Devs are aware of the "concern" over the class/combat mechanics (again confirmed at Dev Brunch but probably didn't need to be). When making EQ3 as an additional game was suggested to some of the EQN Dev team, there was a lot of pushback and it was stated that making EQ3 was a lot more difficult than has been suggesting on this forum (I wasn't at this brunch but I can guess that when I wrote earlier that it would be 80% done with just the EQN stuff, I must have been way off).

However, after the end of the EQ3 discussion at the Dev Brunch, and this again is not speculation, the EQN Devs participating in the discussion "didn't rule it out for the future." (Quote is from friend paraphrasing the end of the conversation, not an exact quote of the devs). I have no idea what "not ruling it out for the future" means as I'm just relaying info from a few of my friends who were at the Brunch. So take that with as big a grain of salt as you want. Maybe the Devs just said it to get the people asking the question to shut the hell up. ;-)

There were a couple more tidbits from the Brunch, but I'll need a little clarification before posting. I'm not going to make the same mistake again.
still catching up but wow... Isn't there another SoE live in Jan?


Sparkletot Monger
What kind of difficulty can we be expecting here? There's a lot of commentary about how MMOs feel a little too easy. Where does Everquest Next sit on the scale?

Terry Micheals - "Well, risk and reward is what MMOs are all about.I would not call this game a hardcore MMO. We want something that is accessible to a larger number of people but we want to make sure it's balanced with good gameplay and interesting things that will keep people interested."


"What we see in MMOs right now is that you're gated in your ability to play the game based on the availability of other players with particular skill sets or roles . We want to make sure players play the game whenever they want to and with whomever they want to so we need to have a more flexible system. What you're doing one day is not what you have to do the next day. Say for instance you need to play a class that isn't what you'll call your 'primary'." The air quotes are almost audible. "You're still earning advancement that you can apply to whatever you want. No longer will you have to give up your time to help somebody accomplish something. Everybody should be advancing their characters every time they play the game."
Not too happy about that. Im willing to see it in action and hear more, but that sounds awful.

Great article btw.


FPS noob
no, SOE live got pulled forward to last weekend so they could show off Landmark, and what is basically a tiny tech demo of EQN. The next SOE live will be in fall 2014 or Jan 2015, whichever is more optimal for the next, bigger demo (or, unlikely, launch) of EQN.

People need to get their expectations in check. Landmark goes beta sometime this fall, maybe launches in Dec or early next year. You won't see shit about EQN except forum polls and other roundtable stuff for another 10 months. After that, we'll see how far the team has gotten. If everything goes flawlessly and their ideas work out well, maybe a beta sometime in summer 2014. More realistically, a lot of stuff isn't going to work as well as they hope, will require redesign and dev, and we won't really see anything new out of EQN until Jan 2015.

GW2 showed a really advanced tech demo in summer 2010 and didn't launch till summer 2012. Wow alpha was shown in 2001 and didn't launch till 2004.


The whole class/weapon thing is going to be an awful simplification, like they lack the conviction to go completely skill based like UO or AC. So they've altered the means of progression but the road leads exactly the same place as GW2/WoW etc with defined classes


Fully destructible environments, everyone gets all skills, sandbox style game play...

Uhh.. Is this Minecraft?
Can't be a sandbox without open world PvP. Can't be a fully destructible environment if I can't damage player structures. Half the fun of a sandbox is kicking over the other guy's castle. Can't be LoLMMO if it's the most carebear PvE game possible. Can't even pick a side on the world events? What's the point of having them?

Some of what they say sounds good, some sounds like idiocy. The largest point being that it's all just words and they clearly aren't very far into actual deliverables.

All signs point to disaster.