EQ Never

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
The problem I see with tanks outside of a trinity is basically that you're trading dps for higher survivability. But, if you can't taunt, you need a shitload of crowd control, because the enemy won't be attacking you when wizards, rogues, rangers and whoever else are all doing more damage than you. Extra armor is kind of pointless if the enemy isn't attacking you over the others.
The question is how much are you giving up to get those tankish abilities? It is balance they have to strike, but everyone here is (rightly) worried that tanks will be pointless and glass cannons will rule the day. Now consider their inspirations from LoL, I think there have been long stretches of time where the tanky bruiser was the class to be and glass cannons cowered in fear. We might end up in a situation where everyone complains that it's pointless to go with the rogue or wizard because the warrior with a bit of multiclass cleric sprinkled in is clearly better.

Until beta we should just wait and be content with the fact that they are putting in the abilities of the trinity. How we assemble them in their freeform multiclassing requires much more information then we'll get in 2013.


Which is why I don't understand why the devs aren't posting here.
Is this a serious statement? This forum means nothing in the grand scheme of things. They want as many players as possible not any specific overly butt hurt 99% chance they'll hate whatever we put out community like this.

If this forum wanted devs it would first need to not be tucked away with no meaningful amount of posters,

second not be twice as flippant as mmorpg.com on a good day

and thirdly not have a group of people who basically have not participated meaningfully in the genre in ten years.

This is the last place devs who want to be seen should ever post. While there have been shit games that deserved to not have hype around them on this board, any game that releases following different principles than what this board desires gets called bad design, and since this board wants everything and nothing all at once, no one escapes. No this is the last place anyone should be posting. Now this isn't meant to be any kind of attack on you quaid, but if there is any real confusion from the members here, the point is exposure and a community that might actually accept new ideas. There are people in this thread being generally accepting but if a dev actually showed up the shitlords would crawl out of the wood work to spew their usual brand of hate.

I know it's a rant and a block of text, but it's not meant to come off as an attack or rustle jimmies, I've just seen a general consensus that someone should be paying serious attention to this board.


Molten Core Raider
Should I go over and post on the Reddit or what?
To achieve what? Like it has been said, devs love to be reassured, it is nice if everyone around you says "whatever you're doing, it's just amazing!". Take a look at Dragon Age for instance. Second game was horrible in every aspect, so in a promo trailer for the third, a dev says "we are really trying to get back in touch with our fans".

Now what does that mean? According to the official forums, it means you're turning a minor quest npc into a fully-fledged companion, because a bunch of pony fucktards create a 2k pages (and that is not exaggerated) thread about how awesome this guy this. So now Knight-Commander Cullen is a fan favourite and Bioware includes him in the next game. Great.

The same bizarre stuff will happen in EQN, because for some reason devs love to hear what people on reddit have to say. Nevermind that all the guys who seemed to be willing to sacrifice their first-born will abandon your game 3 months after release.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I remember all the huge posts on the Vanguard forums at release about how travel times were too long, corpse runs were stupid and dungeons were too hard. Pretty sure that shit was at least partially responsible to the game's U-turn post-release.


Sparkletot Monger
As far as combat..

Bad = 5 people doing the same thing.

Good = mobs acting/reacting with a number of abilities/behaviors that no class or combo can deal with


Should I go over and post on the Reddit or what?
The answer to any question involving willingly posting on reddit is "no" in 99 out of 100 parallel multiverses. In the 100th, you're just hiding out there because it's the last place your future evil self will look for you to assassinate you and become the one.


Maybe if we issue a formal apology for QWERTY the devs will return, like when the lorax came back in a ray of sunshine after the people started planting trees again.
Isn't qwerty banned? There's no rickshaw thread about/from him, what happened?


Molten Core Raider
What, he really did pull a "tell that to my face and not over the internet and see what happens"?. I guess he's a special ops super marine commando with 67 belts in various martial arts too.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
gogojira on the Camp Check podcast is hilarious.

He brought that bitterness hallmark of rerolled. Would watch again.