EQ Never

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
oh noz, someone attacked me personally on the internetz. somebody do something i have been offended wahhh wwahhhhh.

On topic. Been watching some interviews about EQN today. Seems open world player housing is in, which is pretty cool. But the lack of end game worries me. Seems as if you get a group large enough you can just zerg everything in the game from day one... thanks horizontal progression? idk. Someone explain to me how that won't happen.
Unless you catch it by surprise with nets and shit, any dragon with an ounce of self-preservation will take off and flee when it sees an overwhelming zerg approaching. Dynamic raid caps thanks to AI, griefing opportunities included.


Elisha Dushku
Glad I'm not the only one.
Did you mean gald you're not the only one checking out the gonewild subreddit or something else? I assumed every healthy straight male checks that.

/derail I don't know how anyone makes money with porn these days with shit like that.


They have already stated that at the end of an open style dungeon there will be a raid boss which will be in an instance. IE. You get to the end of a diablo3 level and zone into the boss fight. I like the idea that everyone can fight the boss, but that means he's not as epic like bat phone 4am week day epic where ppl will actually wake up and log in. If you make stuff that special people will do it and it makes it that much sweeter when you have to compete with other guilds for the goods. They just need to make them hard as fuck so people cant just kill him with 10 ppl you need 100 people working together to bring some shit down, that is epic as fuck. Screw the 10 man fights that shit is wack and played out. Bring back the carnage where a tail swipe takes out 30 people if you got hit by it and theres no fucking red circles telling you its coming. I have always been for in combat ressing with penalties. Maybe like 1-2 resses ur out and in that time healers can't be healing.. but wait theres no healers wtf am I talking about.


Silver Knight of the Realm
And as soon as you have to fight something in an open field its back to kitefest 2000. Tanks and +aggro exist for a reason.

WoW already had a PVP raid where mobs ignored threat mechanics. It was a lot of kiting, a lot of defensive cooldowns, a lot of people randomly dying with absolutely 0 chance of survival. Once a few enemies were killed, it was just boring and annoying shit full of chasing goddamn mobs around trying to hit them.
I think one of the original reasons for using threat based mechanics was that they are incredibly cheap in terms processing power required on the server (this was a huge benefit for early MMOs). And after they made that choice they designed the rest of the games around it. So if you just take a regular MMO and remove the ability to tank mobs it will definitely suck. However, if you add stuff like attacks of opportunity, collisions, more effective CC and less effective in combat healing it might work. You probably want to reduce mob hp as well. So mobs would be unwilling to break away from the melee and go for the casters since that would open them up for very damaging attacks from behind. On the other hand, casters/stealthed mobs could go for casters without getting hit in the back... This would be a lot closer to how it usually works in a pen & paper rpg.


They have already stated that at the end of an open style dungeon there will be a raid boss which will be in an instance. IE. You get to the end of a diablo3 level and zone into the boss fight. I like the idea that everyone can fight the boss, but that means he's not as epic like bat phone 4am week day epic where ppl will actually wake up and log in. If you make stuff that special people will do it and it makes it that much sweeter when you have to compete with other guilds for the goods. They just need to make them hard as fuck so people cant just kill him with 10 ppl you need 100 people working together to bring some shit down, that is epic as fuck. Screw the 10 man fights that shit is wack and played out. Bring back the carnage where a tail swipe takes out 30 people if you got hit by it and theres no fucking red circles telling you its coming. I have always been for in combat ressing with penalties. Maybe like 1-2 resses ur out and in that time healers can't be healing.. but wait theres no healers wtf am I talking about.
Self-heal that tail swipe bro.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
PVP might be more balanced if they actually overhauled defensive capabilities in a non-aggro based environment. The issue with that is the amount of reflexive/reactionary abilities or situational skills would be far more than 8 on a hotbar. Would not scale that well with intelligent AI either. But I would still applaud any game that tries to add mitigation, avoidance, shielding, etc so cloth casters can actually cast something useful besides fireball x1000.


Elisha Dushku

Dave Mark slide on the right side (have to sign up to see - not worth it IMHO). Heavy, heavy into weighted randomness. Basically, the trick of Mark's AI in these slides is that it will not always do the same thing. It will often do the same thing (ranged attack, melee attack, retreat, whatever) but will occasionally do something totally different.

I don't know how innovative this is - my knowledge of AI programming approaches zero. But would be amusing the one time the Giant Iron Golem actually runs from the lone ranger as he approaches.



Dave Mark slide on the right side (have to sign up to see - not worth it IMHO). Heavy, heavy into weighted randomness. Basically, the trick of Mark's AI in these slides is that it will not always do the same thing. It will often do the same thing (ranged attack, melee attack, retreat, whatever) but will occasionally do something totally different.

I don't know how innovative this is - my knowledge of AI programming approaches zero. But would be amusing the one time the Giant Iron Golem actually runs from the lone ranger as he approaches.
omg. weighted randomness... i'm having flash backs of making my miragent legs /puke 300000 bloodstains later.


Silver Knight of the Realm

Dave Mark slide on the right side (have to sign up to see - not worth it IMHO). Heavy, heavy into weighted randomness. Basically, the trick of Mark's AI in these slides is that it will not always do the same thing. It will often do the same thing (ranged attack, melee attack, retreat, whatever) but will occasionally do something totally different.
I have not read the actual article, but that sounds very much like the AI I wrote for a hobby project. Basically, evaluate a bunch of possible actions. Randomly choose which action that is performed with a heavy bias towards the ones with the best scores. It's also easy to add modifiers to make mobs prefer to not switch target, assist each other, favor targeting low hp players etc. In terms of performance this is significantly more expensive than a threat based AI, but should still very much be viable with current hardware.


Molten Core Raider
why? if the army of PCs attacks a single area, then this new next-gen AI should flank them right?
I, for one, say fuck it. If people want to zerg shit, let them zerg it. Never understood why "Throw a ton of fucking people at it" isn't considered a valid strategy anymore. I've done the 12 man elite hit squad and the 200 person zerg swarm and I can honestly say both felt equally as rewarding. Don't even have to scale most encounters honestly. If EQ was any indication about 40% of a zerg raid force will just die on pull anyways because it's hard enough getting 10 people to pay attention let alone 200.

"But...but...the integrity of the fight and world firsts and and..." blah blah blah. It's 2013, who the fuck cares.


Elisha Dushku
Zergs will be even better if there are Tier 4+ underground raids - with luck you'll be able to walk over the corpses in the lava.


Elisha Dushku
I have not read the actual article, but that sounds very much like the AI I wrote for a hobby project. Basically, evaluate a bunch of possible actions. Randomly choose which action that is performed with a heavy bias towards the ones with the best scores. It's also easy to add modifiers to make mobs prefer to not switch target, assist each other, favor targeting low hp players etc. In terms of performance this is significantly more expensive than a threat based AI, but should still very much be viable with current hardware.
That's how I read it - an early point in the powerpont was that AI can be too good (for example go straight for the healer) so they wanted the AI to occasionally make mistakes, or get stubborn (keep targeting the guy in front). Just like a human might.


Goalish AI is pretty easy. My last ludum dare game I did a basic surround and melee enemy, and a nuke / heals / buffs shaman type. It would stay near a melee (which had the effect of running away if it was the last one alive), heal friendlies, and throw fireballs.

The companion AI would buff if it saw more than 3 enemies at once, AE nuke if stuff was clumped in the distance, heal injuries, always stay in sight of the player.

Fancy systems use decision trees or somesuch, but since I had 48 hours I just had a big bunch of ifs with a bit of randomness.


I, for one, say fuck it. If people want to zerg shit, let them zerg it. Never understood why "Throw a ton of fucking people at it" isn't considered a valid strategy anymore. I've done the 12 man elite hit squad and the 200 person zerg swarm and I can honestly say both felt equally as rewarding. Don't even have to scale most encounters honestly. If EQ was any indication about 40% of a zerg raid force will just die on pull anyways because it's hard enough getting 10 people to pay attention let alone 200.

"But...but...the integrity of the fight and world firsts and and..." blah blah blah. It's 2013, who the fuck cares.
Yeah, screw the integrity of the fight. If the creatures can blow up the world to murder you, you should be able to do whatever it takes to win, within the constrains of the world/skills. The penalty for throwing 200 bodies at something 40 people can do is obvious - less chance of an individual getting compensated for their efforts. If people want to play that way, who cares.

I'm trying to look at this new-AI thing from a different perspective: if we think what came out of the AI/skills (not very smart/not very many) in Everquest was fun/entertaining, and people wanting trains, kiting, feign splitting, etc., imagine how many new and fun ways to do those things will come from this system + destructible/modifiable terrain. If the AI/game itself is fun and doesn't suck, there's going to be exponentially more ways to kill shit in EQN than there was in EQ.

I'm just glad that we will be able to ditch our starting class when we find another...I haven't had the best luck in the last few games i've played picking a class that wasn't god-awful. And I guess part of the appeal of the class system they're going for, is a newly-found class could actually make some class skills that you thought sucked from a former base class, really freaking good.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I'm envisioning AI about as complex as the goblins of Darkfall. They run around, swap between ranged and melee, run away and shit, at seemingly random intervals. Ends up being more of a pain in the ass than anything else.