EQ Never


Actually no one knows wtf is going on, so its like a blind person laughing at another blind person because he is blind as well. You do seem pretty angry, whats up? Maybe you should get out more.
We know what we were told by the game producers. And that is its going to be gw2 class system and healing system. I'm glad you guys have no substance to go on so you assume random shit. I'm playing tf2 right now ripping my bong in boxers. Hows your cubicle treating you ?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Never will catch up to this thread... But will there be anything for EQN released during Gamescom?

We know what we were told by the game producers. And that is its going to be gw2 class system and healing system. I'm glad you guys have no substance to go on so you assume random shit. I'm playing tf2 right now ripping my bong in boxers. Hows your cubicle treating you ?

@Nanfoodle_Smith If you're not fond of GW2's combat, that's okay. It's not what we're building. You'll see, eventually.


@malevolent_nerd @everquest_next I've said it before. We played GW2. We are not building GW2.


Great life bro. That would of been so cool when i was like 17.
Bro I saw what you look like in the rl picture threads i'd be mad if I looked like you too. It was cool when I was 17 and its cool now sitting here playing video games making money. Don't let your envy leak out.


Sparkletot Monger
Did you see when the huge giant took a swing and it took off half the house? Where was the circle there? The Rock Elemental didnt use visual cues either. When the Demon thing did his AE, it took apart actual pieces of the environment. All of these attacks are voxels, they inhabit space and interact with the environment. They are not auras, an AE, or a sword swing, or a breath weapon all function in the same way in this game. And when the AI can decide to use them, or not, depending on circumstances. These are difficult concepts, but Im willing to work with you so you can understand them better. Im here to help.


Did you not play GW2? Everyone gets a heal doesn't matter what weapon you use. Its self sufficient survival.
In this game you pick 8 active skills: 4 from your base class based on your weapon, and 4 cherry picked from your stable of classes that you have collected and trained up. Since the weapon skill types are hard set (ex: offense, offense, utility, movement for a rogue), and youare most lilikely gearing for that, I disagree that everyone will be an effective healer.


Sparkletot Monger
Bro I saw what you look like in the rl picture threads i'd be mad if I looked like you too. It was cool when I was 17 and its cool now sitting here playing video games making money. Don't let your envy leak out.
You are losing it. Step away from the computer.



Look at StoryBricks, thats their AI. The mobs are going to be reactive, there is no rigid script. Not only that, they are going to be interactive with each other. They are programed to have desires and things they want to do. Mob combat AI isnt really that dissimilar to conversation. Its going to be comprised of many, many variables, If (X, then A, B or C). If a tank is beating on a mob and getting healed, why would that mob stay there? He could snare or root the mob and move to the healers, and who says he wants to melee? Not only that, but they have said that mobs remember things done to them. "I hit you with my kill shot, and you didnt die, I need to change what im doing." Maybe he calls and icewall to seperate himself from the tank and give him some alone time with the healer. Or maybe HE clears aggro with the tank by disappearing, charming, dispelling, snaring and blinking away, ect, ect... Or one of his caster friends sitting in the back does it for him... itll all depend and be different every time. They have said that mobs wont be sitting in an empty room, waiting for you to come kill them. Evil Arch Fiends are notoriously busy people and will be going about his routine and interacting with other NPCs, actually doing things. Itll be much more difficult to fight a mob on the ground of your choosing.

How does the Goblin King react to the players attacking his healers, how do the guards react to the wizards nuking the king? They are interacting with each other.

Additionally the forgelight engine is designed to handle lots, and lots and lots of people in a small area, and the storybricks algorithms are pretty small data wise. So your fights are probably not going to be simple, bang on the ankle of that dude standing there all alone, but huge fights where the multiple mobs are coordinating with each other.

The simple thing to say is kiting is the answer to everything, but mobs will have the same abilities as players. How do players respond to being kited?

I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.


Did you see when the huge giant took a swing and it took off half the house? Where was the circle there? The Rock Elemental didnt use visual cues either. When the Demon thing did his AE, it took apart actual pieces of the environment. All of these attacks are voxels, they inhabit space and interact with the environment. They are not auras, an AE, or a sword swing, or a breath weapon all function in the same way in this game. And when the AI can decide to use them, or not, depending on circumstances. These are difficult concepts, but Im willing to work with you so you can understand them better. Im here to help.
yes I did see that. 1000% of me hopes there is no telegraphing. And if it was actual combat and not just a for show the circle would be inside the house ontop of the player that was sitting there where the boss did the attack. You guys were the ones that starting flaming me, don't blame me because the game producers did stuff a certain way.


Me envious of a internet troll. Whatever. Take another bong hit.
Nothing I say is trolling and is backed up by actual fact. You on the other hand and lleauaric are attempting to troll me. See your last 3 posts when you ran out of substance and starting making up stuff you think you know about my personal life. Whos really trolling who.


Elisha Dushku
Did you not play GW2? Everyone gets a heal doesn't matter what weapon you use. Its self sufficient survival.
Everyone got a mini heal in VG. So what. Didn't preclude healing classes.

Stop saying the "Sky is Falling" until you actually see gameplay videos.

sandy, sandyvag


<Gold Donor>
Youtold us about your personal life. Lets see, loser which plays internet games 15 hours a day and tokes bong hits, check. wife which does the same? Check. One thing is missing is some meth and the circle of life would be complete.


You know what would answer a lot of these questions....the combat doc. Are we even allowed to ask them about it on Reddit or will that get deleted?


Everyone got a mini heal in VG. So what. Didn't preclude healing classes.

Stop saying the "Sky is Falling" until you actually see gameplay videos.

sandy, sandyvag
Look tadley I understand your mad now too, god forbid someone have to show you the facts. VG had actual healing classes I think I can't remember I was a chanter. Theres actually quite a few things I like about this game so far, just don't like reading morons spewing random info on speculation. The graphics and environment look great. The voxel tech is great, the music is awesome, the changing story like is also awesome. Every post I make comes from fact that the game producers have given us. You on the other hand admitted your last statement completely contradicted yourself. I'm not coming at you with personal attacks or anyone else on here. If you can't handle the heat then get out of the kitchen.


Youtold us about your personal life. Lets see,loser which plays internet games 15 hoursa day and tokes bong hits, check.wife which does the same?Check. One thing is missing is some meth and the circle of life would be complete.
Lol what are you talking about you need to go back to mmorpg. Do a poll and see if 99% of the people here would rather do what I do. You don't belong here broham fohguild is for ppl that win, you on the other hand weren't you the one talking about buying station cash and changing it into plat? So your telling me that on this gaming site someone who really plays is a loser, but someone who wants to pay to win is a winner? Maybe i'm confused.


Playmates models and hookers.. vs your palm. Winning