EQ Never


2 Minutes Hate
You talk about this neckbeard thing so much it makes me think you have some kind of complex about it. You are also are incredibly dense to keep saying the same thing over and over and either ignoring or just not understanding what other people are saying.
I know what 20-30 people on this message board that still play (or want to play a shinier version of) a 15 year old game are saying that's fine. But I'm not talking about a indie game company that is going to recreate an EQ you want. I'm talking about Sony putting a ton of money and time into developing a game and it's not going to be NeckbeardEQ. I agree with you 100% that there are definitely a lot of people out there that would love to play EQ1 all over again. I'm just saying that there aren't enough of them out there that a major game studio will put the effort in to make that game for you.


EQOA Refugee
How many of those 22 year olds are pining for a modern recreation of EQ1? If Sony is making a game, they will try to reach the largest target audience, and that won't be with the NeckbeardEQ. They will attempt to reach the 22 year olds with a shit load of time that is used to play games like WOW, Rift, TSW, GW2 etc.
Actually, SOE made that game you're describing and scrapped it. They didn't wanna put another WoW clone out. They are going a different direction they say. So there has to me SOME hope. If all they cared about was that crowd, they definitely wouldn't be making a sandbox game.


Trakanon Raider
I think that the gear choices that newer games have given us just aren't as interesting as what EQ had to offer. My warrior in EQ carried around a huge toolkit of gear to help out in various situations. He had a weapon that slowed, a weapon that snared, various bits of armor that cast buffs. And you had to make choices with your gear such as wearing a crappy belt or cloak and having haste or wearing something with good stats. In WoW I don't think I would ever notice what the names on some of my gear pieces were if i didn't have to type them into macros. Granted, in a game like WoW you would run into balance issues with PvP(the reason we can't have nice things) but I still miss having interesting items and needing to make real tradeoffs in your gearing choices.


Molten Core Raider
Utility all hinges on debuffs actually being powerful though. Hopefully they will be, but Smed said at some point they're going to be tight on classes. So it will likely not have utility classes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Draegan, every argument you make is for another WoW clone. Do you not see how badly that has worked already for every WoW clone in existance?

People are very, very tired of WoW. They keep trying every new mmo coming out hoping for something truly different, but it is always just a pale version of what they have already. So they begrudgingly troddle back to old faithful and pray that the next set of devs get a clue.

What people want is something new and different. EQ1 is so old now that many of it's abandoned systems are new to the modern and massive mmo playerbase. A strict EQ1 clone isn't the answer but many of the harsh systems that EQ had do work and can be popular. Eve is proof of that.

So stop with your "Only easy play WoW clones will ever be built" mentality and use some imagination to figure what can be done differently to benefit us all.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, I think EQN will sell a lot of boxes regardless of what it is. That's just the way things are going with the players.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Another way to add a sense of danger is to change the way leash mechanics and mob run speeds work.

Leash mechanics in modern mmo's are all the same. Agro mob, run a certain distance, mob stops chasing you. Every mob has the same leash distance. That is predictable, boring and frankly stupid.

Bring back some of EQ's leash mechanics but with a few new twists. Mobs leash based on their role in the world. For instance, a mother lion protecting her cubs is going to be very pissed if you are in the area. She will chase you and if she catches you will rip you apart. But she isn't going to want to run too far from her cubs. Her prime motivation is to get you to leave. So after a short distance she gives up.

The same thing for a guard at an outpost or city. Their duty is to stay near their post. They will chase you but not too far. But a bandit who wants your stuff will chase you a long ways. And to take it to the extreme, a dark lord of shadow who wants your soul will chase you across zones.

Another thing that should be changed is mob speeds. A treant is slow, you can run from it easily. A cheetah is fast and is going to catch you if it chases you. So give it the cheetah a wide bearth, as well as any mob riding a horse (any fast mount), etc, etc.

Leash mechanics and mob speeds are easy to change and make variable. Mixing them up is a very easy way to reintroduce a sense of danger. And would have the added benifit of increasing the feeling of immersion.


Buzzfeed Editor
I know what 20-30 people on this message board that still play (or want to play a shinier version of) a 15 year old game are saying that's fine. But I'm not talking about a indie game company that is going to recreate an EQ you want. I'm talking about Sony putting a ton of money and time into developing a game and it's not going to be NeckbeardEQ. I agree with you 100% that there are definitely a lot of people out there that would love to play EQ1 all over again. I'm just saying that there aren't enough of them out there that a major game studio will put the effort in to make that game for you.
I'm always curious why people say this. The MMO market has had two major growths, it's initial, which came when it evolved from MUDs to graphic based (UO/EQ/And others) and then another serious one with WoW. Both of these periods of large growth happened with games that were considered "hardcore". In fact, since the inception of more accessible content, the numbers have constantly trended downward (Spikes for expansion sales, but overall trending down.)

Now, I'm not comfortable saying it's the "hardcore" which is to account for this. The games age, other systems, decreased content generation (I'd hang my hat on this being a bigger factor than anything. WoW's content generation went from slow, to insulting.) and lots of other things could account for this pattern. Also there is the fact that the largest growth happened during a ramp down in time required (EQ to WoW) BUT the growth came when WoW was still far more time intensive. However, overall, I still wouldn't say it was EQ or Vanilla WoW's ball breaking attributes which accounted for the growth--it's kind of silly to be so confident about weak correlative evidence.

But I'm curious why you are so comfortable with making statements that don't even have correlative empirical evidence,at all.At least the hardcore crowd can say that the market for this product grew during eras when it was more time intensive. The people advocating more accessible/easier have nothing, really--except maybe some polling indicating people always think they need a more accessible game. But that hasn't be correlated with real world growth.

And I agree with you, in general, about needing to keep time requirements down. But I just have no idea where this confidence comes from. Games like EVE, original EQ's success and Vanilla WoW's success would at least make me stop and really consider how less agressive rules (Decrease accessibility, increase time/work investment) might be something to explore..


This is all fine and dandy that we discuss what we want for the game.

The real question is how do we get them to hear us and actually implement what we want. That is the most important question we need to answer.