EQ Never


Mr. Poopybutthole
Who the hell is Sage? I only know the folks who post here =|

Any inside information on how things are handled serverside, or is it just 1234 spam that can be macroed and thus forgotten?


Elisha Dushku
even if he is posting a shit-ton with a total lack of information and next to no speculation on his part.
What the hell else is there to do besides post bs on eqn? No point resubbing to EQMac, nothing interesting single-player wise, work is slow and posting in General is too damn depressing. And if you spend too much time in SS you end up running across tranny pics. -_-


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ut lives to play Devil's Advocate. On the bright side at least he's not boring.

@Ut please note the post immediately preceding the post you replied to. K? thx!
I lost count. Was that after or before I called out SOE on making money on player content that is better than anyone inhouse could produce? And only get sony fucking coins...instead of real money like SoE will make for no effort.

Sorry man,. I forgot.


EQOA Refugee
I am pointing out to you that very weird shit is going on with respect to the EQN reveal. No MMO company has ever been this secretive about a reveal and I'm sure every SOE employee (or former employee) is under an extremely nasty NDA. So no, I don't think you or Flipmode or anyone else has a real grasp on what EQN will be like. Yes, a little true information has trickled out (Flipmode correctly called Kobolds as a playable race) emphasis on little. Expect some surprises on Aug 2d.

@Mr. Creedy - maybe one, not all three.
To be sure, I have revealed a lot to certain posters on this board and some stuff to the general masses. Mostly I dont waste my time because no matter what it is, it will be ripped apart by some jaded, cynical fuck. After Aug 2, they can judge what I've said as correct or not. From the jump I stated I did not have every little detail or mechanic info. But what I did share with certain people, they can feel free to call me on it if it isn't correct.

But please note how Tad now magically agrees with what I said on the beta/release date. For that I was told "Don't go full retard" by Tad. Seems interesting to me lol...


Mr. Poopybutthole
Only obvious answer: Tad is also drunk.

Mad late edit: I hope SOE is having a strange reveal in that they are finalizing shit to a degree as we argue semantics and other retarded facets in this thread. That they haven't just stuck to stupid guns and hope that it will prevail like it did during entirely different real world circumstances. I am sure we'll see, but it doesn't stop me from hoping that they are leaving things "open" to a degree in order to better facilitate what their audience wants. And make no mistake, there are literally "millions" of WoW-kids that would try a F2P game with persistent world modification and moddable skillsets based upon race that enables them to bring their own flavor to a somewhat stale paradigm. Would those same players pay up front? Probably not! But they might buy skins/potions/et al.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ut lives to play Devil's Advocate. On the bright side at least he's not boring.

@Ut please note the post immediately preceding the post you replied to. K? thx!
Lets do that.

I knew Butler was fucking another chick behind Michelle's back before he strapped on the plastic.

Devil's advocate? Call it the truth you gutless twine.

It is what it is. Good talent will be abused to fuck for sony coins... but WAIT.... You can trade those back and forth like you can do with the gems and GW2 and real dollars.

Grow a fucking design team instead of relying on players o make your content for you.

Going to bed. People can read what I said (Without a blog or profit) and make up their own minds.

EQ Next will be a fucking side show.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
During SOE Live John Smedley also mentioned that EverQuest Next will attempt to keep the P2P subscription model for as long as possible.
If this is true then they deserve props for it. I think cash shops are the single worst thing to happen to the genre behind instancing and "queuing".

If they aren't using a cash shop then UT has to be wrong...right?


What the hell else is there to do besides post bs on eqn? No point resubbing to EQMac, nothing interesting single-player wise, work is slow and posting in General is too damn depressing. And if you spend too much time in SS you end up running across tranny pics. -_-
No, you stopped posting in General because your politics are even more wrong-headed and easily-disproved than your MMO design ideas and everyone called you out on your bullshit. Remember?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Whatever EQN will be, watching you guys cry and moan and bitch in this thread alone is worth it...
also i hope SOE is realizing its probably their last chance to make EQ "great&relevant" again (and make a ton of money from it in the future). Otherwise EQ will finally be left behind and forgotten for good


Molten Core Raider
Whatever EQN will be, watching you guys cry and moan and bitch in this thread alone is worth it...
also i hope SOE is realizing its probably their last chance to make EQ "great&relevant" again (and make a ton of money from it in the future). Otherwise EQ will finally be left behind and forgotten for good
I'll never forget EQ. Maybe the general population will. But I'll remember the times I had in EQ until the days when I'm in a nursing home.


EQOA Refugee
Idk what's worse, game companies putting out crap games or gamers wishing the games suck so they can laugh at others but still go out and buy the crap games. Vicious cycle I tell you...


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Idk what's worse, game companies putting out crap games or gamers wishing the games suck so they can laugh at others but still go out and buy the crap games. Vicious cycle I tell you...
There is no cycle unless Grown Ups the MMO makes it to market. Then you can worry and whip out every "I don't want to live on this planet any more" memes you want.


Fuck yeah. These last few pages have been great.

I personally think a big budget UO 2 would fucken own anything EQ could ever create.


To be fair, ut is also attempting to lower peoples exceptions, which is a good thing. It is good because if your expectations are too high, the game will suck for you no matter what.


I've got no idea why peoples expectations are so high. It's completely irrational and to be honest just stupid. They created a good game 14 years ago(with barely any competition) and have produced mediocre to terrible games since. Be excited sure. Have high expectations? No.


EQOA Refugee
To be fair, ut is also attempting to lower peoples exceptions, which is a good thing. It is good because if your expectations are too high, the game will suck for you no matter what.
Pretty much this^

I've been let down and ass fucked by SOE so much that they HAVE to make a hit or I won't even consider it. They have to prove they have integrity again.

Talk all the shit you want about a game like FFXIV but all devs who make games should take notes on how you own up to the fact that your game was crap and the right way to fix it with your customers. That impressed me so much I bought the game again to reward them even though I didn't have to.

From here on out, I'll vote with my wallet. Other gamers should wise up and do the same or we will NEVER get them to change. Stop having no self control and simply don't buy crap games. Then and only then will they get the message.