EQ Never


Molten Core Raider
There's a reason Ultima Online had mounted combat and no other MMO since has.
Not counting WoW's mounted combat 'gimmick'...

LOTRO has mounted combat.
Conquerer has mounted combat.
Tales of Fantasy has mounted combat.
Forsaken World has mounted combat.

There's like 5 or 6 others I can think of offhand as well.


Forgetting Darktide, the Zek servers, and Ultima. All of which had great PvP.
I never played on Darktide, but the UO crowd tends to look at it's PVP through rose colored glasses. I was on Pacific from day 1. UO was a gank ridden, bug ridden, shithole in regards to PVP. It's big claim to fame was its innovation at the time which was groundbreaking. The reputation system was terrible, the combat was crap, and the world was not built for long term PVP success. It's why UO spent so much of it's dev time trying to fix the game so all the normals wouldn't run away.

The Zeks were a hoot, but not a long term, good sustainable PVP model anymore anymore than the 'Dreds were for DAOC. There's a reason companies aren't doing PVP servers like that.


Registered Hutt
EQ2 has mounted combat. I don't know what discussion we're having here, but you don't have to look far to find it.


Molten Core Raider
I just stopped in for my morning poop and noticed Woolygimp posted. Seeing as how I can always count on him to post something incorrect in support of whatever he's on about I figured it was an easy +1 post to start out my day.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Care to explain?
Because he speculated that EQN would be this crazy EvE like PvP driven game and argued with people like me when we told him he was wrong.. Now he knows he's wrong and instead of realizing the market could use a solid PvE driven "core" game he's trashes it without knowing all the details of the PvP. I love what Flip posted. Can't wait to see what else is in it.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Here's what I know:

Spells - no more spell trainers. Abilities are granted passively and the big ones have quests and trials attached to them. Enchanters will have to seek out people around the world to learn and study with. Wizards will have to find various tomes to study to learn to weave the strongest spells. Not sure on the spell weaving mechanic but they seemed to indicate the ability to create and discover new spells. So not every wizards spell book will be the same.

Crafting - it is in the game, it is interdependent and its supposedly more meaning than they've ever made it. Players will be able to make useful and sought after gear and stuff at all levels. Raid/Dungeon crafting drops confirmed but no mechanics specifics.

Minus a detail here or there, that's all I got. Take it for what it's worth to you.
Love the spell idea for training, guessing Monk and other skill will follow that idea too. But very cool.

Craft, here is hoping.


It's only silly if you are judging it like a real natural world. Some things would get tired, some would be too scared etc.. But in gameplay terms it made total sense. It meant that you couldn't screw around and if you messed up, there were serious consequences that could lead to your death.

Vanguard totally ruined this. You could shoot a huge giant or something and then think oooops, but you just turn and run and hit sprint and the giant gives up chase after 30 foot or something. Leashing would be fine but it needs to be far, and the mobs need to keep hot on your heels with no player sprint. In EQ, bailing was very skill based. If you ran instantly, and jumped over any obstacles in your way and ran directly in the opposite direction... you had a chance of getting away alive. But if you fumbled your keys or something, got stuck on a tree, or took too many turns, mobs would catch up to you and beat you down.

I can't atm, maybe tomorrow.
Leashing can still be done and also retain EQ gameplay ability. Seamless world of not, many games still funnel you into the next "Zone" region. All they have to do is code so if X creature hit X "Zone" region it de-agros you can goes after the next on the argo list. If you dont hit the next "Zone" region, it will keep following you till you are dead or its dead or it following someone else that bumped you out of the agro list.

I loved the old EQ Kunark leashing, it was a good mix of long run but no need to zone if you ran long enough.


I think i read somewhere the female crafting dev from eq2 is now on the EQN team.. sooo....
You must be talking about Niami DenMother from EQTC and EQ2TC which has worked with EQ2 crafting development I believe. Will see how it goes, She has been great anchor for crafters for a long time. Ton of work and respect to her. Only hope is they listen and not just tie her hands behind her back.

Some reason I envision Milton from OfficeSpace when games are created and pushing crafting person in charge of it to the basement.

The Cake thing is sooo much what I feel happens with crafting in MMOs after DAOC or so.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It will depend on how the above is done...But everything up there sounds like WoW with instanced houses and player dungeons. Sounds just very boring, and not very "sandboxy". Granted, the game could have fights for control over dungeons ect--but none of that is in there. It's just WoW with player studio, so far. Which honestly sounds awful considering the glut of those types of games.
I always enjoy your post but why WoW when it's obviously they took from EQ and VG? Nothing in there jumps at you and says that's from WoW.. All those things existed in some form in EQ and VG.

As far as the other classes..hopefully they add a Monk and Bard with similar skills from EQ. Love to get have the classes back to their things in dungeons.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Let's hope your friend isn't getting anywhere near the full picture because there is ZERO "NEXT" in there.
Not even UT would give up the "next" part. I'm sure there is a ton we don't know... what Flip posted makes me happy. I said it before.. I don't need them to reinvent the wheel..just dial things back a bit.. But we still don't know how they will handle shit like Death and travel.


I never played on Darktide, but the UO crowd tends to look at it's PVP through rose colored glasses. I was on Pacific from day 1. UO was a gank ridden, bug ridden, shithole in regards to PVP. It's big claim to fame was its innovation at the time which was groundbreaking. The reputation system was terrible, the combat was crap, and the world was not built for long term PVP success. It's why UO spent so much of it's dev time trying to fix the game so all the normals wouldn't run away.

The Zeks were a hoot, but not a long term, good sustainable PVP model anymore anymore than the 'Dreds were for DAOC. There's a reason companies aren't doing PVP servers like that.
Completely disagree. The servers I played were absolutely nothing like that. Players with skill were hard to kill and could easily take on 3-4 unskilled players. The amount of quick decisions needed and the back and forth in who is winning has yet to be captured again in an MMO. IMO. Do I bandaged? Do I cure poisen? Do i Equip X weapon now? Do I go for a spell interrupt now? Do I cast In jux sanet again?Do you go for my cor por and Kal Vas Flam big hitters? Uo's PvP was simple yet when mastered could become so complex.

Maybe the servers I played on were different to yours or maybe we just differ in opinions but IMO UO's PvP was awesome.


Vyemm Raider
never played on Darktide, but the UO crowd tends to look at it's PVP through rose colored glasses. I was on Pacific from day 1. UO was a gank ridden, bug ridden, shithole in regards to PVP.
yep and outside DAoC its still the best pvp to date.


EQOA Refugee
Let's hope your friend isn't getting anywhere near the full picture because there is ZERO "NEXT" in there.
There has to be a fundamental shift in something that I'm not aware of. Most likely it's combat and AI. The story bricks stuff has to be more than a gimmick for shit to be "next" or different. I'm assuming that's what all the secrecy is about. UT posted something about the weapon you have equipped determines your class a la FFXIV, but that contradicts what I was told about classes and races. I'm unsure if he was drunk or what but I know he has his sources too.

Care to clarify for us UT?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I took UT post as that's how you decide your class? You start off with just a race and maybe through kind of trial you pick a weapon that determined your class?

TBH..I would be fine if that's how the game started.. Any word on starting Cities anyone? Will we have a similar setup to EQ?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The classes I've had confirmed are Warrior, Cleric, Shaman, Wizard, Enchanter, Ranger, Druid, Rogue. There are more, but that was all I know of at this moment.
Imo, the two best classes ever created in any mmo were EQ1's Shadow Knight and Monk. If they aren't in EQNext I will be seriously disappointed.

Other than that the rest of the info sounds fine. Pretty basic though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Imo, the two best classes ever created in any mmo wereEQ1's Shadow Knight and Monk. If they aren't in EQNext I will be seriously disappointed.

Other than that the rest of the info sounds fine. Pretty basic though.