EQ Never

i forsee alot of ocd digging everywhere, like the shovel in a link to the past. hopefully they'll have some different indictative textures as where to dig as opposed to digging everywhere


Golden Knight of the Realm
Watching the stream on replay. Oh my god I am dying at these stories. /HAIL dude. EVERQUEST HEALED ME. NUMBA ONE PALADIN IN THE WORLD

This game will release CHRISTMAS 2014 mark my words write it down ppl. Landmark isnt even in yet, landmark gets in.. 6 months of going through content ppl submit, then implimenting it, then testing... like another year + boys.
I already said Nov to Dec 2014 based on my 15 years+ of MMO pre alpha to closed betas to open beta, stress tests to launch.
This will be my 15 MMO if get in Early alpha to closed beta 1-4 or 1-5 etc.

My guess is that the alpha will run to Dec 2013, then Jan to Feb 2014 closed beta 1, then Feb to march 2014 closed beta 2, then something like march to June 2014 closed beta 3, then June to August 2014, closed beta 4. Then august to Sept 2014 closed beta 5.

It will more then likely be either 4 closed betas or 5 closed betas, then you will have stress tests right after and during beta 4, then final open beta in Oct or Nov depending on launch window.

The new game engine the lighting of the zones did not disappoint, please God SOE don't fuck this up.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I already said Nov to Dec 2014 based on my 15 years+ of MMO pre alpha to closed betas to open beta, stress tests to launch.
This will be my 15 MMO if get in Early alpha to closed beta 1-4 or 1-5 etc.

My guess is that the alpha will run to Dec 2013, then Jan to Feb 2014 closed beta 1, then Feb to march 2014 closed beta 2, then something like march to June 2014 closed beta 3, then June to August 2014, closed beta 4. Then august to Sept 2014 closed beta 5.

It will more then likely be either 4 closed betas or 5 closed betas, then you will have stress tests right after and during beta 4, then final open beta in Oct or Nov depending on launch window.
Better rub your EQ CDs on your cancer and heal up bro.


Golden Knight of the Realm
dood no wai dude omg

Give it 5-10 years. You'll be in your late 20's and you will hate all the new games and you will find yourself as a part of a forgotten generation too. Maybe then you will understand.
Heh. I'd kill to me in my early 20s again.


Buzzfeed Editor
Tad...Make sure to ask how long before "destruction" is "healed" up by the land? So if I dig a tunnel down to the next lair, how long before it repairs itself...and is that repair going to snap back to the way it was? Or will it be procedurally generated as new mass? (I doubt it, but curious).


This was just the tip. They have a long way to go. And yea, def gonna need to get in on some beta action before I can even begin to judge this or consider buying.
fucking hilarious[/b], by the way.
Nope, it's really not, and be honest, you haven't even smiled have you? You like trolling for a reaction but don't pretend to be enjoying yourself. You are a sad and lonely fat girl.

in the end it's all about Combat, Itemization, Class-Roles, Dungeons and the experience of "being in a world"
But that is precisely the problem imo. All the world building stuff is just fluff. Significant fluff... but still fluff. What you actually PLAY is the travelling around and fighting. And it is very clear to me, the travelling around and fighting will work exactly like the shitty video. 2 people run down some steps, a big mob rises out the ground and starts bonking the ground and red lines appear to step out the way of (or don't bother - whatever). You press a few keys or hold mouse button one, and your furry lion d00d flies through the air and hacks the guy to pieces in a huge explosion of dust and pixels.

If you like that kind of thing then you gotta be the happiest person alive. Because GW2 is all about that already, and soon we will have Wildstar which is the same thing. And now EQ Next, which is the same thing again, only with some minecraft mixed in! OMGOMGOMG!

But if you are someone who likes combat and gameplay that even slightly resembled EQ, then you are gonna be left out in the cold, yet again, for the 50th MMO in a row.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So smed completely lied when he said "A playable EQN by end of year, and I don't mean beta"

Maybe he meant "by end of next year".


Molten Core Raider
Rereading this thread from the start isfucking hilarious, by the way.
And every game turning into a WoW slugfest is golden, or what?

Besides, we're now going through the motions, that's all. Some people just collapsed under the horror they had to witness, they hate everything about EQN and would not dare touch it in their dreams. Then there's the "rofl lol wtf raging boners, this is so amazing" crowd who's buying into the hype as if this was their first mmo. They'd sacrifice their first born just to mash buttons in a pre-alpha.

The rest picks on certain aspects they dislike, as expected. And really, this is alot of nothing right now; the typical "our game is the best/most epic/heroic with features you have never seen before!".


Golden Knight of the Realm
Tad... see if you cant get any info on the crafting at all since there was not anything really gone into during the broadcast.
So smed completely lied when he said "A playable EQN by end of year, and I don't mean beta"

Maybe he meant "by end of next year".
No he said something playable - which is the world building thing. Basically, give the customers the dev tools and let them make their own game, based on shitty reddit style upvotes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Kind of odd for SOE to have a different company running their game for the EU side. I mean its SOE, why on earth can't they run both.


Avatar of War Slayer
Well, I am highly impressed. I played minecraft for a bit and there is nothing like being able to terraform, imo. Caves become real, and can made deeper by players who are mining. It's exciting to ponder that possibly, under your feet, is a huge cavern with rare minerals awaiting extraction. All you have to do is dig and find it. Also, The realtime lighting is awesome. With dark nights, the back of those caves become pitch black. Makes for great experiences -and that is what a sandbox is all about

Voxels are great for quickly creating and managing land masses. What other MMO has layers of land that can be dug down into? The griefing could get bad, I agree, and that is a problem that SoE needs to find a solution for.

As for the crafting, the possibilities are endless if they start allowing players to make mods. The devs are clearly Minecraft influenced; from the voxel engine, to the parkour maps, to the constructable/deconstructable land.

The combat looked pretty bad in the video but I wouldnt doubt if we are watching alpha footage. There will be significant changes between what we saw today and what is released. I'm a bit worried that it was looking like Diablo and not played via first or third person view.

Overall, I'm blown away !
yeah. lets see.

What mmo has digging, etc? we've yet to see this is even "really" a "mmo" yet. Minecraft, terraria servers, etc. we've talked about the hybridization of mmos in other threads, games like Marvel super heroes, etc, which are barely mmos, or Neverwinter.
those graphics, action gameplay, destruction, procedurally generated areas. yeah, you are going to have to show me this is an mmo before I believe it.

player made content. yeah, foundry, CoH, etc. this isn't new either.
Player made content in games is very hit or miss. Kindof like procedurally generated areas. if you want professional quality worlds, created by artists... guess what you need? However, if you want voxel dicks, player created away.