EQ Never


Golden Knight of the Realm
No he said something playable - which is the world building thing. Basically, give the customers the dev tools and let them make their own game.
Sorry, you're wrong.

"Players will get their hands on an actual release version of what we're doing late [this] year -- and I don't mean a beta,"

We are getting a beta and its not even the game, its landmark, and its beta.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Sorry, you're wrong.

"Players will get their hands on an actual release version of what we're doing late [this] year -- and I don't mean a beta,"

We are getting a beta and its not even the game, its landmark, and its beta.
They sure will. At the "Show your creativity" demo they're doing tomorrow. At least one stone dick will be made.


I don't know what more you expected of the very first presentation ever of the game.

Fucking faggots didn't even show any dungeons.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Massively has learned of a new, free mobile app called EverQuest Worlds that "provides you with quests and minigames that reveal lore, content, and rewards from the EverQuest franchise." You can click the source link below to download the app, or search for it in Apple's App Store or via Google Play.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have not caught any of the slides or presentations however since all you nukkas are all twisted I pre-ordered 5 copies.



Golden Knight of the Realm
Massively has learned of a new, free mobile app called EverQuest Worlds that "provides you with quests and minigames that reveal lore, content, and rewards from the EverQuest franchise." You can click the source link below to download the app, or search for it in Apple's App Store or via Google Play.

You mean they went to everquestnext.com ?
(the app is on their main page)


Buzzfeed Editor
Many of us told everyone here on the boards to take Smed Spin and words as grain of salt.

Even linked Linda C Brasse her twitter posts on it.
Yeah, old fuck has been doing it for 15 years, everyone should have been prepared for it. He's probably sitting there thinking..."well, it does say EQnext in the title--tehee! Working as intended!"


Vyemm Raider
Nice game designer wankfest, Peter Molyneux would be proud. Where's the actual game part of the game?


At least it won't be like anything else on the market. Everyone who was screaming for a break from the current mold should be appeased. Personally, I am taking a wait and see attitude. They are promising a lot, and it all sounds good, but it doesn't look like the game is any sort of playable shape and many features haven't been developed.

With games being consumed so quickly these days, player made content is inevitable, and it will probably be the staple of the genre for the next 10-15 years much like "!" was for this generation.

I am all for combat with less abilities, especially if it favors environmental awareness more than pressing hot keys in some predetermined way.

The environmental destruction sounds great, if they can avoid it being either very limited or regenerate so quickly no one ever notices the changes unless it happens in front of them.

I am losing hope that there will be true have and have-nots in EQN like there were in EQ. I have a feeling the spread in power level from one player to another will be much smaller, more like GW2 (which I never played). I tend to think this game is going to cater to the casual crowd more than the hardcore crowd, though I hope there is something there for both.

I think my biggest fear is that F2P will ruin what could be a great game. I hope F2P really just means you can play a trial version of the game, and the full version requires buying some sort of monthly subscription token. If not, I just see it being P2W with a horrendous cash shop advertising to you every time you open your inventory.
Sorry, you're wrong.

"Players will get their hands on an actual release version of what we're doing late [this] year -- and I don't mean a beta,"

We are getting a beta and its not even the game, its landmark, and its beta.
It will be landmark, not landmark beta. So I'm not wrong and nor is he.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Nice game designer wankfest, Peter Molyneux would be proud. Where's the actual game part of the game?
lol yea.. I figured they would give us more info.. I guess that's what all the other panels are for. We are lacking a shit ton of info overall tho


Buzzfeed Editor
What mmo has digging, etc? we've yet to see this is even "really" a "mmo" yet. Minecraft, terraria servers, etc. we've talked about the hybridization of mmos in other threads, games like Marvel super heroes, etc, which are barely mmos, or Neverwinter.
This is actually what I'm waiting to see...even the term MMO is suspect, really. We don't know what that means. People refer to LoL as an MMO, even. So for all we know, all that destructible stuff happens within a shard of the world, and you rejoin the main world when heading back to town or some crap. I hope it's not the case, but until they actually get deeper into the mechanics of things, it's hard to even understand what we are looking at.


Trakanon Raider
How will players remember each other for 'community' building when that really good cleric is now a bad rogue and is now a rogue chanter. I know I don't understand the system yet, but won't it be difficult to associate people with roles based on what you heard?

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Ok, everyone settle the fuck down.

There will be like hours and hours of panels and more info coming this weekend.