EQ Never

So They didn't say it in the video but websites are already reporting that there are no levels in eq next and that a seasoned vet can play with a new player by simply leveling skills they havent maxed yet. Doesn't that at the same time suggest there is no gear progression though? Isn't gear progression, (whether it be fast like wow or slow and rare like EQ) the ENTIRE point of most of these games? The whole point of raiding and dungeoning?
Don't you people get it yet? This not EQ or even WoW or anything like that. You run around building shit and knocking down other shit. Occasionally you will do a quest, occasionally you will escort some yaks and a caravan, and then it will be back to building shit and knocking down shit. All punctuated by killing 50 little goblins with your giant hammer of orsum.

They don't give a fuck about serious dungeons and raids. It's all about attracting 5 million kids to try it out, spend some money while gawping at teh orzum grafix and land distrucshun, and then it will be forgotten about 6 months later like GW2. But SOE will live to fight another shitty day.


Vyemm Raider
So are these "rallying calls" going to have everyone on the server racing to them when they happen and you wind up with thousands of people bitching about lag because they can't attack anything?

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
"We just can't make EQ over again... can you guys do it for us?"

Countdown to a band of people that will recreate the old world of EQ using their landmarks (ie: Old Seb, Guk, etc)... and then: Buy my content for $9.99.
You don't get it. No gaming studio has ever been able to stay ahead of the customer's consumption curve when it comes to content (and within content is art assets), and there is no other way to do so besides throwing more and more manpower behind it. You have two choices - a $60+ sliding scale monthly fee (based on the current number of subs) to pay for the manpower, or have your customers help create the content for you. The EQ2 dungeon creator sucked because it was pretty bare bones. What they are attempting to do seems like the best way (via a separate, and earlier launched program) to solve the problem of content consumption. Remember what Scott Hartsman said about Rift before launch? "We want you to rush to end cap because that's where the game truly starts"? That was horseshit, unless you wanted another game with a raid or two to beat your head against unless you were in a #1 guild. Which is more of the same.


Small things like bridges, trees, etc. we have seen that before.
what about his example of grabbing a pikeaxe and digging down? will that hole close up behind you?

How exactly do you have a persistent, procedurally generated world? I was under the impression those two words were mutually exclusive.
If the world is huge, and if all things grow back in 20-30 minutes, I can see a fully destructible world working...Maybe. Even If a big guild went on a destructive spree, they couldnt destroy the whole world in 30 minutes.

I want SoE to have the balls to go for it. Let's see what happens! It would make for awesome guild PvP scenarios.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
On the last part, where the devs were playing "live"...where was the UI overlay...target, hps, spell/ability bar? Were the abilities just hot-bar'd and they knew what to hit? I had to watch it at work, so I missed some of the commentary, did I miss something?
Looks like they were using the free camera they have for streaming PlanetSide 2 battles.


Molten Core Raider
So are these "rallying calls" going to have everyone on the server racing to them when they happen and you wind up with thousands of people bitching about lag because they can't attack anything?
I think these things will play out like the dreaded AQ event in WoW. Only SoE would copy something like that.


Don't you people get it yet? This not EQ or even WoW or anything like that. You run around building shit and knocking down other shit. Occasionally you will do a quest, occasionally you will escort some yaks and a caravan, and then it will be back to building shit and knocking down shit. All punctuated by killing 50 little goblins with your giant hammer of orsum.

They don't give a fuck about serious dungeons and raids. It's all about attracting 5 million kids to try it out, spend some money while gawping at teh orzum grafix and land distrucshun, and then it will be forgotten about 6 months later like GW2. But SOE will live to fight another shitty day.
Do yourself a favor and walk away from videogames for at least 1 year.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
really looking forward to Tad's info btw.. I bet he's going to fill in some blanks for us


Trump's Staff
Small things like bridges, trees, etc. we have seen that before.
what about his example of grabbing a pikeaxe and digging down? will that hole close up behind you?
Smed mentioned that on occasion caves will collapse and refill, earthquakes will happen, etc.
Nobody is going to be making $9.99 from their content in this game.

It's going to be a million 12 year old kids making glorified minecraft creations, and supply and demand will dictate that each one will be about 5 cents. There are no winners in this except SOE who get half their game made for them, for free.

You got that my mindset is that of a 12 y/o from a post telling people that I like what I saw? Amazing!
Yes partly, you don't get to admit liking my little pony and not have people judge you. But also partly the "bitch!" and the general way you sound like a retard.


I have mixed feelings about playermade shit as far as MMOs go but I'm willing to give it a go. I think it's fantastic more developers are doing it. I'm even a fan of creating my own stuff so.. I guess if it were to make it into the game and I monetize off of it that would be amazing.

This exact model has worked for Valve and it's been working for quite the while. Valve even said it themselves and I agree with them, that there are people out there pushing out fantastic work and they are putting it into their games. Not everyone gets in, there's only a select few people who get chosen by both Valve and the community and time and time again we get gigantic updates, some even containing nothing BUT playermade content.

It's not like SOE is going to allow absolutely everybody in, and they even said that the content will have a theme depending on where you're building. So no, there isn't going to be a sandstone pyramid in the middle of a fucking jungle.
Do yourself a favor and walk away from videogames for at least 1 year.
I don't have ANY video games. I play COMPUTER games, as I was doing before you were born. And I still will be playing computer games, ones you have never even heard of. Just because I don't like this kiddie shit doesn't mean I am an outsider.


Elisha Dushku
They DID say that the world heals after you beat it up, they said that with people destroying things all the time it would have to heal so that suggests its open world destruction.
I can answer this but will confirm: the way it is currently setup the world procedurally generates when you start digging (or destroying) that stays around in the persistent world "for a while" but eventually an "earthquake" (server restart?) will heal up that damage. Then when you dig down in the same area again, the under part is mostly new - except for whatever temples/POIs are permanent in that area.

General thoughts:

Need to play the game.

It is _an_ Everquest, maybe. No quest givers, no quest hubs, you just go out and do what you want. Depends on how storybricks works and the death penalty.

The 'find a class' is genius. Everyone loves LoL/Pok?mon.

I find the action-y combat offputing, it will get old in four to eight hour sessions. Auto-attack needs to return.

I like most of the concepts but whether I play this game long term depends on the SB implementation.

Where is my beta key?


Nobody is going to be making $9.99 from their content in this game.

It's going to be a million 12 year old kids making glorified minecraft creations, and supply and demand will dictate that each one will be about 5 cents. There are no winners in this except SOE who get half their game made for them, for free.
Speaking of Valve again. There was an interview Robin Walker did and he brought up the fact that a 14 year old made 400k last year because of three of his items in the game. Don't fool yourself.