EQ Never


Mr. Poopybutthole
Gives them a idea of what players like or dislike, before it's implementation.
Waaaaaaiiittt a second. I thought the argument that EverQuest HD enthusiasts were making before the reveal was that most players don't really know what they want.


Golden Baron of the Realm
As much as I would love to see EQ3 happen, you know they will not do it. They do not have Blizzard's revenue and have a fraction of devs. They have already pulled dev manpower from their other titles to work on EQN. There's just no way they would split that up even further. They are going to focus every last creative talent and nickel they have into EQN to ensure its success (they hope). Dilluting that into two mainstream titles simply wont happen. Quote me on that.
All they would need to do is give us vanilla EQ with 2014/2015 graphics and when they create expansions go all new lore and completely new direction.


Elisha Dushku
If it's a fun game, it doesn't matter how many people are complaining about it now.
I don't plan on playing a ton of this game so I think my char will be a Kerran monk named Leo to annoy the absolute-EQN hater crowd who will still end up playing the game for a bit as well ;-)


Waaaaaaiiittt a second. I thought the argument that EverQuest HD enthusiasts were making before the reveal was that most players don't really know what they want.
They were definitely saying that, but we should know by now there is no such thing as reality in a discussion about eq hd. In their heads everyone wants it even though infinitely more people spent more time enjoying games other than eq and specifically left eq for those games.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Fawe, having read your post fully I agree with everything 100%. I for one am open to the new concept and welcome it. Being an avid gamer and EQ fan since kunark it has been hard for me to truly enjoy or create as many memories as EQ originally did. The reason for this is because of how groundbreaking the game was for its time. I had minor feelings that were similar when WoW first came out pre-expansion and Lineage 2's Castle PVP raids are the only moments that have stuck with me since. I hope they can back all of their claims and I for one am all about removing the raid caps and emphasizing the importance of item acquisition.

I played a Ratonga in EQ2 but then again I never mustered enough interest to make it past newbie island.
LOL glad someone read it at least, walls of text typically get ignored
Only reason I dislike Ratonga is cause they seemed like a gimmick in EQ2, I really don't care that much but they really should have the other races too if they have ratongas


Mr. Poopybutthole
LOL glad someone read it at least, walls of text typically get ignored
Only reason I dislike Ratonga is cause they seemed like a gimmick in EQ2, I really don't care that much but they really should have the other races too if they have ratongas
They were in the original EverQuest. They're really no more gimmicky then say, Kerrans.


The weapon and class system seems much more akin to Team Fortress 2 than any other mmo out there. There are 9 classes in TF2 and you can choose 3 weapon per load out (primary, secondary and melee) from a library that has grown massive in recent years. The default weapons are typically the strongest but the alternate weapons provide variety, utility and in rare cases completely change the style of play for a class. Demomen have a set of grenade launchers for their default load out but can trade them for a sword and shield. Snipers can trade the long range sniper rifle, which encourages camping, for a bow and arrow which encourage short and aggressive play. It's honestly a refreshing and fun system that keeps things fresh and lets players alter their play style based off the battlefield conditions. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that TF2 turned the 9 vanilla classes into 30-40 ones through this system.

With the limited abilities (8 max?) I think that they have to be looking directly at TF2 for their class and weapon system much more than GW2. Yes, the skills based off weapon thing is clearly from GW2 but I think that's a fairly obvious design choice. You could as much say SOE took from Dark Souls with their weapon style and adapted it to the mmo form.

As far as veterans are concerned...I don't really understand anyone who thought this would be EQ, WoW or whatever. Mock SOE all you want for their stupid buzz words but they at least understand the market well enough to try something dramatically different. This game would not have anywhere near the level of hype/excitement if it was built to the usual industry standard. Wildstar, for example, might be a great game but I simply have no interest in that style of mmo anymore and stopped following the game after watching the trailer.


I also don't get why SOE is making such a huge deal about their 'emergent ai'. What they've described doesn't sound anymore advanced than what we saw in Rift. Mobs can spawn in X, Y, Z location and will perform A, B, C actions against M, N, O locations. If successful different things happen. If defeated these other things happen. Now it does seem that SOE has taken that idea and taken it to the next level by creating better scenarios and employing a Left 4 Dead style 'dungeon master' behind the scenes for more variety but I just don't get their emphasis on the system. It's either something that's been done before or something that there is no way they've created in a year of development.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
So tomorrow at least we'll have some more official info. Inside the black box video. If we're lucky we'll get that combat breakdown later this week too.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't plan on playing a ton of this game so I think my char will be a Kerran monk named Leo to annoy the absolute-EQN hater crowd who will still end up playing the game for a bit as well ;-)
Should name him Chester.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Sony is the Ratonga hidden under the cash shop hat worn by the human with the crazy cash shop facial expression attempting to serve you on cash shop rollerskates while in reality your exquisite meal is peasant grade ratatouille and you're lapping it up writing reviews claiming it's ambrosia

There's even a fat man on your screen telling you that "Anyone can raid!"