EQ Never


Trakanon Raider
And has anyone else noticed all the floating islands appearing in artwork? There's one at the top of that whiteboard drawing of the different tiers in the black box video, and as I recall, the SOE Live presentation had a concept of the Oasis of Marr with a shit ton of floating islands.

Flight mechanics confirmed?

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
And has anyone else noticed all the floating islands appearing in artwork? There's one at the top of that whiteboard drawing of the different tiers in the black box video, and as I recall, the SOE Live presentation had a concept of the Oasis of Marr with a shit ton of floating islands.

Flight mechanics confirmed?
gay flying mounts from the station store confirmed.


Now we're talking.


Elisha Dushku
And has anyone else noticed all the floating islands appearing in artwork? There's one at the top of that whiteboard drawing of the different tiers in the black box video, and as I recall, the SOE Live presentation had a concept of the Oasis of Marr with a shit ton of floating islands.

Flight mechanics confirmed?
They already showed off the glide boots so flight seems likely but the islands are all T3 or above, so going to take a while to get there.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Isn't Brad there in a 'floating' capacity already? Might already be the plan that Smed has for him.


Buzzfeed Editor
This is basically nothing like how Eve is although it's not factually incorrect.

Ships are tools in the shed, right tool for the the job thing. Oh and swapping isn't exactly resource intensive in the manner in which you are speaking. For example if you need a screwdriver from the shed you've got shelves of the fuckers ready to go, dozens of screwdrivers or hammers to throw at the problem, maybe half a dozen power tools (more expensive ships) and 2 or 3 industrial sized pneumatic tools that take up half of the garage (Caps). Super caps are ships that don't even fit into the garage you have to leave out in the drive way and hope your neighbors don't come by and sneak off with it in the middle of the night.
You realize the context of the post string you jumped into, we discussed how inhorizontal games classes are liketools, right? So....I was ACTUALLY correct in my description of what a class was (One minute, I'll quote you where I say classes are like tools in horizontal games). Which is why my post was not "factually incorrect"--because it was right and I was using references from earlier in the conversation.

Not in a "horizontal" game. I know that term sounds pretty gay by now, and it seems like something people throw out as a catchphrase. But horizontal games are essentiallybuilt on acquiring moretools to counter specific things, rather than becoming stronger to do so.
Context matters. The discussion in the thread reached a point where everyone was in the zone to discusses classes as discreet tools, much like eve ships--and we discussed this because classes are essentially open slots to be outfitted with specific abilities, they are open frames like a mech warrior game (Or like eve?). The word tools comes up in like 10 of my posts, everyone has understood for the last 100 pages the nature of the word class we were using (Except you).

Next time, just get to what you know, and be less interested in making sure everyone knows you played eve and your evaluation of the psychology behind the thread, bro.

You're referencing a game you've never played trying to justify decisions made in EQN regarding class swapping and saying "look it's not all bad". You don't know if it's going to be bad or not, nobody does really, not even the Dev's since they appear to not have a clue yet on the hard mechanics yet.
I wasn't justifying anything. I was pointing to eve as a system that has no stickyness in what skills you choose, which your entire masturbatory post on the franchise confirmed, while saying I wasn't factually incorrect but didn't understand the intricacies. (okay.) Also, I said multiple times in the post (Three times), knowledge of the game was second hand. I'm not sure why you felt the need to proclaim how you actually played, and I didn't....That's kind of weird.

Initially when I saw the multiclass system including the weapon skills vs class skills and were talking about how long it would take to "tier up" classes I immediately thought Eve Online, not GW2, MtG, LoL, or whatever. But that's my gaming background and personal bias coloring my perspective. In reality it's not really comparable. There's a handful of correlations that can be drawn, sure, but it's silly to think they will be anything like one another.

This is basically nothing like how Eve is although it's not factually incorrect. I feel that most of the speculation on EQN is a lot like this paragraph. Someone explained it to somebody once and you use your own personal gaming background/bias and populate the facts having no first hand experience at all.
You realize the developers themselves made these comparisons, right? People just didn't pull them out of their ass.

Also, rational thought on unquantifiable issues, dictates drawing from experience--pretty much every human alive draws on experience to explain things they don't understand when they can't test the subject matter. So if this thread "seems like that", it's because that's "human nature". And this isn't dumb human nature either, it's how we generate theories. Since we essentially got some frame work, some rough ideas and some correlations/comparisons to various other games, like Eve, League ect--that's what we are discussing.

And and gear "can be lost?" Gear is lost. If you die you lose the whole damn screw driver/circular saw/sand blaster. what's left of the flaming heap of drill bits and other parts is being scavenged by your enemies before your body is cold.
Just quoting this because....I don't know, want to ask what you're on. I said "gear can be lost". There was no question mark. Not sure why you expounded this, but if I sound a BIT defensive in my reply, it's because your entire post is like this--you're jumping in without context of the conversation and then expounding on things that were clear in my post--and ACTUALLY correct. (Like this gear issue.)

Seriously, your whole post felt like this--as if it was some outlet for a fetishistic need to let everyone know about eve, and your experiences, rather than talking about EQnext. Kind of odd, again. Don't get me wrong, loved the eve info--but needed less of this, correcting what wasn't wrong, and more of your theories on eve vs EQN.

Angry Amadeus_sl

And has anyone else noticed all the floating islands appearing in artwork? There's one at the top of that whiteboard drawing of the different tiers in the black box video, and as I recall, the SOE Live presentation had a concept of the Oasis of Marr with a shit ton of floating islands.

Flight mechanics confirmed?
Specter's flying over head? Fuck me.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Thats all part of the tiers thing they've got in the whole game. Both tiers for "leveling" and tiers below and above ground. The islands are suppose to similar to how you can dig down and find tiers below. They also mentioned that they will also have tiers above ground. I was thinking of maybe towers, but I guess floating islands would be one as well.

And has anyone else noticed all the floating islands appearing in artwork? There's one at the top of that whiteboard drawing of the different tiers in the black box video, and as I recall, the SOE Live presentation had a concept of the Oasis of Marr with a shit ton of floating islands.

Flight mechanics confirmed?

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Watched the World creation videos. Heals after 5min or so? So its basically static world in what is seen with some destruction but never anything permanent. So once a Rallying Call phase is started it will unlock after its finished building, that will continue to be a permanent structure. Wonder what areas or things will be marked as keepers? Things like bridges, shrines and tunnels.

Waiting for someone to afk or logout in a dugout tunnel they made just to come back to a sealed up spot. Interesting idea on the harvesting!


Sparkletot Monger
Good Reddit discussion on trinity.

Made me think, controllable encounters makes trinity doable... What if in Eq Next that simply doesn't exist. There is no pulling static spawning mobs. Imagine what a fight might look like if it was in real life. Sure.. When its your group vs 1 or 2 enemies, then yea.. You can probably have the tank hold them while you bash... But I'd imagine it gets much more complicated when, as it seems to the norm, you are constantly fighting greater numbers and have continual unpredictable adds in fights.

Wouldn't a smart AI have mobs pursue actions that fit in with their abilities? Rogues are stealthing to the back, casters are attacking from distances, priest mobs are separating, healing and debuffing... Warriors are up front and reacting to players who attack their healers or casters, pretty much what we have been doing. Mobs actions would change not only in response to players, but the classes of the other allies around them, constantly seeking more effective synergy.

Maybe the reason trinity won't work in eqn is for the same reason it doesn't work in PvP.


Trakanon Raider
Well, geography healing rates is one of those things that should be stupidly easy for them to tweak until they hit the sweet spot, so I'm not terribly worried about what they have it set to right now. If they're smart, they'll also try to find away for the game to recognize the difference between incidental damage from a fight, and a purposeful mining operation. So impact craters from a fight can heal relatively quickly, but a proper tunnel might stick around for a day or so.