EQ Never


Mr. Poopybutthole
Player interaction is another red herring and has little to do with player side vs developer side content generation. Minecraft by yourself is super sandboxy and has no player interaction. EQ and WoW heroic raiding require a lot of player interaction and are on the theme park end of the spectrum.
So player interaction is a red-herring, immediately after you stated how important it was for a sandbox? And can we keep this conversation in the context of a Sandbox MMO? You're using a very strict definition of a sandbox that no one really subscribes to when talking about MMOs.

My point really is that there's a difference between 'Lets meet at 9PM and go do a dungeon' and 'Oh shit! The town is being attacked, take arms brothers!'. Dynamic AI/Content can create more organic player interaction that can go a long way to making a game feel more 'sandboxy'. PvE will never be a true sandbox, but if they can make it feel like an actual world that you can impact through your actions, rather than just a world with thousands of static spawns - then I think most people would be happy with it.


Elisha Dushku
I haven't seen any sandbox elements described in EQNext (with the possible exception of a robust crafting economy). Which is funny, because just a month ago that's what the game was supposed to be about.
Okay buddy. ArcheAge/BlackDesert threads are that way ->


So player interaction is a red-herring, immediately after you stated how important it was for a sandbox? And can we keep this conversation in the context of a Sandbox MMO? You're using a very strict definition of a sandbox that no one really subscribes to when talking about MMOs.

My point really is that there's a difference between 'Lets meet at 9PM and go do a dungeon' and 'Oh shit! The town is being attacked, take arms brothers!'. Dynamic AI/Content can create more organic player interaction that can go a long way to making a game feel more 'sandboxy'. PvE will never be a true sandbox, but if they can make it feel like an actual world that you can impact through your actions, rather than just a world with thousands of static spawns - then I think most people would be happy with it.
Well...I was saying that specifically with regard to player housing. Player housing that's just a trophy is sandboxy, but pretty pointless.

In any case, I agree that "dynamic" PvE content has more potential for replayability and could be really fun. Implementation is like 98% of the struggle, but I hope they succeed. Like I said, I'll play any kind of game if it's fun and executed well.


Molten Core Raider
They need to make sure Rallying calls aren't the 10,000th customer lottery. Congrats you are the 10,000th person to give me 100 wood and ore, here is Halas!

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
What I loosely remember about the Kerran/Vah Shir back in the day was the Erudites hated the cats and used magic to blow them up/teleport them to the moon. The rest was put on the isle. Thus how "The Hole" was created.


The History of Kerra
Through my own experiences, I have gained knowledge and insight into the kerra.
Each part of this history tome can only be completed in its own time.

Story 1

In the long-ago, the tall rocks stood proud on the hills of Odus. "Come and play," whispered the winds, but the rocks said, "We are rocks; we cannot move." And the winds caressed the rocks, shaping them and softening their edges. And so formed the first kerra. Being of the rocks and wind, the kerra are strong and proud, yet graceful and lean. The kerra were scattered by the wind across Odus. Not knowing each other, they fought, sometimes to the death. Until Kejaan came.

Kejaan was wiser than all other kerra. Where he traveled, the rocks rolled gently away and the winds carried news to him. The fighting of his kind saddened Kejaan, and he walked from tribe to tribe, joining them together as one. This was the kerra's Golden Time, when all tribes learned one tongue and fought with one another no more.

Many things did the wind tell Kejaan and he passed along the knowledge to all others. The kerra prospered. Until that day that an ill-wind blew, bringing with it the ship of Erud and his ilk. They stepped on the rocks that were the kerra ancestors and built walls to block the wind. They pushed the kerra from the lands of their forefathers. They brought death.

With them, whether they meant it or not, the Erudites brought diseases for which the kerra had no name and no cure. Even Kejaan succumbed, though he left his son Vah Kerrath as leader. The winds howled and the rocks wept. It was a bitter time. Vah Kerrath blamed the Heretics, whose studies brought darkness and shadow to Odus. They studied the darkest arts of necromancy. They had killed his father; they would need to die.

Even some of the Erudites fought with the Heretics. We kerra were caught in the midst of their battle. And then the winds yet again came and said to the rocks, "We will bear you elsewhere," and they blew hard, fast and strong.

Story 2

With a gust of immense power and strength, the winds carried the village of Vah Kerrath away, to Luclin. Vah Kerrath embraced his new home and named the tribe that came with him the Vah Shir.

Many of those who had not flown with the wind left Odus, the land of their birth. In the west, they settled upon Kerra Isle. Another tribe went east to an island in Erud's Crossing. Yet another tribe moved into the StonebruntMountains.

The winds could carry news from tribe to tribe, though sometimes the kerra did not heed its words. When they listen to the winds, however, the kerra learn many things. This is how they learned to fish, after all, by listening to the wind.

The kerra have a saying, that one who achieves greatness has "earned her stripes." This is because the great Kejaan was striped, although nowadays kerra fur has many colors and patterns. A kerra knows by the looking which tribe another kerra is from by the color and pattern - although this is only for us to know.

Now, the Vah Shir on Luclin were different than the kerra on Norrath. Their ways were different, for they grew up so far away. Until a day came when the veils between the worlds were lifted and many Vah Shir came home. They had earned their stripes in the rough lands they lived, and yet they longed to be one with us again. We welcomed them home, taught them what they had forgotten, and they heard with their own ears the wisdom of the wind.

Story 3

Ages of the world passed and the kerra listened and learned. Through our brothers of Luclin, we grew stronger. Through our sisters of Norrath, we grew in wisdom. We returned to the old ways, as much as we could.

One day, the winds changed. No longer our mother, it shrieked and cried. It was a voice of pain and yearning. What it sought, we do not know. It tore apart the mountains and the woods. It stirred the depths of the seas.

The rocks, too, were changing. No longer fixed, they pushed and pulled, crying out in their agony. We were unable to comfort them. No offerings brought it peace. The lands reformed in unnatural ways.

In the sky, Luclin heard the torment and in sympathy it burst asunder, sending its children to join with Norrath. But Luclin was (and is) a poweful place, and its children were great. They destroyed what they meant to join. Now all the worlds are different. Those of the Vah Shir look to Luclin and cannot but wonder if any who remained still live. Then the wind brought to Evora the Word, and we understood.

In the cities of men, our mother winds cannot find us and beneath our feet, the rocks do not know our names. But if you stand beyond the walls and listen, you can hear them yet calling us. And one day, we will answer.

Vah Shir:

The Vah Shir are a tribal, community orientated race. They rely on each others skills and protection and possess a strong bond with others of their kind. They were originally the descendants of the Kerrans, a race of cat people that a small tribe of were magically transported to the moon of Luclin. The exact circumstances of their teleportation are unknown to much of Norrath but it is believed to be due to a magical experiment conducted by the Erudites. It is thought the Kerrans original home was taken by the Erudites during this uncertain time and for this reason it is believed Erudites will not find themselves overly welcome in their descendants city.

Except to the Erudites the Vah Shir are a very tolerant people and many races that are not normally accepted on Norrath are allowed into their city of Shar Vahl. Even Trolls, Ogres and Dark Elves will find a home there, if they are willing to prove themselves as worthy of their care and respect. Despite their open attitude to the 'evil' races, the Vah Shir are considered a people aligned with the good races of Norrath, and are accepted into their homelands. Building strong connections based on trust and mutual benefit are an important principle of Vah Shir diplomacy, on the reopening of the portal to Luclin many became residents of other cities and settlements. It is common for their companions to be very varied in attitude and beliefs, with a Vah Shir able to calm the tension between even a Dwarf and Dark Elf.

Proof of Honour and Strength are very important within their society, in a similar way to the Barbarians their powerful and noble Warriors are highly respected, and often granted significant status and rewards within their own guild. The Vah Shir join their guilds at a very early age, after taking a small test to be granted citizenship. They often stay within the ranks of the guild even when they are more able and experienced and than the trainers they accept tasks from. Vah Shir consider serving their King and City a duty and great privilege, many of those seen on Norrath are on a mission with the blessing of their guild. It is very rare for them to abandon their teachings and venture out alone, without first going through their basic training and achieved citizenship of Shar Vahl.

The Vah Shir commonly choose the path of a Beastlord or Warrior, though they have guilds which teach a great variety of abilities and skills. While it is true they have many choices open to them for a Tribal society, through their dislike of research and writing they have gained no knowledge of the Arcane, or the required Worship and Dedication to a deity to become a Cleric or Paladin. All their experience and knowledge is passed down verbally and through art and song, the Vah Shir only agree to keep written records when it is necessary to aid a young Shir's memory or to ease contact with another race.

Unusually for such a civilised and advanced society, the Vah Shir are somewhat primitive and tribal in magic and religion. They believe in spirits and unseen forces and their Beastlords and Shamans are thought to call upon a kind of mystical power from their ancestors. No Vah Shir are known to follow a Norrathian deity and in the eyes of the other races are considered to be Agnostic. The Vah Shir also have an affinity for nature similar to the Wood Elves and the bond between a Beastlord and Warder is often greater than between any other. It is said that on a Beastlords death their Warder will remain protectively by their side, until such time as they can be resurrected or recovered by a companion or their own kind.

More lore of Kerrans:

A History of the Vah Shir Vol. I-III
The Prophecy

Before the beginnings of Kerran Civilization, each Kerran roamed their own territory as did the beasts of the wild. Soon the lands became to small to divide, and so four of the eldest Kerran journeyed to the very top of the highest peak in Stonebrunt Mountains to seek out more land, one from each direction.

When they reached the top, they met and began to speak to one another. Kajek, the first to arrive spoke first, and he said "I am the first to have found this peak. And so the land is mine." Shir the second to arrive and largest of the four spoke next, and he said "You are the first, but there is no more land, and so we will fight. The victor shall take this land" Karani and Shahar were females and spoke as one, and they said "We will share this land with the victor"

But Kajek was wise and he said to the three "You say there is no more land and so we must fight. Perhaps the spirits can show us if this is indeed the last of the land." And so they agreed. Kajek made fire and called to the spirits to show them the truth. He chanted to the spirits until night when the moon came forth and Kajek glanced to the skies and places his staff upon the fire. The crystal stone within his staff began to glow and upon the moon the image of Shir could be seen. And Kajek spoke up "Up there lies land. If you are truly strong then that land is for you and this is my land." Shahar and Karani agreed "He is right and we will share this land with Kajek as the spirits foretell."

Shir turned away his head as if to leave. It was then that the voice of the spirits cried out. "You must share the land until the journey to the farthest land of the nights sky can be made by the children of the beast. It is on this land that the chosen ones will become the warriors of the great spirit. It is on this land that the destiny of the chosen ones shall be proclaimed."

The four nodded in acknowledgement of the wise spirits. Kajek howled to the spirits "It will be so, but it was Shir who had wished to slay me. From this day his kin must seek council with the three that wish for peace." The reply of the spirit came forth "It shall be so until the wise one steps forth from the rocks adn the mist. It is then that all shall be as one."

And so went the prophecy of the Kerran. The lands were divided among the four. Kajek took the Stonebrunt to watch the passing of the land and learn. Shahar took the fruitful plains to the north. Karani who could swim took the islands. And Shir took what was left, the barren lands.

The Splintering of the Four.

As time went by, the four great kerrans of the prophecy had children. It was then that Partha Shir, son of Shir, stepped forth on a day of mist to claim leadership of all kerrans under him. But the children of Kajek, Shahar, and Karani lay claim that the prophecy called for the rocks and the mist. Nairu Karani, daughter of Karani, proclaimed that the mist is the water and the rocks are the islands and it was her kin that would be queen. Kiara Shahar chose not to speak for she was wise. Faern Kajek had the wisdom of his father and said the wise one would come from no tribe but unite them all as one.

Time passed and the moon left the sky. This did not please the children of Shahar, Karani, or Shir. Great anger took hold and battles raged for many years. Thus began the splintered ages.


The Splintered Age

Much suffering had been felt during the time of the splintered tribes. In battle Partha had been mortally wounded. In remorse for what he had done to cause such blood, Partha tore the fangs from his mouth and gave them to the wisest of his sons, Ratha Shir, and spoke to him. "You are not my heir, but you are the wisest of your kin. You must show these to your brothers and tell them they must battle no more. You must lead them with wisdom." But when Ratha had done as his father had sked, he was slain by his eldest of brothers in secrecy. The years of war and death raged on.

Safra, daughter of Faern Kajek, went to the Shir to ask for peace once more. It was then that Vahaan, son of Partha, was taken by her beauty. Vahaan and Nairu agreed to peace for Vahaan was nearby when Partha had spoke to his uncle Ratha. But he was the youngest of his kin and knew they would slay him for his thoughts. Vahaan took the fangs of Partha and nairu journeyed with him to the lands of Sharar to ask the spirits for guidance. Many years passed and many kinsman lay slain upon the fields. On the day that the moon returned, the mists rose from the great veil. Kejaan Kerrath stepped forth from the mist with Vahaan and Safra at his side. "It is the wise one!" They cried out. The Kerrans saw that this was good, but some Shahar and Karani took their leave and vanished to the lands. All that chose to remain were united as one as the prophecy claimed. The golden Age had begun.

The Kingdom of Odus Kejaan chose the wildest from the clan of the Shir, those who were outsiders of their kin. From them he made his nobles and warriors. Kejaan took the wisest from the clan of Kajek. From them he made his shaman and advisors. Kejaan took the quickest from the clan of Shahar, from them he made his hunters and farmers. The children of Nairu, the Karani, became the servants of the kingdom. United, the Komiyat Kerrath prospered for many years. Kejaan built his palace of gold within the claws of the four fingered paw.


The Furless Ones

On the lands of the vanished Shahar, a new civilization emerged unnoticed. They were the furless ones who had come from the sea. They had built their homes of large white stones in the lands of the golden mist. They could call forth spirits of fire and of earth, beings of water and air stood as warriors by their side. They did not speak to the beasts as the Kerran would but could bend them to their will. They were at war with the furless ones who spoke to the dead. Kejaan heard the anguish of the spirits of the dead and went to speak with the furless ones who spoke to them.

He asked them to lay down their magic for it had harmed the ancient spirits. Many days passed and Kejaan returned sickly and pale. They would not listen to his words and the aching of the spirits burned his very heart. Kejaan returned to the mist and his son Vah stepped forth as the king.

The Shifting

Vah gathered his strongest, the nobles, the Shir. He sent the weaker ones away from the kingdom and back to the wild. Vah called to the Shir and proclaimed this was the prophecy, but none understood. Vah called to the spirits in the unknown tongue. None could move, the time of the shifting was at hand. The spirits wailed around the city of the Shir. The furless ones that disturbed the dead gathered at the gates, pursued by the furless ones who commanded fire, earth, air, and water. A great mist enveloped the city of the Shir and Vah cried to the spirits as lous as his voice permitted. When the shifting had ended, they found themselves in the darkened lands. The land and the air had changed and the voices of the spirits could not speak their tongue. Vah cried out to the Shir "Hear me and know that I am your kin, my blood is of yours and you are my people." He pulled forth the fang of Partha and spoke the truth of Ratha's death. With the fang he spilled his blood upon the ground so that all could smell that he was kin. When it was learned that Vah was a true Shir, they took his name as their own and honored him for finding their land. The prophecy had unfolded and they were united as one on the farthest of lands under the leadership of Vah. Filled with pride that they were indeed the chosen ones, the Shir called out the name of Vah to the darkness as a challenge to all who would stand in the way of their destiny.

Source: Ingame book
The *furless ones* are here the Erudites that came from the sea and built the city of Erudin.
This book says that there was a prophecy about the Kerran that would go live up on the moon, which is what happened when the Erudites created the hole during The Age of Turmoil.

I agree that Humans will be flavors much like EQ1. Some being tribal types going north to claim their land, others like heavy magic going another way and the rest being adventuring types heading to what is known to be Freeport. But the chances are you will have the option to pick "Human" and then a tribe like Barb or Erud or Other.

There was the loose storyline outside of Qeynos in the Karanas with a Werewolf. Got killed by that A-hole many a time as a noob by the zone in! Never could find the story on that. Same with the witch outside of Qeynos that had the Glowing Black Stone I never was able to get. There was some things on it but nothing I could ever find that went deep on story. I hope they can expand on this now.


Know Your Gnolls
My name is Pearl Honeywine and I am studying gnoll habitat and society to better understand these creatures. Through my work, "Know Your Gnolls," I hope to increase the body of knowledge regarding these beasts and thereby also increase our ability to reduce their numbers.

"Know Your Gnolls," by Pearl Honeywine -- Being an exhaustive study into the habitat, social structure and culture of the gnolls of the Antonica region.

The gnolls of Antonica are descended from the gnolls of the Qeynos Hills and Blackburrow region of old Norrath. They look like upright canines, with an elongated snout, pointed ears high upon their heads. They are taller than the average human. It is impossible to distinguish between the male and female of the species at a distance. In order to understand the modern-day gnolls, one must first understand a bit of their history. By living amongst the gnolls, I have learned some of their secrets -- secrets which were hitherto unknown outside their tribes.

A gnoll clan is a ruling regional tribe of gnoll, for example the Sabertooth Clan. A gnoll clan is comprised of a number of gnoll packs. These are more akin to large family units. A gnoll pack shares characteristics ranging from fur patterns to intellect. The Sabertooth Clan is comprised of many packs. Rarely, some gnoll clans may be comprised of a single gnoll pack of immense size. It is widely believed that the gnoll clan of yore, the Splitpaw Clan, was one such clan of albino gnolls.

As many unwary travellers can attest, gnolls will attack anything on sight, provided they feel they have the upper hand. As pack creatures, if one attacks a lone gnoll, other gnolls in the vicinity may join the fray to assist. Therefore, it is important to first gauge the proximity of gnolls to one another before attacking, unless one is certain that one's weaponry, armor or enhancements are up to the challenge.

It is the pack mentality which makes the gnoll an occasionally formidable opponent. Several gnolls will band together and stake out territories to guard zealously, attacking all who come within range. The obvious exception the gnoll makes is toward anything larger than itself. Gnolls will gladly avoid anything that resembles either a hard battle or hard work. One might say the gnolls specialize in bullying and cowardice.

The Sabertooth Clan is comprised of many packs. Two gnoll packs within the Sabertooth Clan are the Darkpaw pack and the Timberclaw pack. A gnoll pack may specialize in a particular area such as foraging, pillaging, tunneling, etc. They are content to avoid other tribes to concentrate on maintaining their tribe's current territories. They will make an exception to band together against non-gnolls, even when such groupings include other species entirely, such as orcs, trolls and ogres.

The main advantage the gnolls have in battle are their sheer numbers. I have been unable to discover their breeding grounds, although it is believed to still be located within the dark confines of Blackburrow. No matter how often tribes are reduced, they are able to repopulate their territory rather speedily. By continuing to replenish their tribes' strength from a hidden, renewable resource, the gnolls are able to intimidate weaker species by overwhelming with strength in numbers rather than strategy.

This is not to imply that gnolls are unintelligent; they are cunning and sly creatures. While they place a higher value on hunters and warriors, there are gnoll shamans and mystics that practice arcane arts and rituals. These gnolls can still be formidable in battle by their strength, however it is their use of both offensive and defensive spells which can take down an enemy with an element of surprise.

No review of the gnolls is complete without mention of the most famous gnoll in history, Fippy Darkpaw, a member of the Sabertooth Clan of gnolls. Fippy Darkpaw specialized in planning elaborate attacks on the main gates of Qeynos during the Age of Turmoil. While his fate is unknown, his descendants formed the base of the numerous Darkpaw gnolls in Antonica.

Rumor has it that there is another Fippy Darkpaw, a gnoll of uncommon cunning and intelligence, who used his skills as a thief to steal a part of the Clock of Ak'Anon in Qeynos and render it inoperable. This mysterious Fippy still lives by his wits, they say, constantly on the move, observing non-gnolls and using the knowledge he gains against them. As he is swift and sneaky, it is difficult to say whether I have met him in disguise or if he exists at all. Personally, I do not believe such a clever gnoll could exist!

I hope this information provides you with enough basic information about gnolls that you will be able to learn more about them on your own. To capture the spirit of the gnoll, one must go into the various tribes and seek this information first-hand. Farewell, reader, and good luck in your quest to Know Your Gnolls!


<Gold Donor>
What you guys are missing in your interpretation of the rallying calls is their dynamic AI that all mobs have. Which, if of course its executed like they say, will make any static event random and dynamic.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
They need to make sure Rallying calls aren't the 10,000th customer lottery. Congrats you are the 10,000th person to give me 100 wood and ore, here is Halas!
Betting Rallying Calls will be WoW daily Faction grind sort of thing but with a meaning and something to see unfold visionally. I would assume each time you help crush a goblin within X distance or build a stone in the wall or collect mats or make items for the NPC fighter it will be a faction slider toward their good side.
As for trophy, I wouldnt be shocked if it unlocks the cultural recipes for that tie and area. Meaning you could miss out on something if you didnt play at that time. Like able to make the Bearhead Helms as an example.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
But at the end of the day (or month) Halas gets built. My only gripe is one cannot align with the opposition (For sake of argument, lets say the Gnolls of Blackburrow) and assist the Gnolls in the construction of Blackburrow while detering the Humans from building Halas, while they attempt to do the same to you, and whichever side "wins" a certain goal, wins for a period of time. Sorry Halas, try again in a few weeks, type of thing. Now, Halas will eventually be built, or Blackburrow would be reinforced should the Humans win the first round(s), but it would add some depth to dynamic content, and allow for greater inter-server competition apart from who can harvest wood the fastest to build walls in a overall linear event.


Musty Nester
While it's entertaining to think about what "could be" with what they've revealed so far I have a suspicion that it will just wind up being too many moving parts for them to handle. Storybricks "done right" will require significant oversight and time investment. The skill base character skeleton they're talking about would require significant oversight and time investment. The gear based character customization that they're hinting at will require significant oversight and time investment. All three require a sort of systemic creativity you are more likely to find these days in card games than in MMO's.

It's not irrational pessimism. I want to believe so much, Mulder. But they're doing it again. The exact same thing they've done three times before. They're promising far more than they can reasonably be expected to deliver. And this is just based on past performance. These guys don't have this, they're more of a "fake it till you make it" crew.

The best thing they could probably do is just shut the fuck up at this point. They got their little "look at me!" popularity bump. Do some work, come back in a year and display it. If you're doing it right it won't be revealing precious corporate secrets that Vivendi can steal. Because if you do it right it's the work you've put into it that's important, not the gimmick.


Trakanon Raider
They need to make sure Rallying calls aren't the 10,000th customer lottery. Congrats you are the 10,000th person to give me 100 wood and ore, here is Halas!
I think they need to tread a fine line on what they keep hidden and what they don't. Stuff that no one should know should be hidden, but obvious shit shouldn't be.

The barbs should know about how much stone and wood they need to start building the town, so that part of the progression should be shown to the player, so it should show the players a counter up to the 10k wood and stone. Now some of the other possible completion points should be hidden. If there is a completion option that is something like players must gather 7500 wood and stone for the first npc and drive off 15 goblin raiding parties for the government of qeynos to buy into the idea of a permanent settlement and kick in the rest of the resources, then that should be hidden, cause it makes sense that no one knows exactly how much how much effort it will take to convince the guys in qeynos.

Honey Badger_sl

So looking at EQ Next, I decided to load up the good ole original. I go in... and I can't find my gate to get out of wherever I camped out 12 years ago. The graphics looked like a 10 year old with ADD was their lead designer. The I looked at my super limited number of spells... but I had this huge spell book with all these spells. I tried to learn another one and I got a nice message, you are too stupid to learn what you know because your brain is full. I logged out..... I'm done. I fail to see why a new game that is all about choices is limiting us to 8 buttons. You can build these great things, collect all these different classes that you can change between, you can change the world, get a shovel and start digging.. but, you are stuck limited between what you choose to learn for the day. That's just bad design. If they were smart they would open the UI up like WOW, they would let the UI just be another thing to explore and learn, and design.... like the rest of the game.


Speaking of Archeage..


It sucks.

EQN, you are our only hope.
Going to have to disagree with you and the author on that one. He/it comes off as the whiny type who doesn't like Asian style games and is playing the Asian version and bitching about it I see many times.

I'll admit I'm biased the other way as I prefer Asian style games , liked the Korean not watered down version of Lineage/Lineage2 PVP far more than the Western version.

So if you don't like tab target , Asian themed mmo's then no , you won't like Archeage , but I'm still betting it's enjoyable for those who do.

And this part for the other mod on the forum (author was a mod also ) says it all for me,

"One of the reasons we compare all the games to GW2 is because most of us here ave found thatGW2 has done almost everything better than any that have come before it. "


Elisha Dushku
I'm not you're guy, friend.

Anyway picking on EQN right now is like killing babies: sure it's easy, but why would anyone but Hat Mccullough do it? Frankly, with all due respect to the Lizard Pope, it was more interesting reading the MyEQ stories on this thread than the past 100 pages of theorycrafting/excitment for/disgust with EQN (basically anything 2-3 days after the reveal when we all collectively realized the reveal didn't reveal enough). I'm kinda loosing interest right now since both the EQN and EQN/L betas appear months off and SOE is intent on dribbling out info, from the talk at SOELive it seemed like early 2014 for the EQN beta and September for the EQN/L beta but with Omeed saying the planned "Winter release" was really a winter beta the other day in the webcast chat the air has been let out of my hype ballon.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
... Same with the witch outside of Qeynos that had the Glowing Black Stone I never was able to get. There was some things on it but nothing I could ever find that went deep on story. I hope they can expand on this now...
Pyzjn was her name. A little lvl12-14 Necromancer that was rare as shit to spawn and even rarer to drop the GBS. I've wasted MANY hours camping her, killed her a dozen times and only ever gotten a rusty dagger. From the lore, I always found it intruiging that she was also linked to that other roaming NPC Varsoon / Varsoon the Undying. On an actual Glowing Black Stone, if you cast the identify spell on it it would result in something like "Varsoon's Black Heart".