EQ Never


I don't see how a book that is telling you to explore a general area in a pretty huge world is JUST LIKE a big fucking exclamation point telling exactly you where to go and exactly what to do. Sounds to me like they are just trying to put people with common interests in the same area.
This is sort of what I was picturing. Hey I see you like to craft. Did you know there are a lot of rare woods and pelts out in the common lands? Pretty basic stuff like that.


Musty Nester
The only place I disagree with him is that I never through TES was a very good story base for a RPG to begin with, even by Sword and Sorcery pulp standards. It wasn't Dragonlance or Forgotten Realms -- it was Greyhawk. HOWEVER, The TES gaming system was innovative and fresh and (for two of them at least) highly customizable. That was the strength of the franchise to me. Aaaaand... they've canabilized them both in favor of generic, spiceless story elements. They're not bad games, just the story elements were not their strengths to begin with.

But yeah, basically, if you're looking forward to EQN your best hope is that it's Skyrim online. And it won't be. Because Sigil isn't good enough for that.


Trakanon Raider
The only place I disagree with him is that I never through TES was a very good story base for a RPG to begin with, even by Sword and Sorcery pulp standards. It wasn't Dragonlance or Forgotten Realms -- it was Greyhawk. HOWEVER, The TES gaming system was innovative and fresh and (for two of them at least) highly customizable. That was the strength of the franchise to me. Aaaaand... they've canabilized them both in favor of generic, spiceless story elements. They're not bad games, just the story elements were not their strengths to begin with.

But yeah, basically, if you're looking forward to EQN your best hope is that it's Skyrim online. And it won't be. Because Sigil isn't good enough for that.
TES actually has a lot of weird and interesting lore elements in it, both through in-game books and stuff posted online by developers and ex-developers, they just refuse to actually use in any of the actual stories for the games, going so far as to retcon out the weirder stuff if it could pertain to a game's plot (such as Alduin and Akatosh being the same being, just off the top of my head). Bethesda seems oddly terrified of complexity in their games' storylines.


Elisha Dushku
But yeah, basically, if you're looking forward to EQN your best hope is that it's Skyrim online. And it won't be. Because Sigil isn't good enough for that.
Lol. We'll see. I think it'll be better than Skyrim. It won't be EQ3 but the StoryBricks stuff is interesting.


Trakanon Raider
From Reddit /r/EQNext

From Dave Georgeson:

?We have this book called a Rohsong, and it has all kinds of tips and hints in it. We know what you?ve done in the past. We know that you?ve done a bunch of crafting or done a bunch of exploring or done a bunch of combat. And what we?re going to do through the Rohsong is give you tips and hints on how to get to more of the stuff that you have already shown us that you like to play. We?ll be guiding you into areas of the world where you might find that stuff.?

Sounds Just like a huge yellow mark to be honest. A book of tips and hints eh?

One thing I hoped for was a game where I had to figure my own stuff out, like WHERE I SHOULD GO. Not to have some little magical BOOK telling me what or where I should go.

Hard mode, PVP, Death Penalty, no TIPS server please.

Oh plus original Gnomes.
thank you. at least one other person gets it. "EQN! play your way...as long as your way is the way we want you to play."


thank you. at least one other person gets it. "EQN! play your way...as long as your way is the way we want you to play."
I am still of the position that we know next to nothing about what EQN will actually be like when it is released. I say next to nothing only because we do know that it won't be everything they have promised. At the tippy top of that list is this "biggest sandbox ever" charade.


Let me preface this by saying I'm not looking at this game as the game I hoped EQ3 would be, I'm looking at it as a completely new game developed around the EQ IP. As I've read through this thread and gradually digested all the thoughts/complaints/praise, I keep coming back to the 4 holy grails and how I just can't seem to believe they're going to be able to execute them effectively.

1) Multiclassing - I, as many other do, worry that this will strip the class role individuality from the game and essentially turn everyone into a carbon copy of everyone else. They want the players to have their cake and eat it too, and I'm not convinced this is entirely a good thing.

2) Destructibility/Voxels - Is this the most egregious form of instancing we're ever going to see? Are they really trying to pawn it off as "earthquakes" and expect us to wipe our chins and walk away? Come on, SOE.

3) Emergent AI - They're not giving NPCs human brains. There's going to be a finite amount of directions an NPC is going to take, and that finite number will eventually be figured out. It will be figured out, mapped, cheated, and published for everyone to see.....which essentially makes it useless.

4) Rallying Calls - I'm torn on this. It's going to be so incredibly difficult for them to really make them "epic" and I think they're wagering too much of the success of this game on something that's so completely untested. What if nobody gives a shit about your rallying call?

I look at those 4 main visions that this game is being developed and sold on and I just can't trust SOE to execute them properly.

I really want this game to succeed, I really do. It's not EQ:HD or EQ3 and that's completely fine, but the potential for those games to ever come to fruition very clearly depends on the success of this game. And right now, this game absolutely reeks of vaporware. I can see it being in development for years while they cultivate the Landmark franchise.


2) Destructibility/Voxels - Is this the most egregious form of instancing we're ever going to see? Are they really trying to pawn it off as "earthquakes" and expect us to wipe our chins and walk away? Come on, SOE.
I understand, and sympathize with, most of your concerns, but you're going to have to explain this one. How does destructibility = instancing? They've already said if you see a player fall down into one of those cavern things you can follow him down there. What part of it is an instance?


I understand, and sympathize with, most of your concerns, but you're going to have to explain this one. How does destructibility = instancing? They've already said if you see a player fall down into one of those cavern things you can follow him down there. What part of it is an instance?
When it's completely erased from the game due to an "earthquake" not long after.

Edit: I should say that while it's not the conventional type of instancing we're accustomed to from other games now, it sort of goes along the same lines. I have a feeling most of the caverns/holes/whatever will have a similar style and feel to them. People will be experiencing their own form of each cavern instance across the game world and it will be gone before anyone else can see it.


Let me preface this by saying I'm not looking at this game as the game I hoped EQ3 would be, I'm looking at it as a completely new game developed around the EQ IP. As I've read through this thread and gradually digested all the thoughts/complaints/praise, I keep coming back to the 4 holy grails and how I just can't seem to believe they're going to be able to execute them effectively.

1) Multiclassing - I, as many other do, worry that this will strip the class role individuality from the game and essentially turn everyone into a carbon copy of everyone else. They want the players to have their cake and eat it too, and I'm not convinced this is entirely a good thing.

2) Destructibility/Voxels - Is this the most egregious form of instancing we're ever going to see? Are they really trying to pawn it off as "earthquakes" and expect us to wipe our chins and walk away? Come on, SOE.

3) Emergent AI - They're not giving NPCs human brains. There's going to be a finite amount of directions an NPC is going to take, and that finite number will eventually be figured out. It will be figured out, mapped, cheated, and published for everyone to see.....which essentially makes it useless.

4) Rallying Calls - I'm torn on this. It's going to be so incredibly difficult for them to really make them "epic" and I think they're wagering too much of the success of this game on something that's so completely untested. What if nobody gives a shit about your rallying call?

I look at those 4 main visions that this game is being developed and sold on and I just can't trust SOE to execute them properly.

I really want this game to succeed, I really do. It's not EQ:HD or EQ3 and that's completely fine, but the potential for those games to ever come to fruition very clearly depends on the success of this game. And right now, this game absolutely reeks of vaporware. I can see it being in development for years while they cultivate the Landmark franchise.
You have just echod mine and everyone else's opinion on this board. We all know eqn is going to probably suck ass, and it hurts. It hurts bad.
I'm starting to think that Qeynos is a Rallying Cry. That's why it's one city at launch. Well, that and the lore explaining that the remnants of the Combine left Kunark (I guess they sailed east to Antonica/Tunaria/Amaril). So figure late alpha, early beta the devs will start the Qeynos Rallying Cry and players who test the game will be building Qeynos.

Then you get to launch, and all those folks will have missed out on the "founding of Qeynos", so the game will start a new Rallying Cry: Halas. Maybe the one after that will be Ogguk. The point is, Qeynos will be the only city at launch on every server, but it won't be the only city in the game ever. Over time more cities will be built via Rallying Cry, and I'm guessing that a year or two after launch you'll be able to start your new character in any of those cities.
Interesting idea. I wouldn't have as much of an issue with a single starting city if: A) the devs took the time, energy and resources in building multiple starting cities to flesh out the game and its combat/non-combat systems, and B) to further your point, have some rallying cry cities be starting cities, but have other major cities be higher-level/progressive content with plenty of monsters to fight, places to explore, and recipes/abilities/etc. to learn.


Elisha Dushku
2) Destructibility/Voxels - Is this the most egregious form of instancing we're ever going to see? Are they really trying to pawn it off as "earthquakes" and expect us to wipe our chins and walk away? Come on, SOE.
This is just silly. The diabloesque stuff is fine. What do you want 100,000 people in LGuk? Get serious.

3) Emergent AI - They're not giving NPCs human brains. There's going to be a finite amount of directions an NPC is going to take, and that finite number will eventually be figured out. It will be figured out, mapped, cheated, and published for everyone to see.....which essentially makes it useless.
Bullshit. How does everyone knowing that kobolds will group up to attack and panthers will always attack solo and stealthily make the AI useless? Or that chatting with the Baker's wife will make the Baker charge you more for pie? It doesn't.

4) Rallying Calls - I'm torn on this. It's going to be so incredibly difficult for them to really make them "epic" and I think they're wagering too much of the success of this game on something that's so completely untested. What if nobody gives a shit about your rallying call?
Another bizarre comment - either people are into the game or not. If they're into the game they'll be into the Rallying Calls.

I can see it being in development for years while they cultivate the Landmark franchise.
It'll be out by Christmas 2014. Feel free to quote me on it as I've given that date for the past few weeks since SOELive

You have just echod mine and everyone else's opinion on this board. We all know eqn is going to probably suck ass, and it hurts. It hurts bad.
I wouldn't go even close to this far. The only reasonable concerns in dgrabs "Sky is Falling" rant were concerns about multiclassing.


Elisha Dushku
I have a feeling most of the caverns/holes/whatever will have a similar style and feel to them. People will be experiencing their own form of each cavern instance across the game world and it will be gone before anyone else can see it.
The diablocraft stuff is not going away every five minutes. And yes like minecraft, procedurally generated caverns tend to have a similiar feel. So what? For what it is being used for (additional available content) it is fine.