EQ Never


That's weird...I didn't get that impression at all. You could tell he was struggling to understand him, but when he was answering I didn't note any extra condescension. It's just the way he is, he always has a smile on his face, and he's always excessively excited about his product.


I'm down with that as well. Of course after the weak and isolated dragons no longer have a purpose? Damn, that cloak looks nice because I've been stuck on 8 dragon tails for weeks now.

I did find Georgeson's conversation in the Italian interview(linked earlier) to be very off-putting. He either acted like the guy was a retard, or couldn't understand English very well(even though it was obviously not his first language). Comprehension and ability to speak are two very different things. Saying you think gamers are very intelligent while you are treating that guy like he might not be was disturbing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I did find Georgeson's conversation in the Italian interview(linked earlier) to be very off-putting. He either acted like the guy was a retard, or couldn't understand English very well(even though it was obviously not his first language). Comprehension and ability to speak are two very different things. Saying you think gamers are very intelligent while you are treating that guy like he might not be was disturbing.
You guys seriously dislike/hate Ponytail so much, you're extrapolating so much out of nothing.

It's both hilarious and perplexing.


Elisha Dushku
That's weird...I didn't get that impression at all. You could tell he was struggling to understand him, but when he was answering I didn't note any extra condescension. It's just the way he is, he always has a smile on his face, and he's always excessively excited about his product.
I'm going to go with this. I see someone trying to understand a rough accent.



I'm down with that as well. Of course after the weak and isolated dragons no longer have a purpose? Damn, that cloak looks nice because I've been stuck on 8 dragon tails for weeks now.

I did find Georgeson's conversation in the Italian interview(linked earlier) to be very off-putting. He either acted like the guy was a retard, or couldn't understand English very well(even though it was obviously not his first language). Comprehension and ability to speak are two very different things. Saying you think gamers are very intelligent while you are treating that guy like he might not be was disturbing.
It didn't seem like that at all from my perspective. He was simply giving the interviewer the courtesy of making sure that he understood the answers that were given. English was not his first language, and it's impossible to tell exactly where he was with comprehension from the little that Georgeson had talked with him. The answers that he was giving were not exactly the most basic of word choices, so I believe he handled the situation well.

This is not aimed at you, but it's a little annoying to see so much hating on Georgeson when he simply hasn't earned it, at least in my opinion. Making fun of his hair is one thing, but I think this tirade is going a little far. He obviously has some major passion for the game, and he has been very busy lately with all the media attention. I just don't see where all the negativity surrounding him comes from. I guess because he has been the most visible he gets the brunt of the negativity.


Mr. Poopybutthole
This is not aimed at you, but it's a little annoying to see so much hating on Georgeson when he simply hasn't earned it, at least in my opinion. Making fun of his hair is one thing, but I think this tirade is going a little far. He obviously has some major passion for the game, and he has been very busy lately with all the media attention. I just don't see where all the negativity surrounding him comes from. I guess because he has been the most visible he gets the brunt of the negativity.
They're just projecting their disappointment in EverQuest Next not being EverQuest HD on to Georgeson.

It's funny that people criticize Reddit for gushing over the devs, when this forum can be just as bad for the exact opposite reason.


Trakanon Raider
I haven't seen many people crying about it except the knuckleheads who are hellbent on hating the game regardless.
Made several posts regarding this in the past, and I do not hate the game, but I do severely dislike that all mmos since EQ have nights be slightly less bright days.

Night should be night. Dungeons should be darker (no moon or illumination).

EQ did not have illumination from the moon as I recall, so it was pitch black at times, that was probably due to technical limitations (that can be avoided today).
However, if the option is pitch black nights until a lightsource is found, or completely trivial pointless dark where you might as well have daylight 24/7, I will take the pitch black night option every damn time.

The hand holding and complete terror game companies seem to have of making the players feel any sort of "oh what do I do?" until the very end game is just mind boggling to me. Average game age is 33+ and current mmos are treating everyone like toddlers. Bleh to that.


Elisha Dushku
They're just projecting their disappointment in EverQuest Next not being EverQuest HD on to Georgeson.
Which is funny because it was Butler's decision to create EQN and trash EQ3. Georgeson even admits this in one of the SOELive interviews (curse? someone else). Butler was the one who moved EQN to a voxel based destructible world and then made the combat and class changes.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Made several posts regarding this in the past, and I do not hate the game, but I do severely dislike that all mmos since EQ have nights be slightly less bright days.
Except, their nights are pretty noticeably darker. Pitch black and absolutely require a light source? Not really. But still a noticeable difference.

I just think this is such a small thing to get so hung up about.

The hand holding and complete terror game companies seem to have of making the players feel any sort of "oh what do I do?" until the very end game is just mind boggling to me. Average game age is 33+ and current mmos are treating everyone like toddlers. Bleh to that.
You shouldn't have to change the gamma levels of your monitor JUST to play the game because your character is practically blind. I just see that as poor game design, and fixing it isn't handholding. Make the world challenging in other areas, but not in just being able to see what the fuck is going on the second you log into a game.

The fact that you guys are getting so hung up on something so trivial really reaffirms to me how out of touch some of you seem to be. You want it to be extremely niche for the very reason of scaring people away. I don't get it.


Elisha Dushku
You guys seriously dislike/hate Ponytail so much, you're extrapolating so much out of nothing.

It's both hilarious and perplexing.
Eh, You're fighting the good fight and all, but realistically most of the haters will be playing EQN and EQN/L once beta goes wide. I'll say it again, if SOE gets 1/2 of what they've planned it'll be WoW Vanilla all over again, everyone will play it, regardless of the shit they're posting here.
2. EQ had a sucky newbie experience, it's not hand holding to improve that.
wtf? I WANT to get raped by a level 3 spider at level 1. I WANT to be introduced to a world with zero direction as to where to begin my adventure.

Yes, any change to this is hand holding.


They're just projecting their disappointment in EverQuest Next not being EverQuest HD on to Georgeson.

It's funny that people criticize Reddit for gushing over the devs, when this forum can be just as bad for the exact opposite reason.
I'll admit to being critical of Ponytail on this board, but I try not to be too over the top and unnecessarily harsh if I can avoid it. I do genuinely believe he loves his product and believes we will too. He has some snake oil salesman tendencies but I don't think he's a good enough actor to pull it off as well as he's doing. That must mean some of it's genuine at least.

That being said...I don't like the "take our word for it" approach they're utilizing for essentially everything but the destructibility/voxel system so far. "We have a solution in place for that, and you're really going to like it" translates to me as "We're not even close to figuring that out yet."


While the newbie harshness of EQ was fun to those of us who survived it, it's just bad business to have something like that in place for a new user experience.

If you honestly think a F2P game is going to have a newbie experience without some sort of hand-holding you need to wake the fuck up and take the blinders off. It's gonna happen, just accept it and move on.


Trakanon Raider
1. It's not hand holding to be able to see by moonlight.
2. EQ had a sucky newbie experience, it's not hand holding to improve that.
Hence why I said that the pitch black night of EQ was probably due to the fact that the moon was not a "lamp" that illuminated. Lighting graphics were not there yet when EQ was released. It is today though, so this can be avoided. In that way, it would be light where the moon was, clouds would cover it up, running into a forest at night would be much darker than running around in oasis where there a large moon in the sky near the sea.

So I agree completely. I am just saying that of the option of a World of Warcraft like scenario, where night is utterly pointless. It is just a slightly different graphical effect, offers no immersion or anything, it just is slightly bluish, I would rather have a pitch black night, where the items required to get it was a progression based factor. In EQ you outgrew the darkness when you got items that permanently made you able to see, but I am glad I had the experience.

As I said in previous posts, just because something at end game, can be avoided 100% of the time, does not mean that the feature should be removed completely from the game, never having new or old players experience it. Making the moon illuminate and giving different darkness patterns by clouds, weather, forests etc, would be improvements. Outright removing darkness from the concept of "night" is however, something I do not regard as improvement at all

And @Teekey, I do not think what I said above is "out of touch". How is it out of touch to have features in a mmo, that mimics real life? Nights are dark, less so in towns, but if you are out on a field, your illumination comes from the moon or if it is cloudy, it is pitch black. The only counter to not having it like that is to say "Oh it is supposed to be a game, games are "fun". Which again goes into the whole aspect of how games today are made for speed (everything should happen faster), accessibility (everyone should experience everything), and ease (there should be no difficulty until you have learned the game).

I might be out of touch, but I also do not think that the current trend in mmos are catering to the age demographic that apparently is the largest one.

Also, I never once turned up the gamma. I remember not being able to see when my human mage experienced night for the first time, outside freeport, having died from attacking my trainer by a mistake (another thing that is impossible to do today, can not let players make mistakes...). I died to an orc pawn I could hardly see. Then I asked "it is so dark, what do I do? If I had to wait until day". Someone gave me an ultrastone or whatever it was, told me I could make those myself one day. World turned purple. I went "oohhhh". Then he said I should pass it on when I logged off, because it was summoned and would dissapear. I did. the person I gave it to was happy as well....
Experiences that have not happened to anyone since EQ.

Am I saying it should be pitch black again, no. Mentioned that above. But pitch black over no point to night at all, yes. Nights being pointless seems to be the concept that is out of touch with reality in my eyes.


Elisha Dushku
While the newbie harshness of EQ was fun to those of us who survived it, it's just bad business to have something like that in place for a new user experience.

If you honestly think a F2P game is going to have a newbie experience without some sort of hand-holding you need to wake the fuck up and take the blinders off. It's gonna happen, just accept it and move on.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I don't hate Georgeson by any measure and find it hilarious that anyone believes that. I really do think he loves his product and usually is very exuberant. I also agree with a lot of the things he has mentioned he prefers. Maybe I just misread him based off that's guy's accent, etc. It just seemed like he was taking it very slow, and explaining it extra carefully. Maybe I'll rewatch to see if I was wrong. I'm definitely going to be a day 1 guy for both products. They are pushing the envelop and I love it.


I don't hate Georgeson by any measure and find it hilarious that anyone believes that. I really do think he loves his product and usually is very exuberant. I also agree with a lot of the things he has mentioned he prefers. Maybe I just misread him based off that's guy's accent, etc. It just seemed like he was taking it very slow, and explaining it extra carefully. Maybe I'll rewatch to see if I was wrong. I'm definitely going to be a day 1 guy for both products. They are pushing the envelop and I love it.
what video are you talking about? can you link it?

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
I wish they didn't hamstring him soo much on releasing info. I understand the slow drip, you can already see the reactions from first info release with no lvls, multiclassing and the Triad crush. Can you imagine this with info on perm death for NPC, plus all the coming info at one time. It would push the entire EQ crowd off the cliff!

I know they have a ton of "Planned" stuff with little actual created at this point but really with this design, its more needing the tools done than content and don't see a problem with a sooner release. I can see that once all the coding for the tools are in place much like brick for a wall, it will be easy to just build quickly.

SOE on creating this game is slowly becoming a parallel of Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin with Interchangeable parts. Way to build a zone from scratch with its own stock standard NPCs, pathing and common loot tables vs when you can just create a tool set to auto many functions that would take months to create from a design and planning setup.

I really want to trust them in believing they will have major LOVE for crafters in this new game, I truly do because its been lacking ever since SWG! The talk about releasing more "Tools" to players, I can see the idea that players would be able to start up a town like SWG but then stock it with NPCs with personal AI for each NPC. This would have been nice to have in SWG once Towns were put in.

Dave reminds me of Reggie from Phantasm. Not only in looks but actions. Watch the first one for the story starter but its the 2nd movie that he actually co-stars in. The first is sort of a bit part.
