EQ Never



Audio interview with Georgeson. Good questions. Good answers.

-Never do same thing twice (repeated)
-MOBA-like combat
-Every situation will require different roles. You want a damage shielder, support role (buffs/occasional healer/teleport/movment abilities). Multi-classing will allow anyone to play any role, a group will designate who plays what role.
-Actual sorta discussion on combat
-Less looking for specific classes, more looking for people who are good handling different roles.
-Iron Golem is more than 1 group content.
-Crushbone has 1,000 of orcs.
-AI can adapt on the fly (if they're smart).
-May require multiple groups - up to you. Not a formalized raid in an instance. May need a force to "take it on" (editor's note: Fear Break?).
-No static content. You can't fight repeatable raids. Kill a dragon he is gone. Something else may replace eventually but would be different conditions.

-Weather systems not discussed. Weather of some sort will be in game.
-Evil/Good in same guild may have problems working together some days. Some future co-operation will be limited.
-Betrayal? Yes you can change your ways. May be a challenge depending on how deep the hole you've dug. May want to have an alt because you don't want to change your evil bastard character so you have to then roll up a good guy.
-EQN/L full blown persistant MMO. Free movement between/world (repeated). More coming (at gamescom?? not clear).
-Can transfer templates that adhere to art direction for EQN in addition to adventurer class - only thing he can mention right now (so more things going between the two games)
-Everyone wants to build Player Towns and Guild Halls for EQN. We want to support that.
-Again (x4) claims are not destroyable in EQN/L unless you give an asshole trustee rights.
-We will introduce things from EQN to EQN/L like combat and/or PvP - I am getting ahead of myself can't say more - can develope into something you don't expect.

Fun Question?
-EQN - using whirlwind was the most fun, drilling into the earth.
-EQN/L - dev team showing off to each other. That's when we decided to go with Landmark and made it it's own game.
Seriously only just now listening to this while digging for the "when it's dead it's dead" quote. This is one of the better interviews out there and Dave Georgeson comes across way better in it than he ever does when him and Omeed get together.
I really hope they do not add Fae. Its not about how they look or any shit like that but I remember playing with a group and this dude was Fae and it got really annoying having that fuck buzzing around your head all the time. Its about as annoying as huntards with flying pets. Anything close quarters and after 5 minutes you wanna fucking find them in RL and run them the fuck over.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I really hope they do not add Fae. Its not about how they look or any shit like that but I remember playing with a group and this dude was Fae and it got really annoying having that fuck buzzing around your head all the time. Its about as annoying as huntards with flying pets. Anything close quarters and after 5 minutes you wanna fucking find them in RL and run them the fuck over.
That is totally me.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I hated EQ1 froglocks. Hated them. Having said that if for some reason Trolls aren't playable... Froglok Warrior named Battletoad will be in my future.



Do you really want to see what the EQN frogs are gonna look like? The track record thus far is not very promising. Rather than a badass looking frog, you are gonna get cute frog004. Also, my little pony mounts.


Art survey results are up:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qid...blishanalytics

Looks roughly like about a 50/50 split in terms of those who like the art and those who have some level of problem with it (mostly with the character art). Obviously there are a thousand issues with the testing methodology, but if I was making a game I'd be concerned if half of the people who were following it didn't care for the art.


the number of votes are so low that it doesn't matter. Also, notice the trend in people not participating in the round table. It also looks like they adjusted the numbers on the contested content poll. Contested content was pulling much further ahead of carebear till it came back up from oblivion.


the number of votes are so low that it doesn't matter. Also, notice the trend in people not participating in the round table. It also looks like they adjusted the numbers on the contested content poll. Contested content was pulling much further ahead of carebear till it came back up from oblivion.
you hwut? if you're calling the "mix" option carebear, the round table was pretty much immediately in favor of the mix.
2 class abilities:

swing dance

swagger overload


2 weapon abilities:




2 weapon abilities:


head mount


Lord Nagafen Raider
Blizzard must be laughing somewhere. They just need to release WoW 2.0 with Voxels and StoryBricks-like AI with slightly imporoved graphics and the old class/combat system and they'll kill EQN.
I'm a bit late to reply to this, but it's exactly what is going to happen. EQN is shaping to be a wonderful trainwreck for my expectations (which were already pretty low). This genre is pretty much dead, gotta deal with it. I hope in some indie studio now.


Elisha Dushku
I'm a bit late to reply to this, but it's exactly what is going to happen. EQN is shaping to be a wonderful trainwreck for my expectations (which were already pretty low). This genre is pretty much dead, gotta deal with it. I hope in some indie studio now.
Butler and Talisker have completely forgotten that the Trinity was more than just a "tired combat mechanic." People like roles - it provides easy identification to other players, it gives one's role-playing added depth and yes it gives combat direction.


Blackwing Lair Raider
People like roles but what I think they want to get away from a bit is if you are lacking one of the three key roles you should still be able to work towards content you want to work towards. In eq1 or wow if you were lacking a healer unless you wanted a ton of downtime you could not really do any dungeon content at all.

They sound like they are going with the MOBA type design for classes. Take Lol typically in a 5v5 game you want one ranged attack damage person one ranged magic damage type person one somewhat burly fighter type person a support of some flavor to help protect the damage dealers and often times a tank or tanky fighter. While that is the typical load out you can often see people going with a different layout of classes to execute some specific strategy such as more long range people for a poking/sieging type group or more tanks for a more grind it out type playstyle. But ARAM shows that you can try any random group of people and at least be somewhat competitive even with all tanks or other oddball layouts.

I think that is kinda what they are going for where some class layouts in the group may not be ideal but still functional. And with the ability to shift roles/classes if you find you do need/want some specific ability easy enough to achieve it.